
how to block zip files spam?


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
howdy all.
Outlook user here.

The only kind of spam I have not had success in writing a rule for is all this stuff I am getting that has zip files attached. Wording varies some, and the subject is so generic and commonly used by people you'd actually know, so using a keyword rule doesn't seem to be possible.

This particular mailbox, while it is a legit "inquiry" type mailbox for our club, is also on a server that gets TONS of spam which sucks. I've got most of the other kinds of spam ( gucci, software, viagra etc) filtered out, but not this stuff. Ideas?



binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
gg, I don't think there's a way to do it within Outlook. It'd require third party software.

Outlook's filters only extend as far as testing whether or not there is an attachment. You could, of course, filter out all attachments but you'll probably accidentally grab a lot of legitimate mail.

One thought is you can filter by message size. If the zip files fall within a narrow size range, you may be able to weed them out like that. Under the conditions, you can filter "with a size in a specific range."