
How to get sponsored - Rich Houseman interview


Oct 13, 2006
If you compete with mountain bikes on any level then the ultimate dream is to get some sponsors. From full factory rides with free gear and support to more 'grassroots' teams with good discounts and some schwag, getting your favorite company to kick you down something and call you a 'sponsored' rider is great. However, until recently getting sponsored was some what of a mystery.

All that is about to change. Rich Houseman (NORBA 4X Champ, Yeti/ Fox Factory Team Rider and Sponsorhouse guru) is going to give you the insights you need to attract and keep sponsors. To be honest with you I am not sure that anything like this interview exists anywhere out there and is a unique opportunity for you to learn from one of the most experienced guys in the industry what you need to consider when seeking sponsorship. Plus, he is going to tell you how you can easily apply for some sponsorships and take a lot of the guess work and leg work out of the process.

Now, here is the link to the interview audio files:
