
How long until the lawsuits start..???

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
...lawyers... :nuts:

(MO Gov) Blunt bans video games from prisons
Associated Press | Mon, Jan. 24 | DAVID A. LIEB

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Gov. Matt Blunt banned video games from state prisons Monday, a month after a report that some of Missouri's most violent inmates were allowed to play games simulating murders, carjackings and the killings of police officers.

Blunt, a Republican who took office two weeks ago, called video games "a luxury that inmates should not be allowed to enjoy."

"Our penitentiaries are punitive institutions where those who have committed crimes against society are sent to pay for their actions. They are not meant to be arcades," Blunt said while announcing his executive order.

The ban applies to all video games - violent or not.

The Department of Corrections had already removed 35 violent video games from the maximum security Jefferson City Correctional Center as The Kansas City Star prepared to publish a story about the games in early December.

The games, which were paid for with profits from the prison canteen, included titles such as "Hitman: Contracts," in which players use everything from meat hooks to silencer-equipped pistols to carry out contract killings.

Blunt said state tax dollars - as well as employees' time - should not be spent determining which video games are violent.

Twelve of Missouri's 21 correctional facilities have video games in their inmate recreational centers, said Blunt spokeswoman Terri Durdaller. Some have allowed them for about the past 10 years, she said.

Dave Dormire, superintendent of the Jefferson City Correctional Center, had defended nonviolent video games in December as a useful tool for keeping prisoners occupied and out of trouble.

Dormire did not immediately return a call Monday seeking comment about Blunt's video game ban. Corrections Department spokesman John Fougere said he could not comment and referred all questions about the video game policy to the governor's office.

Blunt said video games should not be permitted simply as a way to keep inmates busy.

"That kind of writes them off," he said. "It's a correctional institution designed to ensure that they understand they've committed a wrong act against society and they're being punished for that.

"Hopefully they might pick up skills and abilities that will allow them to go back out into society and be productive citizens," Blunt said. "Playing video games doesn't have anything to do with either of those objectives."

Blunt's executive order said only two other states allow video games in prison. He cited a survey by the American Correctional Association.

But just 44 states responded to that voluntary 2002 survey, which asked states to list the electronics equipment they allowed in prisons. Just Maine and West Virginia listed video games. Missouri did not - raising the possibility that other states also allowed video games but simply failed to list them alongside televisions and radios.

"This is self-reported data," said Joe Weedon, spokesman for the Lanham, Md.-based association. "We asked the generic question, `please list all the electronic equipment permitted,' and their responses came back with varying degrees of accuracy."


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
pfft... I dont see how banning video games violates their basic civil rights, which is basically all they are entitled.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

Take away their frickin' cable TV, too.

Can you imagine some of these guys? The guy put away for bludgeoning six people to death with a baseball bat, and he's sitting there with GTA: San Andreas going, "Heh. Heh heh heh. This is just what I did to that punk b***h at the grocery store. Heh."


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
binary visions said:

Take away their frickin' cable TV, too.

Can you imagine some of these guys? The guy put away for bludgeoning six people to death with a baseball bat, and he's sitting there with GTA: San Andreas going, "Heh. Heh heh heh. This is just what I did to that punk b***h at the grocery store. Heh."


Virtual Training so they are well adapted to deal with the real world again once they are out.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I think they are/were allowed more as a sort of anesthetic for the benefit of the prison guards than they were really intended for the inmate's recreation. I mean, yeah, it's a side effect, but the guards don't have to deal with bored inmates if they can just stick them in front of a TV with an XBox. I think it's more a symptom of lazy parenting than anything else.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
I know! But it wasn't violent, was it? :think:

Dude, if you went out on the street, found a turtle, stomped on it until it died, and kicked the shell... Wouldn't people think you were violent?


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
binary visions said:
Dude, if you went out on the street, found a turtle, stomped on it until it died, and kicked the shell... Wouldn't people think you were violent?
Yeah, what if they start coming out of prison twice as big, throwing fireballs, and craving trippy mushrooms??


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
MikeD said:
Yeah, what if they start coming out of prison twice as big, throwing fireballs, and craving trippy mushrooms??

If that happens, we're all doomed. All it takes is a touch to kill them, but if they steal a hundred bucks, they get an extra life :dead:

What happens with a guy who robs a million dollars from a bank?!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
It's JAIL fer cryin out loud. It's meant as a punishment. They shouldn't have video games at all!


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
Ciaran said:
It's JAIL fer cryin out loud. It's meant as a punishment. They shouldn't have video games at all!


they should have to go to school and get educated. if they go to the required classes and do the small chores/jobs that are given to them, then they get to go outside and work out or play a game or something 'fun'.

they shouldn't get anything other then basic rights, as stated, if they refuse to do the required schooling and whatnot.


Turbo Monkey
You can warehouse more criminals if they're all drugged up. I say matrix 'em, stick tubes in their asses and just keep them on the juice and unconscious. That way, less maintenance and you can put like 5 of 'em in one cell. No tv, no games, and play classical music all the time so when they wake, they're all mellow and want an edumacation :D


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
They should bring chain gangs back and have them build trails all day. Now that would be productive, and they would be too damn tired to start trouble.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 1, 2002
I agree with wumpus, that and prison is often better than where they are on the streets, prison can be better than living on the street, place to sleep, plenty of food, tv, etc