successful yet accessible trusting white guy w/ a trace of southern accent (clinton) - check
commission an ominous, stirring, original soundtrack (inconvenient truth) - check
well polished production (various) - check
bumper stickers (f350) spoken with iambic pentameter (james lipton) - check
"...before it's too late" (left behind series) - check
bite-sized for american attention span (4:39) - check
stay vague to stay on message - check
while pointing out failed policies, under no circumstances do you associate it with the face of a minority (can accidentally trigger white guilt & undermine the actions) - check
minimize eye-contact headshots (esp of hitler youth); this can only come from the narrator - check
use perceived ironic devices with 'gotcha' turn-of-phrase
speak slow enough to be understood, but not so slow as to allow for rumination over each item; remember, we're creating a narrative - check
use perfunctory - not saturated - 'american' imagery: lady liberty, god, flag
of course, have this all produced by a group with a polyentendre intelligent name
commission an ominous, stirring, original soundtrack (inconvenient truth) - check
well polished production (various) - check
bumper stickers (f350) spoken with iambic pentameter (james lipton) - check
"...before it's too late" (left behind series) - check
bite-sized for american attention span (4:39) - check
stay vague to stay on message - check
while pointing out failed policies, under no circumstances do you associate it with the face of a minority (can accidentally trigger white guilt & undermine the actions) - check
minimize eye-contact headshots (esp of hitler youth); this can only come from the narrator - check
use perceived ironic devices with 'gotcha' turn-of-phrase
speak slow enough to be understood, but not so slow as to allow for rumination over each item; remember, we're creating a narrative - check
use perfunctory - not saturated - 'american' imagery: lady liberty, god, flag
of course, have this all produced by a group with a polyentendre intelligent name