
how do you not take it personally?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY

Yesterday at work I got my annual performance evaluation. Overall, I got a good review, but there were 2 areas of concern. Now, I agree that they are things I need to work/improve on, so that's not the issue.

The problem that I have is that I disagree with why my boss thinks they are issues.

My boss thinks I don't get larger, more complex project done in a time fashion. For the most part, I can agree with this - I'm a procrastinator, and not real motivated about my job.

Anyways... the 2 projects my boss cited as examples did miss the deadlines, but I don't believe it was my fault. The projects changed dramatically in scope and in function as they were developed and implemented. And in both cases, there were expectations of the projects that were not communicated to me until the last minute.

I feel like I taking the flack for these things because I'm the peon and she's the boss.

I came home from work yesterday in a crappy mood, and my told me not to take it personally. I'm not really taking it personally as I'm not really offended - I'm just annoyed because I don't feel it's right.



Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
dh girlie said:
Maybe you wouldn't miss deadlines and f ups by others if you didn't spend so much time on RM goofing off...HAHAHA...juuuust kidding! :D

i think i'd like a evaluation at my job. my buddy Bob was just fired. no reason, he just fired him one day. and then sent all these messages to his school and other jobs he worked.
i'm telling BOB to sue for harassment.

dh girlie

DHS said:

i think i'd like a evaluation at my job. my buddy Bob was just fired. no reason, he just fired him one day. and then sent all these messages to his school and other jobs he worked.
i'm telling BOB to sue for harassment.
my head nearly exploded reading this...what? Who sent messages to Bob's school and other job's he worked?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
jacksonpt said:

I'm a procrastinator, and not real motivated about my job.

The projects changed dramatically in scope and in function as they were developed and implemented. And in both cases, there were expectations of the projects that were not communicated to me until the last minute.

I feel like I taking the flack for these things because I'm the peon and she's the boss.
Welcome to my world.

This kinda crap is standard in the corporate world I think. Happens to me all the time. I had a performance review where I had a couple of low scores. I asked why since I had met my goals, and the boss looked at me and says, "Oh well your goals changed mid year." No warning, no nothing. One year the bosses changed the whole groups goals mid year because they knew we were going to meet them. It ain't fair I tells ya. You can't change the rules mid game!

I feel for ya.


dh girlie said:
my head nearly exploded reading this...what? Who sent messages to Bob's school and other job's he worked?
I just thought, "it's a damned good thing homeboy doesn't get performance reviews". If that post was indicative of performance, the results would certainly be "less than desirable". :think:

Yeah and who is BOB????


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
If someone else makes changes that affect my project that much, I stop the project and hold a meeting. I have the people affecting my project and my boss there to discuss resources and a new timeline. Nothing gets done until they sign off on the changes.

One thing I learned working for a major corporation was to treat every discussion as a legal issue. This is why getting meeting minutes, timeline, and goals signed off is such a big deal - because if you can't prove that the agreement/discussion existed, it doesn't.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
it's a good thing to get 6 month (if not 3 month) mini-reviews so you and yr boss can go over your progress on goals and note any changes which may haev come up since the last review.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
yeah, performs reviews/evaluations/what the F ever suck fat donkey choads. I can never take them seriously at my job because the person that reviews me, my supervisor, is the biggest joke on the planet. She works maybe 10 of the 40 hours she gets paid for, she is illiterate, cant operate anything in our dept. (no wonder, we work in engineering & have the most the most tech. equipment in the building :rolleyes: ), her ghetto-ass family calls non-stop & they have domestic squabbles over the phone, she sleeps in the lobby when the REAL bosses go home, i wont bore you with any more but I could go on forever..... :mumble:

And it is up to her (more or less) if I get my measly 3%. :angry:

dude, your vibe is contagious! :dead:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I had my performance review last week and somehow managed to not hear a single word of it, except "What do you think?"... to which I replied with a resounding "I think I'm going to miss my plane." I still have the written copy in the sealed envelope in my desk (on top of last years unopened review.).

I did confuse my boss by wearing a new black brooks brother suit and shiny shoes. They probably thought I was going for a job interview.

Good time in NYC though.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
job reviews suck. i've only experienced one, sorta, in which i was told to be more "proactive" in finding things for myself to do. uh, that's nice, but what does it actually mean?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Toshi said:
job reviews suck. i've only experienced one, sorta, in which i was told to be more "proactive" in finding things for myself to do. uh, that's nice, but what does it actually mean?
It means "Do more with less" Wait. What the heck does "Do more with less" mean anyway?! Well, that's what they tell us anyway.