
How Fast....


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
...Do you drive?

I just got to thinkin' about it the other day on my way to Reno, That I am always the person passing rather than being passed. How fast do you drive? Are you the person that everyone else curses because you are doing 10 under or are you always pedal to the metal?

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
im usually a passer. but i dont weave in and out of traffic or tailgate people on side roads when they are going slow. i go fast when theres an opportunity to do it without being too dangerous.


Jun 13, 2005
With my commute I usually average about 4mph it seems.

When I can actually drive I usually do 10-20 over the limit most of the time. I used to drive really fast, but those tickets were racking up pretty quick. I have calmed down a lot since I stopped the car racing thing.


Mar 11, 2005
Gold River, Sac Town, CA
I pass but not when it uncomfortable to my passengers or to any other cars on the road. i signal everytime i make a lane change even without any cars on the road. i don't mind people passing me when i'm driving slower but when they cut me off or jump into my lane without signalling i usually flash my brights (in the day time) to vent off my anger and yell obscenities with the windows up. basically i hate jackass drivers.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
One foot on the brake and one on the gas, hey!
Well, there's too much traffic, I can't pass, no!
So I tried my best illegal move
A big black and white come and crushed my groove again!

Go on and write me up for 125
Post my face, wanted dead or alive
Take my license n' all that jive
I can't drive 55! Oh No! Uh!


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
In the city depending on the kind of street it is, the traffic, and if I know where the police are usually lurking it varies. I always go at least the limit, but at most 5-10mph over.

On the highway I usually do most of the passing pending on overall highway speed and how fast I feel like going. I prefer to go about 5mph over at least when the speed limit's 75 and will sometimes hit about 90mph depending on how thick traffic is and where the police are lurking. :p There's stretches of highway out here where I'll be going 90mph in the right lane and be constantly passed by others in the left lane. (Usually prior to 7am)
Like someone said earlier, I always use my turn signals to shift lanes even if nobody's in sight at all. I'm definitely not a fan of cutting people off or tailing people so I like to keep my distance on the highway. If someone does something stupid that affects me, like cutting me off or whatever, I usually will start swearing in my car and sometimes lay down the horn for a moment and throw my arms into the air lol.

My absolute worst annoyance for driving is when asshats just sit in the left lane when they're driving at or under the speed limit and there's obviously people waiting to pass them. When I'm driving the very moment it's convenient I'll move back into the right lane even if nobody's behind me in the left lane. It seems like such a lack of respect to just sit there and hold up others, and it continues to disrupt the flow of traffic to everybody else who might be waiting.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Car after bus after car after truck,
After this my lungs will be so ****ed up,
I wish I was in that Mercedes Benz,
Sealed away from my sins,
I'd have the music high, Going 95.............


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i get all of my aggression out by beating up on my muscles on the road bike or in the gym, by autocrossing, and by racing go karts. thus i drive sanely and safely: 0-3 mph in the right lane (of 4) typically on cruise control, two hands on the wheel, etc.

there are better and safer ways to get your kicks than to speed, kiddies. the sooner you learn that the better.

that said, i do have a twisty backroads loop that i'll speed on, but only late at night with the valentine 1 turned way up. going fast in the twisties is much more rewarding than keeping up with (let alone passing) the soccer moms crowding the left lane at 5-10 over.

ukjason, speed limits are set locally, but the freeway will have limits from 55 to 75 depending on the region.


sexist pig
May 14, 2006
leicester uk
Toshi said:
i get all of my aggression out by beating up on my muscles on the road bike or in the gym, by autocrossing, and by racing go karts. thus i drive sanely and safely: 0-3 mph in the right lane (of 4) typically on cruise control, two hands on the wheel, etc.

there are better and safer ways to get your kicks than to speed, kiddies. the sooner you learn that the better.

that said, i do have a twisty backroads loop that i'll speed on, but only late at night with the valentine 1 turned way up. going fast in the twisties is much more rewarding than keeping up with (let alone passing) the soccer moms crowding the left lane at 5-10 over.

ukjason, speed limits are set locally, but the freeway will have limits from 55 to 75 depending on the region.
I see all our motorway and doulbe carriageways are 70mph i drive at about 80-85mph


Jun 11, 2006
my dad is a cop so hee constantly speeds, sence he can get away with it! 100mph+ some times in a chevy silverrado and 75-90mph on some twisty ohio back roads is allways fun!:D


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
my speed-o is broken....so I am either going 0 or 90, according to my broken speed-o.


Jun 10, 2005
Asheville, NC
I'll admit it... i like driving fast. but stright roads and highways are pretty much boring, and not worth speeding constantly and running the risk of getting tickets. so i drive normal speeds on highways and such (5-10 over... or just the flow of traffic.)

But carving up the curvy roads is something that i love doing. I actually hit faster speeds through striaghts of back roads than i do on the highway (not long straights with the occasional curve... the real deal). But i know the limits of my car and i don't risk other people's lives. I only drive really fast when the roads are empty and dry.


Nov 21, 2005
It depends...If I am by myself, I will speed more then when Im with people.

I can stand the tools who speed a ton over the limit and drive super aggressivley when other people are in the car to "impress" them into thinking they are such great drivers, because they can hit 50's in surburban neightborhooods and stuff.

If I am by myslef, the highway is open and there is no danger to others, I will go in the 80's, especially coming home from work or other boring place.

Generally on suburban roads, I keep it within 5-8 miles over the limit, but often hit the limit at spots where I know the pigs like to camp.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
depends on the mood, and the car.....
at 12pm-2am, clear known roads driving back home after work... hands at 10 and 2, somewhat fast, late braking, apexing corners...

between 9am-8pm (i mostly tend to avoid driving at those hours) at 10-15 mph since traffic sucks, with left hand on the wheel at 6. unless am in a hurry, then i´d start dodging cars...
i´ve got some bad habits, although i´ve never been involved in a crash (one paint scrapping, but the other guy paid, was his fault), and i´ve been driving since age 14.

btw, i´ve always driven automatics with one foot on the gas, one on the brake.....


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
ukjason said:
in the isle of white no speed limits
It's the Isle of Man that has no speed limits you numpty.. (and that is only in rural parts - towns have speed limits). The Isle of Wight (not white) has the same as everywhere else.

When I was commuting 60 miles (each way) at 06:00 (empty motorways) I would often run at 120+mph. These days I tend to go a lot slower.

My fastest was 150mph on a Yamaha fzr600 (indicated).


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
I always drive just slower than the fastest driver on the road. If everyone else is speeding, I have no problems going 85-90 on the highway. If I'm the only one moving though, I'll stick to speed limit +10 because speeding tix suck (and I don't have a radar detector).

I also always use my blinker when shifting and pull to the right after passing. I too hate the asshats who sit in the left lane no matter how many cars are stacked behind them. I will usually pass them on the right, give them the look, and cut right in front of them.


Mar 20, 2004
olney md.
I usually do 10 -15 over on the highways (my car doesn't like to go over 80) and as fast as the I can on the twisty stuff