
How much do you ride.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
In peak season I average three MTB rides a week. They probably total around 30 miles.

Hey, 10 mile East Coast techie loops put a real hurtin' on the legs.

I have about three full years of riding under my belt. I still consider myself somewhat of a newbie.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
Originally posted by I Are Baboon
In peak season I average three MTB rides a week. They probably total around 30 miles.

Hey, 10 mile East Coast techie loops put a real hurtin' on the legs.

I have about three full years of riding under my belt. I still consider myself somewhat of a newbie.
Hell yeah after a 10-15 mile XC ride here on the east coast my legs are dead. It may only take 1-2 hours for me to do an xc ride but going up down up down up down gets tiring. I average maybe 20-40 miles a week thats not without my DHing weekend.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I don't have a computer on my mountain bikes - for me it's not about the miles, I have road bikes for that.

As for 100 to 150 miles per week... not gonna happen in the in the PNW - a 20 or 30 mile loop will kick your ass for days. The hardcore XC riders I know probably average 50 or 60 per week.


Jul 22, 2002
Cape Town, South Africa
well at the moment its winter here, which means I can't ride during the week as its dark soon after I get home from work, so for the past few months I've just tried to stay constant with week end rides, sat and sunday, usually about 2 to 3 hours pedalling each time.

summer time I should add about 2 short rides mid week (about an hour each)

I ride less than I have in the past due to work, but the key I find is too stay constant, if you can only ride 3 or 4 hours a week, make sure you do that every week and you should be fine, riding long miles oe week and then staying off the bike for a while then back on doesn't seem to help (me anyways).
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
I'm averaging about 40-50 miles of trail/fireroad over 3 days during the week. Then on weekends in the Berkshires I do either a quick 14 miles on a dirt road loop and an epic ride of 3-5 hours, not sure of the distances but it's usually a combo of singletrack, dirt roads and as little paved road as needed to get me to the trails.

The Cheese


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Probably 25-35 miles per week in 3 rides. Those 3-4 hour epics on saturdays definitely take their toll here on the east coast terrain. ;)

Then on weekends in the Berkshires I do either a quick 14 miles on a dirt road loop and an epic ride of 3-5 hours
That's quite a drive from Cambridge!!!! :eek:
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
Originally posted by berkshire_rider
Probably 25-35 miles per week in 3 rides. Those 3-4 hour epics on saturdays definitely take their toll here on the east coast terrain. ;)
That's quite a drive from Cambridge!!!! :eek:
I have a second home in the northern Berks, so it isn't quite so bad.

The Cheese


Apr 10, 2002
The Natural State
somewhere around 1.5-3 hours a day and at least 6 days a week when I am riding normal. Here lately work has had me all screwed up and I'm not getting in near enough...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
whenever i get off of my fat butt.


not alot since i been riding around the city to view apartments lately. I am going to sign up for one now. maby after that i will do some riding eventually. I am hyped about fall season.

the new place is a little away from the trails though.

but this is my first apartment chosen just for my bikes.

it is a first floor of a nice house and has a patio and a bbq. maby it is a keeper. I have to jet. we'll see if i get back to riding soon.

i am going to try an take this apartment. second viewing. write cheque


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Not as much as I did before it got sweltering hot.

Back when it was comfortable being outside, I was riding a little under 40 miles a week, on trails & road, all on my mountain bike.

Lately I have mostly been doing some urban riding with a little bit of other non-XC stuff.


Aug 3, 2002
Northern, VA
Not nearly as much as I'd like to!! :(

Usually once a week with about 7-10 miles of riding in a couple of hours. Once soccer season starts, I'll probably only make it out every other week :(. I'll still ride until its below 0 outside so, I'm hoping this winter won't be as wet as last winter and this summer.



I don't ride nearly as much in the summer. The heat and humidity just kicks my a$$. I try to get 2 rides a week in, usually in the mornings before it gets too hot. I pretty much just do a 5 mile loop each ride, but it can kick your butt because it's so rooty with lots of short, steep climbs.


Aug 3, 2002
Northern, VA
Yeah, I know what you mean about the heat and humidity! Although, we've been pretty lucky this summer. It hasn't been too hot but the humidity has been way up there. I don't mind riding in the heat since most of it is in the woods but when I'm out in the open, that's killer.

We've got lots of those short, steep rocky, rooty climbs, too. It takes a lot out of ya'! Going down is fun but going up is just :blah:


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Originally posted by KPicha
Yeah, I know what you mean about the heat and humidity! Although, we've been pretty lucky this summer. It hasn't been too hot but the humidity has been way up there. I don't mind riding in the heat since most of it is in the woods but when I'm out in the open, that's killer.

We've got lots of those short, steep rocky, rooty climbs, too. It takes a lot out of ya'! Going down is fun but going up is just :blah:
It is not the heat, it is the hummidity.
Very true.
Sometimes I will stop while riding & my glasses will fog up from my sweat & the humidity. I have got to get out of the dirty south.


Jamis Slayer
Sep 7, 2001
on a good week, 40-50 miles of mostly fast singletrack.
i've been riding for a year and a half, and today is one year after the day of my first race. I am currently trying to move up to expert. if not too many people show up to race sport this weekend and there are other expert juniors there i will be racing junior x. i have tried one junior x race (masanutten hoo-ha, hardest race i've ever done) and got my ass kicked partly because i got sick, so i have no real idea how i will do in expert.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
not enough

depends on the week but 10-30 miles plus 6-20 miles on the road w/the xc bike

since mid May I put 400 miles on the XC bike


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
Usually get in two rides a week, a short one during (10 mi.) and a longer one on the weekend (20-25 mi.). On some weekends, we'll get lucky and get two 20+ mi. rides. Also, been training for a 1/2 marathon, so that running thing has been getting in the way.


Jul 31, 2002
On average 80 miles a week. Mix of singletrack, fireroad and pavement to get to trails. Last week I only rode on 4 days and got really moody on the other 3, but some weeks I ride everyday. In the end it's all for fun though. I don't care how many miles I go, I just love being out on my bike.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
not enough. i havent been on the trails in months. i am so bored with xc. i have been taking my bike out for a little urban beating. i think next summer i am going to start racing to renew my passion for the trails. i have just been so down on it lately.


Apr 4, 2002
3x during the week for 1-1.5 hrs

1x on weekends for 2-3 hrs

If that was all mtb it'd be about 50-75 miles. Lately I'm on the road bike mostly, though.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Generally speaking, I ride twice a week, anywhere from 15-20 miles. About 4 hours of riding.

Wife, house, daugther, dogs prevent me from riding more freqently.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
I used to ride 4 days a week, 10-20 miles. This summer has sucked for me. Thanks to the rain, job search, work, and new place, yesterday was only my second ride since May. :(

My legs are good, but my lungs just aren't doing the job they used to.


right now its pathetic, i'm lucky to get 10 miles of trail in a week, the gobs of rain this summer have made my local (mostly equestrian) trails nearly unrideable since june. When i lived in new england, with 2 major trail networks literally half a mile away, i clocked over 50 miles a week easy. This is my 7th year riding, and i still suck.