
How much weight must you drop to go down in size?


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I got a ?

I am a big guy, 235, 6" tall and a 38 waist. Well atleast that's what size pants I wear but bike stuff is all in the XL or XXL size.

I want to thin down a bit but don't want to loose all my sizing or else all my XL and XXL bike stuff goes to waste and that stuff is expensive!

SO.......my question is.......most of my XL stuff I could fit into fine if I lost some weight. The XXL is the jersey's I wear over my DH stuff. I want to be at the point where in my waist I am a L but like the fit and feel of a XL. I have big legs but carry 90% of my fat in my tummy.

Now that the time is changing I might get some more ride time during the week and I got the weights setup. I might start doing some light lifting and either walking/running or cycling a bit in the evenings. Eating wise I have to start eating more. I eat maybe once or 2 times a day. It is more me being lazy than anything.

I am just curious. I don't want to buy a whole new wardrobe but would like my current stuff to fit a bit better.

Just curious

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
To answer your question, it's hard to say exactly how much weight you have to lose to go down a size or two, but it won't take too much. I would imagine the bigger you are, the more it would take. As you lose weight, the weight comes off everywhere, not just your belly and butt. I am 5'11", 170lbs. I dropped 10 pounds which shrunk my waist size two inches.

Remember, losing weight is 75% diet. If you eat right, you don't have to exercise one bit to lose weight (although I would not recommend NOT exercising). Start eating right and you WILL lose weight.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Yeppers, I agree. My dad is about 5'8 and was about 235 two years ago....he started eating right, but hasn't improved on the exercise area at all....he's dropped to 180 last I checked and his waist has shrunk 15" - I think (he was another guy who carried all his weight in his belly), he was an L or XL in everything, now he's wearing mediums....or really really big clothes ;).

I think though it also depends how you wear your clothes...if you wear your britches under your belly then losing a little weight shouldn't affect how they fit too badly, if you wear your britches tightened over the belly...well then if the belly shrinks you might have some troubles.

g'luck though! :thumb:


Jun 14, 2002
Vancouver Island
Another thing to consider is that muscle is takes up less space than fat. If you were only lifting weights you could potentially go down a size without losing any weight, and possibly even gain a few pounds.

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
As far as diet goes, I've found that eating 6 small meals a day is best.
Think of it like a camp fire... Pile all the big logs you can and it won't burn. If you keep adding small logs it will burn hotter and faster. Just my 2c


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Ha ha! I am also a bigger guy, and found that pant size and weight are not 100% related. If I go to the gym and do a lot of ab/back work, my stomach tightens up in no time pulling in my belly, but the weight is still there!!!
Time to try the hand full of cornflakes diet.


Nov 8, 2003
Atlanta GA
Originally posted by Mocha
Another thing to consider is that muscle is takes up less space than fat. If you were only lifting weights you could potentially go down a size without losing any weight, and possibly even gain a few pounds.
Yep, that happened to me. I lost and inch and a half in my waist and didn't loose a pound. Weights and spinning with a good diet.



Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
OK.......starting April 1st this is my idea.

I got the diet thing down, diet is not my problem it is EXERCISE!

LOL......so here we go:

Out of a monday-sunday deal, try and run/jog 2 miles 3-4 times a week. Wedensday's are basketball day so that fills cardio. I'm gonna try to get atleast 1-2 downhill run's in during that time period as well. On the days I don't run or bike I will do dumbell and bench exercises with my limited ammount of weights. I got atleast 100+ lbs of mix and match weights.

I figure that is a good start. I'll lay off the soda and eating after 8 if I can find time to do so. If I run into a trainer I'll pick one up so I can just hook the bike up and use it as a stationary bike. IF I can do that I'll do that + everything else.