
How I spent my weekend OR Why Running Sucks


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
I got this great idea in December to do a marathon. Ok, somebody else gave me the idea ... "Hey, I'm doing a marathon at the Berryman in May, wanna go?"

I thought about it for a bit and there seemed to be some good reasons:
1) The Berryman is a really cool, 25 mile loop trail through the Ozark mountains (IMBA had an epic ride there a few years back). At least the scenery would be good.
2) The winter around here really sucks for riding. The trails get sloppy and sticky and you can't really ride from December to May/April, so I wouldn't miss much riding.
3) I could stand to lose a few pounds. Training for a marathon ought to do that, right?

Anyway, I commit to this thing and start training in late January (18 weeks out from the race). I felt that training went really well. I took my dogs on most of my shorter runs (and I recommend the Buddy System leashes for that) and they helped kill some of the boredom of running. I got much better at spotting squirrels, rabbits and deer in the woods too. Three weeks before the race, I drove down to the trail to do a 20 mile run. It went pretty well and I felt that I should do ok.

Cut to race day.

HOLY CRAP is it HOT! The normal temps in the 70s are up in the 90s. The weather has been fairly cool this spring and I am not used to the heat and humidity yet. I would bet that I haven't run more than once or twice in this kind of heat this year.


About to hit the single track after a 1.6 mile out-and-back on a gravel road to bump the mileage up to a full 26.2

After about mile 9, I was hurting. My legs were already dead. I felt like all of the water and gatorade I had been drinking was sloshing around my stomach. Life was beginning to suck. I thought that maybe I needed some solid(ish) food, so I walked for a bit and ate a powerbar. I made it to the next aid station at mile 12 still feeling miserable. It was all I could do to walk 3 of the next 4.5 miles to the 4th aid station. The humidity in the bottoms between hills was stifling.

I was totally wasted and ready to quit at this point. I borrowed a cell phone from one of the guys working the aid station to call my wife and have her pick me up but I couldn't get a signal out. I sat down for 5-10 minutes and started to feel a little better. I figured that I might as well give a try to make the next aid station. I didn't feel like waiting until the end of the day to get a ride back to the start/finish. Nothing like a little ADD to motivate you.

I don't know if it was the little bit of rest that I got or that the trail got out of the bottoms and up on the ridge line where there was a breeze, or what. I somehow recovered enough and managed to finish the race. It sucked and I hurt, but I finished.

And then I sat down...

My final time was 7 hours and 2 minutes (my goal had been 5 hours, thirty minutes). It made me feel a little better that I beat one person who had run the race last year in 5:30. She had thought that she was in better shape this year and had expected to beat that time. The other thing that made me feel slightly better was that a lot of the 50 milers (2 laps on the trail) quit after their first lap, so at least the heat was hurting everyone.

Note: I ran 420 miles in training over 18 weeks and another 26.2 on race day. How much weight did I lose? 4 pounds. I dropped from 207 down to 203.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
DNA said:
Note: I ran 420 miles in training over 18 weeks and another 26.2 on race day. How much weight did I lose? 4 pounds. I dropped from 207 down to 203.

That does suck, all that running and all you really get out of it are sore knees. I knew there was a reason I took up couch surfing!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Running sucks. I had to run a lot for the National Guard (Army standards) and thought it would be great for my cardio and my biking. Sure enough, running doesn't transfer to biking. So all I did was hurt my knees and kill my biking.

I'll stick to the bike from now on.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I probably would have cried. The marathon I want to run is in December, and you couldn't pay me to run in this heat. So how does it feel to finish? I am jealous of your commitment.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
Thanks y'all! I forgot to mention that the best thing is now I can go back to riding bikes! :thumb:

laura said:
I probably would have cried. The marathon I want to run is in December, and you couldn't pay me to run in this heat. So how does it feel to finish? I am jealous of your commitment.
I guess that I feel like I "finished". I walked a lot during the race, so I don't totally feel satisfied about it. I'm still thinking about running St. Judes. My wife is thinking about doing the half herself. Do you know how quickly it fills up? Do we need to register ASAP?


Awesome stuff, DNA. I even walk the le mans starts at races. I wish I could run, but my mind won't allow it.


Jul 27, 2005
you sir have bigger balls than i :-)nuts:) no way in he11 you would ever catch me doin that...props on the finish

Cooter Brown

Turbo Monkey
May 30, 2002
Snow Hall, tweakin on math
f#ckin' pvssy!!!

nah bro, cool on you for sticking with it and doing it! I remember in february @ DD you were starting to train for that and you took yer ass off for a trail run............................I thought you were a whack job, and you are :help: but congrats yo! mad props from yer friends from the west,.............................who are jayhawks:cool: :rofl:


Jul 5, 2001
Killeen, TX
Running is painful. When I was 34 pounds lighter at 174 when I came back from Iraq I could actually run 2 miles in 14 minutes. Now I'd be lucky to do it in 20. And did I mention running hurts--flat feet. I'll stick to biking--which hurts too.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Part of the marathon experience is sticking it out when things go wrong, no one makes you start, no one runs the distance for you - no one makes you stay in the game. All that is something you did yourself. As this thread demonstrates - few people can even conceive of pushing themselves that hard for over 7 hours. Once this perks through your system and settles a bit I think you'll be amazed about the effect it will have on your outlook.

Anyhow... walking is a valid long distance strategy. I "ran" one 50 miler in about 10 hours. I ran for 15 and walked for 5 the entire time. At the end of the race I had enough in me to pass 2 people in the last 1/4 mile. I felt way better than I did after my first marathon... way better!

As for the weight thing... muscle weighs more than fat. you cannot run that distance without building some muscle!

Anyhow - I say great job! Give yourself the credit you deserve! :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2004
I can barely run a few laps around a track, much less a marathon. Props to your committment!!!


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
DNA said:
I guess that I feel like I "finished". I walked a lot during the race, so I don't totally feel satisfied about it. I'm still thinking about running St. Judes. My wife is thinking about doing the half herself. Do you know how quickly it fills up? Do we need to register ASAP?

You know, I used to beat myself up for walking (when I did long training runs) and then i realized that if i was only racing myself, it didn't matter when i finished, but that i did it anyway. In my opinion, it takes a lot more to keep going after you start walking because its so easy to say '**** it, i'm not running anyway'. You finished a marathon, I don't care if you crawled the last 15 miles.

anyway, I am not sure how quickly St. Jude fills up. I do know that they have a website that may have that info. Be forewarned, it plays music. Gotta make sure everybody knows the memphis=music.:rolleyes: Anyway. I have been really slacking on my training for runs, but I think if I don't want to brave the marathon, I'll definitely hit up the half.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
DNA, you rock.

The pic of you at the end (all tired) should be framed and hung up in your house.

what is it they say??

The first ten miles, you run with your legs.
The next ten miles, you run with your heart.
The last 6 miles, you run with your guts.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I'm tired just reading this. Well done, DNA. You must feel great to have finished instead of being picked up. :)

I'm too much of a pussy to even do the LeMans start at a 24 hour MTB race.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
Thanks again y'all.

Now, back to bikes and the Midwest/Midsouth Arkansas Monkeyfest in 3 days!

Edit: If anyone is thinking about doing this sort of thing next year. This race was very well run. It started on time. The aid stations were well placed and stocked with everything from water and gatorade to cold, wet towels and freezee pops. There was a barbecue with burgers and brats going strong by the time I finished. Big props to the St. Louis Ultrarunners Groups for a fine race.