
How to end with this immigration problem


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I'm fine with it. I have always been fine with it. I think immigration is the least of our worries as a country. I think it needs to be addressed at some point, but I think there are a lot larger problems. I think overseas outsourcing it far more damaging to our country then migrant farm workers.

It's not like wetbacks are becoming CEO's of blue chip companies or anything.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
jimmydean said:
It's not like wetbacks are becoming CEO's of blue chip companies or anything.
And if they were, this would affect shipping jobs? Nice racism.

Finally seal the borders (North and South). Fine/shut down companies that hire illegals. Arrest illegals and ship back to Mexico/Canada and impose sanctions against Mexico for shipping their poor into America.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Personally I think we should give them the opportunity to become citizens. At least the ones who want better lives for themselves and their families and are willing to contribute to society. There is no reason to turn them away.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
jimmydean said:
I'm fine with it. I have always been fine with it. I think immigration is the least of our worries as a country. I think it needs to be addressed at some point, but I think there are a lot larger problems. I think overseas outsourcing it far more damaging to our country then migrant farm workers.

It's not like wetbacks are becoming CEO's of blue chip companies or anything.
My only problem is all the signs written spanish. If I wanted to live in Mexico I would move to Mexico. If you are going to move to this country then you should learn to speak English.

I agree that this country has way bigger issues to address before illegal immigration. Hell, I'd almost be willing to bet that if we put half as much money into helping Mexico as we have into "liberating" Iraq maybe they wouldn't want to come over here so bad.

And yeah, only honkeys get to be CEOs. :D

- That word never really caught on did it? How many white people are really offended whan you call them "honkey"? Call me a wetback in a derrogatory manner adn I'll cick you in the shins. Use the "N" word to a black man and he'll punch you in the face. Call a white guy a honkey and he'll laugh and tell you that you've been watching too many Jeffersons re-runs.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
stinkyboy said:
And if they were, this would affect shipping jobs? Nice racism.

Finally seal the borders (North and South). Fine/shut down companies that hire illegals. Arrest illegals and ship back to Mexico/Canada and impose sanctions against Mexico for shipping their poor into America.
I'm the furthest thing from a racist. I grew up in a town full of illegals, I went to school with them, I lived next door to them, they were and still are some of my best friends. Where I grew up, wetback was a descriptive term, not a derogatory term.

If it offened someone, I'm sorry for that.

What I was saying (and you missed my point yet again) was they aren't even trying to take CEO spots, so I don't care that they choose to be cheap labor. I am concerned that Intel decided to ship mine and other jobs to China. I would be more focused on addressing that before I worry about farm workers.


Mar 26, 2005
"Just enforce existing laws & NOT pass new ones."

One day when the government has all the laws passed it wants, they(bad evil government folk) might ALL OF THE SUDDEN start enforcing them aggressivly..


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Can someone explain the actual problem for me?

Currently as I see it, US businesses get the cheap, flexible labour they need to stay profitable in an increasingly competitive marketplace, illegal Mexicans get a foothold in the US and when they have kids, their kids are citizens right?


Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
The issue for many people is that the illegals do not pay taxes yet use public tax money for their education / health care.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
bjanga said:
The issue for many people is that the illegals do not pay taxes yet use public tax money for their education / health care.
What most people don't understand, is that even though they use fraudulent info, most do pay taxes. They also pay into Medicare and Social Security. Not only that but they buy goods and services at the same rates as citizens and legal aliens which puts most of their income back into the economy.
Oct 8, 2005
i don't wanna be a dick but, do you realize that only a part of illegal immigrants are mexican? the rest are immigrants from all over central and south america, of course all of them are looking for the same...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Tenchiro said:
What most people don't understand, is that even though they use fraudulent info, most do pay taxes. They also pay into Medicare and Social Security. Not only that but they buy goods and services at the same rates as citizens and legal aliens which puts most of their income back into the economy.

I know in Woodburn a lot of guys would pay $20 for an SSN so they could get an apartment, cable, phone, water and that SSN was used for the paycheck they got. So they paid into some dead persons retirement that they would never draw. So unlike the redneck white trash folks who work under the table construction jobs while the wife spits out kids and collects welfare, the illegals work an honest job AND support our economy buy producing low cost goods and purchasing goods and services for their families.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
la_cleta said:
i don't wanna be a dick but, do you realize that only a part of illegal immigrants are mexican? the rest are immigrants from all over central and south america, of course all of them are looking for the same...
Maybe to the untrained eye. I can pick out a Salvadorian or a Guatemalan out of a crowd easy. The Salvadorian is twice as angry and the Guatemalan is only 4' tall.

j/k Nothing like good old stereotypes in the PD forum.

And Ciaran, it's not honkey, it's Guero. Get it right, man :D
Oct 8, 2005
its a fact that a huge portion of my country's incomings are from immigrants over the US that send money to their families, its ranked in number two, just below petrol incomings, i imagine that if the US find the way to stop ilegal immigration my country would be more poor, and therefore more people willing to cross the border and get their asses into the US to support their family, so its like a vicious circle,
Oct 8, 2005
jimmydean said:
Maybe to the untrained eye. I can pick out a Salvadorian or a Guatemalan out of a crowd easy. The Salvadorian is twice as angry and the Guatemalan is only 4' tall.

j/k Nothing like good old stereotypes in the PD forum.

And Ciaran, it's not honkey, it's Guero. Get it right, man :D
:rofl: :oink:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Changleen said:
Can someone explain the actual problem for me?

Currently as I see it, US businesses get the cheap, flexible labour they need to stay profitable in an increasingly competitive marketplace, illegal Mexicans get a foothold in the US and when they have kids, their kids are citizens right?
Ive explained this before, but since you cant seem to grasp it...


Everyone acknowledges that we need the cheap labor, but with the world being the way it is, and people wanting to raise their kids in a safe country, it seems quite obvious to me that you'd want to know if you had criminals/child molestors/terrorists coming here to work...
As Ive said, nothing right now is stopping Osama Bin Sanchez from smuggling whatever the hell across...keeping tabs on it is a good and important thing.
Also, is good that we have cheap labor, but its not good that all the money made is sent to another country.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
To be honest, my father-in-law is half Spanish and half Guatemalan, he's 6'. But I know plenty of Guatemalans that are wicked short and El Salvadorians are fun as hell to get drunk with!

My father-in-law is a farmer in Guatemala and my mother-in-law lives in Costa Rica. I'm just a guero who likes his women and his food spicy.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
BurlyShirley said:
Ive explained this before, but since you cant seem to grasp it...


Everyone acknowledges that we need the cheap labor, but with the world being the way it is, and people wanting to raise their kids in a safe country, it seems quite obvious to me that you'd want to know if you had criminals/child molestors/terrorists coming here to work...
As Ive said, nothing right now is stopping Osama Bin Sanchez from smuggling whatever the hell across...keeping tabs on it is a good and important thing.
Also, is good that we have cheap labor, but its not good that all the money made is sent to another country.
So all you need is actually a good visitor visa programme and none of this poncing about deploying pointless guards.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Changleen said:
So all you need is actually a good visitor visa programme and none of this poncing about deploying pointless guards.
If people can still get across without the visas AND find work, then it really doesnt matter what program you have.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
BurlyShirley said:
Ive explained this before, but since you cant seem to grasp it...


Everyone acknowledges that we need the cheap labor, but with the world being the way it is, and people wanting to raise their kids in a safe country, it seems quite obvious to me that you'd want to know if you had criminals/child molestors/terrorists coming here to work...
As Ive said, nothing right now is stopping Osama Bin Sanchez from smuggling whatever the hell across...keeping tabs on it is a good and important thing.
Also, is good that we have cheap labor, but its not good that all the money made is sent to another country.
So, your arguement is explotation is ok, as long as there are no negative side effects to the US?

Also, the security arguement is a red herring. Just drop it...


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
BurlyShirley said:
If people can still get across without the visas AND find work, then it really doesnt matter what program you have.
So give them a few incentives to get a visa. Make it worth their while. Make it easy too.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Changleen said:
That's one of the ways NZ do it.
I know when my dad was teaching at Uni in Sydney, he could teach for up to 9 months, but there was an extensive check into his role the the school and make sure he had living arangements and stuff. I thought it was well organized and worked well when it was all said and done.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Ciaran said:
My only problem is all the signs written spanish. If I wanted to live in Mexico I would move to Mexico. If you are going to move to this country then you should learn to speak English.
English isn't the official language of the US (there isn't an official language). Plus, being inclusive isn't such a bad thing, is it?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Silver said:
So, your arguement is explotation is ok, as long as there are no negative side effects to the US?

Also, the security arguement is a red herring. Just drop it...
If they're willing to be exploited, I dont give a ****.

the security argument is a red herring? WTF is wrong with you?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
BurlyShirley said:
the security argument is a red herring? WTF is wrong with you?
If the security argument was legit, we'd be sending troops to our undefended north border and scanning every cargo container.

We aren't doing that. So we must not be that worried about the security angle.

The Amish

Dumber than N8
Feb 22, 2005
Changleen said:
Can someone explain the actual problem for me?

Currently as I see it, US businesses get the cheap, flexible labour they need to stay profitable in an increasingly competitive marketplace, illegal Mexicans get a foothold in the US and when they have kids, their kids are citizens right?

For me its the standard party line............Meixicanx are willing to do the jobs americans wont do for money americans wont work for.

1. Who's to say mexicans will still be willing to do these jobs once they are made citizens, protected under our laws, and eligible for all our social services. Why not lie on their asses, smoke crack, and spit out babies. It works for an unfortunately large portion of our african american (politicaly correct term) population

2. What ever happened to our children and college kids gettin jobs to learn the value of hard work and pay their own way. I bought my first bike (a huffy) when I was 6yrs old with money out of my own pocket that I had earned picking beans on my neighbors farm for a dollar a bushell. It was my most prized possesion, and the work ethic I learned I still carry with me to this day, both at work, and in the bush building trails. Get your kids off their fat asses, tell them to turn off the video games, put down the twinkies and learn what it means to be hardworking men and women. Same goes for college kids just substitute video games for bongs, and twinkies for piss ass beer not worth drinking anyways.

YOu do this, we wont need any damn mexicans


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Silver said:
If the security argument was legit, we'd be sending troops to our undefended north border and scanning every cargo container.

We aren't doing that. So we must not be that worried about the security angle.
Who is this "we"?
The politicians who are more worried about votes than positive impact? I find it hard to believe that you of all people cant see why it hasnt happened yet.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
BurlyShirley said:
Ive explained this before, but since you cant seem to grasp it...


Everyone acknowledges that we need the cheap labor, but with the world being the way it is, and people wanting to raise their kids in a safe country, it seems quite obvious to me that you'd want to know if you had criminals/child molestors/terrorists coming here to work...
As Ive said, nothing right now is stopping Osama Bin Sanchez from smuggling whatever the hell across...keeping tabs on it is a good and important thing.
Also, is good that we have cheap labor, but its not good that all the money made is sent to another country.
If it's safety we are concerned about, we should be taking on the problem of dumb rednecks, not illegal immigrants.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
BeerDemon said:
If it's safety we are concerned about, we should be taking on the problem of dumb rednecks, not illegal immigrants.
Dumb rednecks already have social security cards, and if arrested, have a record to go off of. This makes investigating crimes commited by them alot easier than say, a guy from mexico who you have no proof of his age, name, country of origin, past criminal record, etc.

We already have laws in place for people (like rednecks) who commit crimes.:rolleyes: What we DONT have is any system of knowing who in the hell is coming in and out of this place across a largely ungaurded border.

If you cant see how that is important then there is no point in taking this argument any further.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
BurlyShirley said:
What we DONT have is any system of knowing who in the hell is coming in and out of this place across a largely ungaurded border.
The funny thing is that this has always been that way with Canada, yet nobody really cares. Why is it that we are so adamant about keeping our southern neighbors out, but are largely unconcerned with those to the North?

Is it because the people below are are brown and speak a different language? Being less able to assimilate themselves and becoming an easier target?


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
duh, it's really, REALLY simple. ok, since people are paying coyotes up to $10k to be smuggled across, instead we have an open immigration policy where anybody and everybody can come in. they just have to pay $10k. Imagine, 3m people/year paying 10k each to us instead of to smugglers, and we'd have 30BILLION dollars to pay for any services that they're "freeloading" now, and pay for our little war, and defecit, etc. Or hell, we can adjust the amount that we charge based on how many people show up. If 5m show up per year, we raise the price. if 1m show up, we lower it.



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Tenchiro said:
The funny thing is that this has always been that way with Canada, yet nobody really cares. Why is it that we are so adamant about keeping our southern neighbors out, but are largely unconcerned with those to the North?

Is it because the people below are are brown and speak a different language? Being less able to assimilate themselves and becoming an easier target?
Of course, its typical that you guys try to take the issue this way, but its purely numbers. The vast, vast majority of the folks who illegaly come here are mexicans. There really isnt any reason for masses of canadians to come here, so its a non issue of its own accord. If tons of canucks were flooding across, and significant numbers of them were criminals, Id imagine you'd see a similar outcry.
Hell, look at when tons of Irish were coming over, they spoke english (sort of) and were white, yet faced tons of discrimination. Race is a non issue. You seem to be doing your best to make it one.