
How should I handle this?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Alright so as some of you know I got a job at Sears a bit before Thanksgiving selling electronics. Since I was just seasonal it's basically over but I'm(have) been having all sorts of issues with them as far as payment goes. <rant> So on my first check they cut me 8hours short. Simple enough to fix, told the payroll lady and it came out on the next check. Well, (and after "training" from the first payperiod I'm supposed to be receiving comission) the next check had those 8hours (albeit not at my "training" payrate :rolleyes: ) however it didn't have any comission on it at all, so at this point I'm fairly angry. I go and talk to both my manager and the payroll lady who print out my sales from that payperiod and have me go through and manually write down the comission rates of everything I sold and was told multiple times that it would be on this latest check. Well wadda ya know, I look online last night to find out how much I got for this check (comes in the mail since I'm too lazy for direct deposit) and there's no fvcking comission from either this latest payperiod or the payperiod before that they told me would be on this check. I just can't believe that they would do this, I mean, I physically put the stuff about my sales from the last payperiod into the HR box with my name largely written on it. And they had even told me that they were making the change that day, what the hell? Damn this pisses me off. The fvcking check I got this week was for like $133 (only like 21hours of work) And there's at least $200 from comission on the previous payperiod as well that they told me would transfer, and ought to be close to the same amount from this payperiod as well. </rant>

:mumble: :dead: :angry: :mad: :help:

Should I just confront them about it?:oink:

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
COmtbiker12 said:
(comes in the mail since I'm too lazy for direct deposit)
Um. How can someone be too lazy for direct deposit? Direct deposit is easier than going to the bank and depositing a check.


Should I just confront them about it?:oink:
Well, you should obviously say something again. Be firm, but you're a seasonal employee - if you are confrontational about it, they'll probably make it far more trouble than it's worth to get the money out of them.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
binary visions said:
Um. How can someone be too lazy for direct deposit? Direct deposit is easier than going to the bank and depositing a check.


Well, you should obviously say something again. Be firm, but you're a seasonal employee - if you are confrontational about it, they'll probably make it far more trouble than it's worth to get the money out of them.
Well I suppose not really lazy, but the only bank account I have is a savings and since I'm a minor they won't give me transaction authority at all on it, and so basically if I want to even cash a check I need my mom's signature on it. And can't withdraw anything at all without that happening either.

Seeing as how I'm only 17 and this actually means something to me as far as having no money and wanting this money :p I'm going to be very confrontational about it and be on their ass about it.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Keep hounding your payroll lady and your manager. Tell them you want a check cut TODAY for the money they owe you. Trust me, you make enough noise and they'll cut you a check. If you don't stay on them, they'll forget about you. If they give you a hard time, tell them you're going to Human Resources. You could also Google "Sears payroll manager", find out who is in charge at their corporate HQ, and go directly to that person.

<-- Payroll Manager

Really, cutting a check isn't rocket science. You enter an amount into the system, calculate it, and print the check. I mean, if I can do it...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
COmtbiker12 said:
Seeing as how I'm only 17 and this actually means something to me as far as having no money and wanting this money :p I'm going to be very confrontational about it and be on their ass about it.
Might I recommend involving airhorns, loud speakers, and M80s in your quest for this money?


Jul 21, 2004
whereabouts unknown
N8 said:
FYI, ass pony® is a registered trademark of April's New Boy Friend, LLC. All rights reserved.

Opps, I guess I'll wait for the message from April's New Boy Friend, LLC telling me to smoke pole or somthing of that nature....

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Andy_B said:
Opps, I guess I'll wait for the message from April's New Boy Friend, LLC telling me to smoke pole or somthing of that nature....

You can use it, but like ween&#174; and hayer&#174; (courstey of dh_girlie Productions Inc) you must cite the credit.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
binary visions said:
Um. How can someone be too lazy for direct deposit? Direct deposit is easier than going to the bank and depositing a check.


Well, you should obviously say something again. Be firm, but you're a seasonal employee - if you are confrontational about it, they'll probably make it far more trouble than it's worth to get the money out of them.
:stupid: Being nice about it will get you your money much quicker. Just keep that in mind.

Oh - and document everything you've done. Seriously. Write it all down on a piece of paper. Push comes to shove you can go over *everything* you've done to get this worked out.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
COmtbiker12 said:
Alright so as some of you know I got a job at Sears a bit before Thanksgiving selling electronics. Since I was just seasonal it's basically over but I'm(have) been having all sorts of issues with them as far as payment goes. <rant> So on my first check they cut me 8hours short. Simple enough to fix, told the payroll lady and it came out on the next check. Well, (and after "training" from the first payperiod I'm supposed to be receiving comission) the next check had those 8hours (albeit not at my "training" payrate :rolleyes: ) however it didn't have any comission on it at all, so at this point I'm fairly angry. I go and talk to both my manager and the payroll lady who print out my sales from that payperiod and have me go through and manually write down the comission rates of everything I sold and was told multiple times that it would be on this latest check. Well wadda ya know, I look online last night to find out how much I got for this check (comes in the mail since I'm too lazy for direct deposit) and there's no fvcking comission from either this latest payperiod or the payperiod before that they told me would be on this check. I just can't believe that they would do this, I mean, I physically put the stuff about my sales from the last payperiod into the HR box with my name largely written on it. And they had even told me that they were making the change that day, what the hell? Damn this pisses me off. The fvcking check I got this week was for like $133 (only like 21hours of work) And there's at least $200 from comission on the previous payperiod as well that they told me would transfer, and ought to be close to the same amount from this payperiod as well. </rant>

:mumble: :dead: :angry: :mad: :help:

Should I just confront them about it?:oink:
Short of punching an employee in the face, I think paying an employee incorrectly is the WORST thing a company can do to someone. In addition, it doesn't sound like Sears placed too much urgency on getting the problem fixed. By payroll adding hours to your next check, "the boss" probably never even knew that someone made a mistake.

Legally (California law), once you're laid-off the company has 3-days to give you all of your money--regardless of pay-day. I would continue to bug them, or you can go to the Labor Board and file a complaint. Or try to contact the District HR Manager, he or she would probably be more than willing to listen and resolve the problem.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
SkaredShtles said:
Being nice about it will get you your money much quicker.
Actually, it will not. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The more of a pain is the ass he is, the more likely they are to cut him a check to shut him up.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I Are Baboon said:
Actually, it will not. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The more of a pain is the ass he is, the more likely they are to cut him a check to shut him up.
Even if he's a dick about it? I always thought you administrative yahoos would screw down the process to a snail's pace if somebody got rude with you....... :p


Oct 17, 2002
N8 said:
FYI, ass pony® is a registered trademark of April's New Boy Friend, LLC. All rights reserved.

Isn't ANBF where BikerFox shops for all his clothes and accessories?


I couldn't get the HR manager to even look at me this morning. Likely in part to me telling them to stick their first severance offer up their ass. :think:


SkaredShtles said:
What was their first offer?

I actually didn't know severence was negotiable....... :think:
They excluded last year's vacation I hadn't used. An offer to stick the package up their ass yielded last year's vacation.


SkaredShtles said:
Last year's vacation?!?

You mean to tell me people don't use up their vacation as soon as they get it? :think:
I used one week this year already. I kind of knew it would happen.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Same thing happened to me when I started Kaiser. My frst paycheck had te correct amount of hours but at half of my pay rate. They hemmed and hawed untill I told them in very stern (but NOT threatening) tone that I was unable to pay bills due to their incompetence and that I was going to contact either the labor board or a lawyer to see what could be done. My check was hand written and hand delivered by end of the day.

Maybe try telling them that you are going to go to the labor board to see what can be done. It may scare them enough to give you your money.


Nov 29, 2004
I Are Baboon said:
Actually, it will not. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The more of a pain is the ass he is, the more likely they are to cut him a check to shut him up.
You can still be nice and come off as the squeaky wheel. Be nice but be firm. Make your intentions perfectly clear. I think people are more likely to deal with a "polite young man" than a "punk ass teenager."

Like Shtles said..document everything. And make sure you call them EVERYDAY until the problem is resolved.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
Update: Just went over there, the fvcking payroll lady is on vacation till next Friday. just my luck. And apparently nobody else in the HR department knows what to do or how to help me. :mumble: :mad: I think I'm going to call up SearsCorporate and see if they'll help me.


Mar 25, 2004
Wilmington, NC
COmtbiker12 said:
Update: Just went over there, the fvcking payroll lady is on vacation till next Friday. just my luck. And apparently nobody else in the HR department knows what to do or how to help me. :mumble: :mad: I think I'm going to call up SearsCorporate and see if they'll help me.

Be nice, firm, and tell them you need what they owe you immediately. Tell them that you will contact the labor board by the end of the day if they don't pay you.

Believe me, unless something is very wrong there, nobody at Sears wants that. The higher-ups will have serious questions -- why does a seasonal employee have to go to the labor board to get his pay?

Sounds like the payroll lady is a dimwit.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
well when i took a shovel i bought there back with a broken handle, they gave me a new one for free. Not bad i say. But getting screwed on payroll is lame. Free shovel or not, sears done ****ed up this time