
How long at your current job?

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
2.5 years as an analyst at a logistics consulting firm (lost that one followed by about 8 mos of blissful leisure of climbing and some MTBing untill knee surgery...)

8 months as a buyer in aerospace (SUCKED!)

1.5 years as field engineer on a hydro powerhouse construction project up north.

1.5 months so far months cleaning up the paperwork fiasco on the construction project.

I think I'll probably go back to my real passion in life soon though: Mime. Gotta dust of my beret...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
a little over 6 years... coming up on permanency!

It's the only real job I've had... worked at Circuit City right out of school until I found something more, um... "real".


Nam I am
loco said:
I'll bet they all hate you there. :D
Nope , they hate the 4 layers of Help desk crap they now have to go through to get me to fix anything , and I hate that too, hence why I'm thinking about leaving . ( we were bought by a much larger comapny last year )

well maybe there are one or 2 prima donna's who think there sh!t don't stink who hate me , but that OK cause everybody already hates them anyway.


Jul 31, 2002
Current job: 8 yrs with the same company (through 1 acquisition) but during that time I've had 3 different jobs, 6 bosses and moved across the country.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
4 months, 9 months, 1 month, 3 months, 3 months, 3 months. I've never been fired or 'let go', and have always left jobs because of legitimate reasons (i.e. work study issues, lack of work, or school) and am still in pretty good terms with my past employers, and some have even called and tried to get me to work for them again. The 9 month job was an interim job, and the one that I have been at for 4 months, I plan to be there at least a year or more.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
loco said:
A few before horseshoeing. 8 years for that. I was broke the whole time, but livin' the dream.

3 years farming with a friend.
Man, you really are a hick, aren't you. :p


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
It'll be 21 years at the same job for me July 1st.

Companies have come and gone. Locations change occasionally. But I'm still doing the same thing. Computer process control.



bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
Been here since Oct 1999. Was laid off in 2001 (during the summer - yay!), hired back as a consultant a month later, then re-hired full time in 2002. The work is fine, but I don't like the hours, and I'm thinking of looking elsewhere if they don't give in to my demands.

It's too nice outside to be working till 5...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Just hit my 90 day mark. Woohoo!

The longest I've been at any job since I got into Software QA (10 years now) was 2 years before the company shut down. I average about a year a job. I hope to be here a while.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Longest was 6 years in the Navy, if that counts.
Current job I just passed my 5 year anniversary (yay, 3 weeks vacation!)
Previous job 2 years, left to get better job
Before that 2 years, left to get better job
Before that 3 years, left to get better job
Before that 3 years, left to get better job

I've been really lucky, I've always left jobs on my terms. Doubt that luck will last forever, but hey, if they lay me off, I just hope they do it at the beginning of summer :)


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
What job?

4 years with crazy dog lady.

3 years one vet clinic.

1 1/2 years at another vet clinic.

1 month at an animal shelter.

1 month putting together snowmobiles in Breckenridge.(More like riding 4 wheeler around the mountains in Breckenridge for a month)

6 years between two vet clinics in two cities in tennessee.

Jobs are a blur.....