
How soon will you be sick of hearing 'Tour de Lance'?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The tour is great, Lance is great. But the Tour made Lance, not the other way around. Next to the KOM jersey the Yellow jersey was the most boring part of the race this year. For me most of the exitement came from Voekler and his white/yellow jersey battles.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
uhh, this post is about a year late. judging by the slightly one-sided coverage of lance on oln, my friend asked me if there were any other riders in the tour.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Here is what I get at work.... They all know I am a cyclist. They assume....

1.) I don't mind fixing their bikes :angry:

2.) I love Lance and wanted him to win :nope:

So everyday after they talk about what happened on some show I have never heard of they make their way into my cubicle and say either "how 'bout that Lance guy, he is kicking some frenchie butt" or "did you see Lance on TV lastnight, he keeps winning right". Nobody knows a thing about TDF or cycling and whe I try to explain it to them they make lame references to other sports. I tell them I wanted Tyler Hamilton to do well and they don't know where to go with that. I actually had a guy get mad at me because he thought Tyler was British?? I had to explain that he was from New England not England. His reply was "oh"......


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
jdcamb said:
Here is what I get at work.... They all know I am a cyclist. They assume....
HA! My co-workers do the same thing. I had a co-worker rant about the tour to me. It started with "what they should do in the tour is..." and ended with "...kinda like in NASCAR."

Somewhere in the middle, my brain turned to pudding.