
How firm is your handshake?


Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
I was working yesterday and the mailman comes in to drop off mail. We've talked plenty of times, but never really introduced ourselves to one another (I've only been there 2-3 months). The guy shakes my hand and then gets taken by surprise.. something about it being one hell of a grip. I haven't had anyone comment like this in a while, but everybody who's ever said anything has always spoken "positively" about it. Are they just sayin that to hint that I need to loosen up? Or should I be taking it as a compliment?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
DLo said:
<snip> something about it being one hell of a grip. I haven't had anyone comment like this in a while, but everybody who's ever said anything has always spoken "positively" about it. Are they just sayin that to hint that I need to loosen up? Or should I be taking it as a compliment?
Take it as a compliment. Men should have firm handshakes. Not bone-breaking, but firm. Men with limp handshakes are doing themselves a disservice. Even when they shake hands with a woman.



Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
out yonder, round bout a hootinany
i'm told i have a pretty good handshake. but of course, sometimes everything goes awry and your hand kind of misses the other persons hand and your palms don't meet. those handshakes really suck.
for man to man handshakes, it should be good and firm with a little bit of a shake, i think. if you're shaking a woman's hand, lighten it up a little bit, superman.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 19, 2004
Rangers Lead the Way
I had a guy here in the office extend his hand for me to shake it and I actually looked at him and said "your kidding right?". He done this in the mens restroom before he washed his hands. He looked at me and asked what's wrong, I told him if he needed to ask then there is something wrong, and explained to him how I was not going to shake his hand after he was handling his "johnson". He thought I was being ignorant and paranoid!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I hate it when I shake someone's hand and they have no grip whatsoever and I feel their hand bones crunching as I shake. I spend the rest of the day twitching from that. Gross!

I don't have the strongest grip in the world by any means, but cripes, people need to squeeze a little when they shake hands.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Week hand shakes suck!!! Always a strong handshake. I hate it especially like lame duck hand shakes, where they just put out there hand and its limp. This is a popular of ladies and wussi men.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
mack said:
Week hand shakes suck!!! Always a strong handshake. I hate it especially like lame duck hand shakes, where they just put out there hand and its limp. This is a popular of ladies and wussi men.

Yup that goes for me to. I have a firm handgrip.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2004
Rochester N.Y.
A limp handshake is terrible...I wonder what it feels like for the person whose hand I crush, because it feels terrible being on the receiving end of the limp handshake I would imagine giving one is a disheartening feeling indeed!


Mar 17, 2002
I have a pretty firm handshake..but this one time...I was applying for a job at Circuit City, back in high school.

I had this painful blister on the side of my finger from being burned by a heat gun the day before. It was all large and gooey.

So when the interviewer shook my hand, he gripped it so hard that the blister burst. It was so gross. He didn't even notice. My finger then started to bleed all over the forms. Needless to say it wasn't a very good interview..


Dec 6, 2004
Boss's esp. like firm handshakes. It shows that you are committed and mature. And not afraid to talk to anyone or show your face. You should speak loud and clearly and dont hide behind anything.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I think for a female I have a pretty firm handshake. I too don't like weak handshakes. Having a firm handshake doesn't mean you have to burly and have lots of muscle, it just means putting some effort behind it and I think too many women are scared of doing that.


Nov 5, 2001
United States
Haha great thread. I have had some weak ones before, and I have had people grab my hand way too early before and :shudders:. One day I was working on a dudes bike and after I was done he stuck out his hand or somethin....I was half bent/hunched over the bike still and he caught me way too early.....it still haunts me to this day!!!!!!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
you're saying he shook hands with your junk?


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Craw said:
I have a pretty firm handshake..but this one time...I was applying for a job at Circuit City, back in high school.

I had this painful blister on the side of my finger from being burned by a heat gun the day before. It was all large and gooey.

So when the interviewer shook my hand, he gripped it so hard that the blister burst. It was so gross. He didn't even notice. My finger then started to bleed all over the forms. Needless to say it wasn't a very good interview..
ahaha thanx for sharing.
:D :dancing:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
i always give a firm handshake but i don't care one way or the other what i get in return. it's not like it's sex or somethin....


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I have an ultra strong grip, especially with the ladies. I break their unsuspecting hands, and they are forced to go to the hospital. My insurance has to pay for the bills, and I am therefore forced to give her my number. Works like a charm... :D


Jan 15, 2005
at my own freeride trail
IMHO, a firm handshake means you are a strong person both physically and intellectually.

No offense intended HRDTLBRO, but I once read that an excessively tight handshake represents "internal personal struggle". That'd be me. Sometimes I think I have more issues than National Geographic.

It's good to let people know that your there though, right?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
I was just joking about that post... ;) I too believe that a firm, but not excessively tight handshake is fine, especially when it's with someone of buisness.


Nov 28, 2003
i'm a MAsshole!!!
good handshake is good. everytime i go over my girlfirend's house, and her dad is there, he says hello and shakes my hand. i'm convinced that he doesn't really like me all that much, and since that's basicly all i hear from him, i always try to give a good handshake. it's started to be a slight 5 sec mercy match. we shake hands with such force that one person either pulls away in pain, or the shake becomes akwardly long. i have big hands so i can grab his whole hand easily and crush it. he tries to do the same, but i'm too quick. stealth grab and violent shake. :devil:
just kidding, well about the violent shake part. her dad, who's kinda controling of her, does usually just shake my hand and say hello. i have my own theories as to why he's never too thrilled about me.

for those wondering why she still lives with her dad, we're both still in highschool, so have yet to move out our own, away to college and freedom. if i get the digital photos up, i'll tried to post a pic of her and her dad. he just looks like the dad that always worries about his daughter.

special O

Dec 5, 2002
i used to have a firm one till i ****ed up my pinky finger. It doesn't hurt most of the time so I forget until I shake someones hand... I probly freak ppl out a bit when it looks like I'm about to cry from their handshake.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
dirtyamerican said:
IMHO, a firm handshake means you are a strong person both physically and intellectually.

No offense intended HRDTLBRO, but I once read that an excessively tight handshake represents "internal personal struggle". That'd be me. Sometimes I think I have more issues than National Geographic.

It's good to let people know that your there though, right?
i think you guys are overanalyzing handshakes. as for me, i try to generally avoid touching people... :D


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
squarewheels said:
i'm told i have a pretty good handshake. but of course, sometimes everything goes awry and your hand kind of misses the other persons hand and your palms don't meet. those handshakes really suck.
dude i focking hate that hahahhaha i know exactly what you mean you feel like a total pussy


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I vary the firmness and grip of my handshakes to suite the situation. Never limp though, nothing worse than an impotent handshake.


Mar 5, 2003
A firm handhshake is indeed a sign of strength physically and intellectually.

It's also one of confidence. shaking someones hand after they do something for you, and theirs is weak, is like "uh, uh, did he do it wrong?"

at the shop I get guys all the time who shake hands after a sale/info. there have been a couple times when it just hasnt worked out right. I have no issues even saying it was a weak shake, and going for it again. on a sales level, it helps people remember you on a positive scale. in any other situation, it just shows you care about manners, which a lot of people do not, sadly, these days.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
This was the best lesson I learned young playing basketball from my coach. He always tought us little "insights" to life. Thank god the handshake is one of them.

I agree, you're not out to pop bones or anything OR hurt the person. I've had some old guys (60+) shake my hand and god damm they could shake a hand. I've been commented on how hard I shake and I usually say "sorry" because I thought it was too hard but I always get how no one shakes a hand like that. Then I get what it's all about :)

I wouldn't want to hurt a girls hand, but if a girl/guy shakes very wimpy then it's sorta sucky but what do you say, you don't know how to shake a hand? I just take it as it comes.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
YETI187 said:
<snip> her dad, who's kinda controling of her, does usually just shake my hand and say hello.

<snip> we're both still in highschool,
:rolleyes: There's a surprise. Good for him. I don't envy fathers today that have to raise their little girls in our facked up society.........



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Take it as a compliment. Men should have firm handshakes. Not bone-breaking, but firm. Men with limp handshakes are doing themselves a disservice. Even when they shake hands with a woman.

I only read this far into this thread so this may have been said already...

I tore a tendon or something in my right elbow and can't grip in the hand shake position too well. when others squeeze my hand hard, it really hurts, causing my to have to let go. I'm sure the impression I give from my limp wristed ness is that I'm a flaming homo, but at the time it happens, the pain sucks so much I want to kick the person in the balls.

my elbow condition is something tennis players get often I guess. there isn't really anything that can be done about it, medial wise.
what should I do?


chief nut kicker :nuts:


Nov 12, 2003
San Luis Obispo, CA
I've always thought you can have an insight to a persons character by thier handshake....I tend to give a pretty good squeeze purposely so people know that I mean business...lol.