
How sad is your high school class?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
I've been killing time on facebook seeing what some of the kids I graduated with have been doing with their lives, and ...well.. the future isn't looking too bright.. and I graduated in 2010. Its only going to get worse.

All of the people I'm still close with are in college and doing well. We get together over the breaks and party and catch up pretty regularly. But all the people that didn't go/ dropped out of college seem like they're having a pretty rough time. Either working a ****ty job nonstop to pay rent, or doing drugs nonstop and living with their parents.

It looks like in the world we live in today, you're not getting far without a college degree..

I'm kinda looking at the older monkeys for answers here.. How much different was your graduating class?


PM me about Tantrum Cycles!
May 24, 2007
Graduated in '99, and the people that stayed in my hometown aren't doing so hot, as a whole. I'm sure it would be worse now with even fewer decent jobs available. Those who left, for college or work, and decided to come back are fine.

Kinda weird. I don't think it has to be college degree, I think it's that you have to get out there and commit to something, whether it's school, apprenticeship or a job.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Do drugs nonstop and live with your parents for as long as you possibly can is the best advice I can offer. You will be a much more rounded drunk when you finally get kicked out of your parents house. The skills you learn hiding your debauchery from your Mom will set you up to get one over on society. By the time you reach your 30's your poor health will easily qualify you for SSI disability which should be your ultimate goal. Just remember that once you step onboard of the crazy train, you can never get off. Never....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 20, 2008
Beech Mtn Definitely NOT Boulder
Kinda weird. I don't think it has to be college degree, I think it's that you have to get out there and commit to something, whether it's school, apprenticeship or a job.
Yeah I guess you're right. I forgot about the handful of kids that went into the military right out of high school. It seems like they're all doing pretty well.

How sad is your roommate?
Who is this? He was pretty pissed about crashing in his race run today, but I think he's over it. Its only his first year pro. :thumb:
Last edited:


Nov 30, 2009
Belfry, KY
Graduated in '08 (it's sad I had to think for a minute what year I graduated already). Almost all of my friends who didn't go to college/dropped out are in the coal mines and spending every penny they earn while still living with their parents. Most of my friends in college are doing well, a couple in med school, few nurses already (or close to it). I'm probably the lower end of the spectrum... going to community college while living with the parents.... but slow and steady wins the race, right? right? :(


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Semi-related thread from a couple years back:

My experience is similar. Grew up in a very small town, (8th grade class was 23 people) then had to go to a other, only slightly larger town for high school (think one flashing light @ a 4 way stop small). Every one who didn't get out with a quickness definitely falls into what I consider the "loser" category now. Too much drugs, booze, still living at home etc., and those are the ones that are still alive or aren't in prison. Unlike some others have posted, I actually still keep in touch with a fair number of people I went to school with. While we have scattered in all directions phone calls are still fairly regular and there has always been at least one trip every year in some direction or another that leads to a day or three of drinking and bull session about the "old days". Speaking of which, been thinking its time to plan a trip to so-cal to visit an old buddy.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
Be warned, getting a college degree doesn't mean you're not going to be a f*ck up. I see lots of people with PhDs who couldn't buy themselves a clue and are in financial ruin. On the other side there are a lot of people who don't get a college degree till 30 or later and end up doing fine in life. I graduated in '99 and classmates are in all phases. From super successful to 5 kids in a trailer.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Be warned, getting a college degree doesn't mean you're not going to be a f*ck up. I see lots of people with PhDs who couldn't buy themselves a clue and are in financial ruin. On the other side there are a lot of people who don't get a college degree till 30 or later and end up doing fine in life. I graduated in '99 and classmates are in all phases. From super successful to 5 kids in a trailer.
Knowing things is way overated....

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I graduated high school in 1984, back then a college degree really meant something, now most companies want to see a masters degree to move up in the corporate world. I got into construction while going to college and ended up dropping out of school 2 years in. Back then certain trades made very good money, and it sucked me in. I've been lucky over the past 20+ years, as it worked out well for me. If you're handy and schools not your thing, look into a good trade.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
Do drugs nonstop and live with your parents for as long as you possibly can is the best advice I can offer. You will be a much more rounded drunk when you finally get kicked out of your parents house. The skills you learn hiding your debauchery from your Mom will set you up to get one over on society. By the time you reach your 30's your poor health will easily qualify you for SSI disability which should be your ultimate goal. Just remember that once you step onboard of the crazy train, you can never get off. Never....
:thumb: yep


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I graduated high school in 1984, back then a college degree really meant something, now most companies want to see a masters degree to move up in the corporate world. I got into construction while going to college and ended up dropping out of school 2 years in. Back then certain trades made very good money, and it sucked me in. I've been lucky over the past 20+ years, as it worked out well for me. If you're handy and schools not your thing, look into a good trade.

Dropped out 2 years in also. Got a technical degree and now wrench on airplanes for a living for damn near 13 years. Its okay, pays the bills and what not and were comfortable. That being said, I really should have finished college. :think:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
FYI my college degrees have yet to do ****t for me.

Follow your dreams and desires, going to college to be another cog in the wheel is over rated.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California

Dropped out 2 years in also. Got a technical degree and now wrench on airplanes for a living for damn near 13 years. Its okay, pays the bills and what not and were comfortable. That being said, I really should have finished college. :think:
I hear you, however in a good trade you can go off on your own and create a successful business, if you have the business savvy. Looking back I too wish I finished school, but it's too late now:(

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
A few losers in the bunch, but generally, my HS friends are all doing pretty well.

I keep in touch with a few of 'em. Holidays and such...

Fascinating isn't it?


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
FYI my college degrees have yet to do ****t for me.

Follow your dreams and desires, going to college to be another cog in the wheel is over rated.
I don't know... Pretending to care was pretty important skill. I made a fair amount of money knowing this also....

and this...



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Graduated 20 some years ago. Haven't spoken to but a few folks from HS since I left. Recently got added to some 20 year reunion website. Most of my classmates were rich trustafarians. It would seem that these days they are successful luxury mini-SUV and german sedan drivers on anti-depressants. I'd rather change diapers in a retirement home than go to the reunion.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Graduated 20 some years ago. Haven't spoken to but a few folks from HS since I left. Recently got added to some 20 year reunion website. Most of my classmates were rich trustafarians. It would seem that these days they are successful luxury mini-SUV and german sedan drivers on anti-depressants. I'd rather change diapers in a retirement home than go to the reunion.
My High School in Buffalo NY doesn't seem to have reunions and nobody has ever tried to contact me through FaceBook. Bullets don't seem to have an effect on me either.....


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Went to my reunion. Most were fat, unsuccessful, and reasonably content. Judging by some of their FB posts, life hasn't been amazing or ishty.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I don't even remember high school. But then the 80's were like that. Back when sex, drugs and rock n roll really were sex, drugs and rock n roll.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I was pinged by a few when FB first got popular, and they were all living within 15 miles of our high school. For the most part, those were the popular kids and not shockingly, they amounted to nothing. The ones that were successful don't give a isht about the old days. Since I turned off the ability to search for me on FB, I haven't heard from any of them again, nor do I want to.