
How to Make a Homosexual into a Heterosexual


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
robdamanii said:
You know why there are so many tornados and hurricanes?

:think: That sounded rather religiously zealous!! :p



talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Slugman said:
Wait – a religious group is trying to brainwash people… I am shocked!

Why not? I’ve never heard of a Buddhist, Sikh, or Atheist group running one of these camps.

YUP! Religious Right = Taliban

Same concepts, different book…
The basic point is that you cannot blame the source for the outcome. It seems to me that the resurgence, power and continued voice of the religious right is fueled by incorrect interpretation and a failure to truly understand the Christian message. That leads to hate, fear and more misunderstanding. In my experience, too many liberals (a group I count myself in) focus their ire on religion and not the source of its misuse. Not only does this not concentrate on the true issue, but it further divides the left and right as each feels that their way of life is under attack. This is one of the reasons for the support of unconstitutional and irrational issues on the part of the right (school prayer, for example): they feel that they need to counteract the secularizing left by going the other direction. Hating on religion won't solve these problems; it makes them worse.

And that old "look what religion does here- clearly it's evil" argument is played and misleading. Secularism and Atheism don't seem to me to be any better or worse at supporting the good.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Mackie said:
Overall, the medical evidence that homosexuality is biological is certainly not difinitive. I also think it's foolish to look for a unitary explanation to such a complex behavioral pattern.

There isn't any point into bringing actual science into the lounge :rolleyes:

The studies, regardless for their flaws, point out a biological difference between groups. You are correct, the studies do not establish an cause and effect relationship. Of course, they are still better science than 99% or nutritional or psychological studies. Psychology is particularly bad about cause and effect.

There are no studies that I am aware of establishing the validity of "praying out the gay".


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
WAIT.... So if we are strait, but say we are gay, and go to one of these camps, do they provide women to turn me "strait"?

What exactly do they do in these "camps"?

Sounds stupid to me, if someone chooses a certain lifestyle, I don't think it should be changed. Gays are here to stay so they should get over that.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
DRB said:

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- The state of Utah can't block a woman from using her license plate to tell the world "GAYSROK," a judge has ruled.

The state has no good reason to prevent Elizabeth Solomon from having that plate -- which can be read "Gays are OK" or "Gays Rock" -- or another one saying "GAYRYTS," according to Jane Phan, an administrative law judge with the Utah State Tax Commission.

"The narrow issue before us is whether a reasonable person would believe the terms 'gays are OK' and 'gay rights' are, themselves, offensive to good taste and decency. It is the conclusion of the commission that a reasonable person would not," Phan wrote.
At first I did not care about a "gay license plate". Now I realize if you can have "GAYSROK", what about "GAYS SUX"? Or "NO BLKS"? Or "WHTS RULE".

While I have very strong feelings about gay rights, I think license plates should avoid a political message unless you want to have it both ways.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
JRogers said:
The basic point is that you cannot blame the source for the outcome. It seems to me that the resurgence, power and continued voice of the religious right is fueled by incorrect interpretation and a failure to truly understand the Christian message.
Is this sorta like blaming Islam for terrorism?


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
priceseliger14 said:
WAIT.... So if we are strait, but say we are gay, and go to one of these camps, do they provide women to turn me "strait"?
Nope... worng style o 'laying of hands'

priceseliger14 said:
Sounds stupid to me, if someone chooses a certain lifestyle, I don't think it should be changed. Gays are here to stay so they should get over that.
Yup! Gays are evident throughout history... it's real, it's in many cultures, and it's not going to disapear.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Slugman said:
YUP! Religious Right = Taliban

Same concepts, different book…
With all due respect your demonstrating your ignorance of both the religions you cite here - apples and oranges. I would suggest you do some research on said books and the philosophies they teach.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
JRogers said:
The basic point is that you cannot blame the source for the outcome. It seems to me that the resurgence, power and continued voice of the religious right is fueled by incorrect interpretation and a failure to truly understand the Christian message. That leads to hate, fear and more misunderstanding. In my experience, too many liberals (a group I count myself in) focus their ire on religion and not the source of its misuse. Not only does this not concentrate on the true issue, but it further divides the left and right as each feels that their way of life is under attack. This is one of the reasons for the support of unconstitutional and irrational issues on the part of the right (school prayer, for example): they feel that they need to counteract the secularizing left by going the other direction. Hating on religion won't solve these problems; it makes them worse.

And that old "look what religion does here- clearly it's evil" argument is played and misleading. Secularism and Atheism don't seem to me to be any better or worse at supporting the good.
Amen brotha..................... :thumb:


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Andyman_1970 said:
With all due respect your demonstrating your ignorance of both the religions you cite here - apples and oranges. I would suggest you do some research on said books and the philosophies they teach.
I judge on actions... i don't care what BS you beleive to get you there.

People can quote religous text all day long - it's how they act that is the true measure of who they are...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Slugman said:
I judge on actions... i don't care what BS you beleive to get you there.

People can quote religous text all day long - it's how they act that is the true measure of who they are...
Exactly. So then how can you lump them all together?

I am a christian. I have many friends who are LGB and T. I am not a zealot. (Just very melodramatic)


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Andyman_1970 said:
Actually that's quite Biblical.
LOL - and I didn't need to read a bunch of literature to know it! :D

The irony of life is that I am an Athiest married to a Born-Again Christian... and often I am the one who makes her take the right path (more moral as she puts it...).



Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Ciaran said:
Exactly. So then how can you lump them all together?

I am a christian. I have many friends who are LGB and T. I am not a zealot. (Just very melodramatic)
I'm not saying ALL christians... I was refering to the far right.

and personally if I were a Christian, I'd do everything I could to discredit and remove from power anyone who I thought distributed a polluted interpretation of my beliefs. Silence can be seen as acceptance...

Maybe do something like this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8740980/
MSNBC said:
U.S. Muslims issue ‘fatwa’ against terrorism
Scholars condemn attacks on civilians as a violation of Islamic teaching

The Associated Press
Updated: 11:55 a.m. ET July 28, 2005
American Muslim scholars who interpret religious law for their community issued an edict Thursday condemning terrorism against civilians in response to the wave of deadly attacks in Britain and other countries.

In the statement, called a fatwa, the 18-member Fiqh Council of North America wrote that people who commit terrorism in the name of Islam were “criminals, not ‘martyrs.”’

“There is no justification in Islam for extremism or terrorism,” the scholars wrote. “Targeting civilians’ life and property through suicide bombings or any other method of attack is haram — or forbidden.”


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Slugman said:
LOL - and I didn't need to read a bunch of literature to know it! :D

The irony of life is that I am an Athiest married to a Born-Again Christian... and often I am the one who makes her take the right path (more moral as she puts it...).

Interesting, Paul says in Romans 2 (paraphrase) that pagans that don't have the Law sometimes by their nature do what is required of the Law - which is what you're doing..........interesting and yet Biblical.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Slugman said:
and personally if I were a Christian, I'd do everything I could to discredit and remove from power anyone who I thought distributed a polluted interpretation of my beliefs.
That could be the number 1 reason I post here on RM - to show people what it is really all about not the characature that is presented most of the time in the media.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
robdamanii said:
That's the problem....now they are targeting young kids, because if people actually grow up without believeing this ****, then it's much harder to suck them into the religion after the fact.
kinda reminds me of a michael jackson joke i heard........


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Andyman_1970 said:
That could be the nubmer 1 reason I post here on RM - to show people what it is really all about not the characature that is presented most of the time in the media.
And personally I should do more. I sit silent far too often.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Unbelievable stupidity.

Andyman, whilst I take your point and accept that probably most religious people aren't this retarded, there is clear pattern that organised religion, throughout history has been responsible for more and bloodier wars than anything else. And whilst at certain notable points (moslty Muslim) it has led to advances in it, in general religion is anti scientific and anti progress.

Whilst I support your right to believe what you want, when your resultant actions hurt others, as I think we can agree in this case minds are being unnaturally warped, I have a problem. I feel America needs to take a look at societies where religion is equally as prevalent but does not have the same alarming incidence of, well frankly extremist views and actions being perpitrated. Over the last 8 years we have definatly seen a rise of the far relgious right in America, and hopefully even people like you can see how harmful that is to your society?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
i won't get involved in this one....you know....because i have no idea what i'm talking about. it's not like my dad WAS gay until he went through what i call a biblical 12-step program for sexual addictions and is now a happily married (not to my mom anymore though) straight man. it's not like i grew up in this culture and watched numerous close family friends die of AIDS and other related diseases and listened to them tell me how certain events in their lives affected their DECISION to get involved in the homosexual lifestyle. it's not like both of my parents led and managed the orlando, florida ex-gay ministry off and on for most of my teen years. i guess since i observed this lifestyle change in many a man and woman makes me just a fool for believing that people can choose to break free from a sexual addiction...you know, since it deals with religion and all :rolleyes:
Nope, i'm just your regular old christian lunatic that believes what the man on tv tells me about those evil gays. ....or at least that's what most people think when i mention the word "ministry". :rolleyes:

i'm right up there with andyman...the fools that preach the "god hates fags" doctrine and the like are the ones that i am so bitter towards. there are freaks in every corner of philosophy, be it atheism, agnostics, catholics, christians, jews....you name it. but discounting someones opinion and life experience because the word "christian" or "ministry" is mentioned is just plain ignorant and is exactly what the "mein kampf" based gay/lesbian propoganda machine wants you to do. because if you don't agree with them, you're an ignorant biggot.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I've never met a Gay person who has told me that he or she felt that their homosexuality was a conscious choice in the same way they choose to change their socks.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Changleen said:
I've never met a Gay person who has told me that he or she felt that their homosexuality was a conscious choice in the same way they choose to change their socks.

Fine but riddle me this then:

If a person is born gay(which is absolutely possible) what functions does being gay serve. What I mean is that if you think the "zealots" are full of crap what evolutionary function does homosexuality serve. We understand that skin pigmentation has a purpose and so does excessive body hair.

Sex or procreation was an evolutionary act to continue the species, while without test tubes and current science it took opposite sexes to produce a viable fetus. Homo sex serves no purpose other than pleasure. Can you see why the right sees this behavior as deviant? If it is strictly an act for pleasure well so is masturbation and scratching my ass but neither practice is well recieved in many circles.

I personally do think people are born gay, but i also think child molesters and serial killers are predisposed as such. Maybe it is an event that occurs during adolesence that triggers that part of the brain, who knows but while im sure that all would agree that being a child molester is negative quality where do you draw the line. When is it considered to be a defect and not a quality. Im sure if NAMBLA got a big enough lobby together they could convince some people that their "affliction" is perfectly natural and therefore should be accepted and embraced by all.

Please dont read this rant and think im antigay, i have had friends in my life that are gay. As a straight married white male (the only segment of our population that can still be legally discriminated against) im tired of everyone trying to thrust whatever their personal beliefs onto the top of the American culture pile of acceptance. I could give a rats a$$; get a job, pay your taxes, dont steal or kill and we will get along just fine.



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Changleen said:
I've never met a Gay person who has told me that he or she felt that their homosexuality was a conscious choice in the same way they choose to change their socks.

i'm not simplifying it into saying that every gay person just one day decides...hey, i'm going to be gay today. there is so much more into it. i will agree and say that some are more pre-disposed to be lured in by the lifestyle than others but i do not believe that one is "born gay". for many males, the combination of less than masculine traits and a dysfunctional family relationship is often all it takes to make the gay lifestyle more logical to their disposition, but it does not mean that it is not a concious choice.
everyone has their afflictions and addictions but we all must make a choice, based on what we believe to be right or wront, on how to act on those impulses. it is no different that a man who has an addiction to sexual fantasies about children, somewhere along the line, he DECIDED that it was ok to fantasize about kids sexually and the perversion and dysfunction ran it's course from there.

i'm sorry if this seems a bit broken up, it's 3am and i just got home from work, not much is flowing through my brain right now :D

and yes, ohio...it's been a while ;)


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
manimal said:
i won't get involved in this one....you know....because i have no idea what i'm talking about. it's not like my dad WAS gay until he went through what i call a biblical 12-step program for sexual addictions and is now a happily married (not to my mom anymore though) straight man. it's not like i grew up in this culture and watched numerous close family friends die of AIDS and other related diseases and listened to them tell me how certain events in their lives affected their DECISION to get involved in the homosexual lifestyle. it's not like both of my parents led and managed the orlando, florida ex-gay ministry off and on for most of my teen years. i guess since i observed this lifestyle change in many a man and woman makes me just a fool for believing that people can choose to break free from a sexual addiction...you know, since it deals with religion and all :rolleyes:
Nope, i'm just your regular old christian lunatic that believes what the man on tv tells me about those evil gays. ....or at least that's what most people think when i mention the word "ministry". :rolleyes:

i'm right up there with andyman...the fools that preach the "god hates fags" doctrine and the like are the ones that i am so bitter towards. there are freaks in every corner of philosophy, be it atheism, agnostics, catholics, christians, jews....you name it. but discounting someones opinion and life experience because the word "christian" or "ministry" is mentioned is just plain ignorant and is exactly what the "mein kampf" based gay/lesbian propoganda machine wants you to do. because if you don't agree with them, you're an ignorant biggot.
1. I live with my sister, who is gay. It has never once occurred to me my sister was unnatural, unholy, or needed changing. She told me she was gay 10 years ago, and I and my family have accepted it without a second thought.

2. I see this one will end in a huge flaming war, so I want to drop the subject now. I won't preach the gospel of homosexuality if no one else waves the hate flag.


Dec 23, 2004
I think there are some people that choose to be with people of the same sex but they are the exception to the rule. I believe people who are truly homosexual are born that way. People don't choose to like the taste of pizza, either you like it or you don't. I coached children in sports for over 10 years and knew several boys in the 7 to 12 year range that I couldt tell were going to be gay wheather they already knew it or not.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
beestiboy said:
Fine but riddle me this then:

If a person is born gay(which is absolutely possible) what functions does being gay serve.
What function does life in general serve? We all simply obey largely Darwinian rules which are essentially about creating organisms which are suitable for their conditions. 'Gay' isn't new. The inability to reproduce 'naturally' can be viewed in many contexts dependant on your particular viewpoint. When compared to simple male to female contact, the reproductive cycles of many insects which include a third party, extra-species transmission mechanism of reproductive material could equally be viewed as 'unnatural'. Gross, that Bee has sex with a flower. That's not natural. Gross, that guy needs technology to reproduce. It's not far removed really is it?
Another view might be that Homosexuality is a response of a population to other pressures or factors of it's growth or development. Who is to say that devopment is 'wrong' for that population? If such a development is evolutionary, and not a 'perversion' then how do we judge it against any our Bee friend who shags flowers? Do we find him wrong? If it is a 'perversion' then what harm does it do humanity? Whilst religion may have a view on both of these, I don't subscribe to their principals so I therefore reject any conclusions based on them.


Mar 4, 2004
New York
beestiboy said:
Fine but riddle me this then:If a person is born gay(which is absolutely possible) what functions does being gay serve.
Oh, I don't know - humans invented birth control - what evolutionary role does that play? Beleive it or not, not every behavior or trait has a simple evolutionary explanation. This is like asking what evolutionary significance green eyes have.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
beestiboy said:
Fine but riddle me this then:

If a person is born gay(which is absolutely possible) what functions does being gay serve. What I mean is that if you think the "zealots" are full of crap what evolutionary function does homosexuality serve. We understand that skin pigmentation has a purpose and so does excessive body hair.
You really think that no one has come up with a possible evolutionary purpose for homosexuality?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Silver said:
You really think that no one has come up with a possible evolutionary purpose for homosexuality?

:think: Hole confusion?.......


Seriously, liberal non-Christians and right winger Christians listen up. What we have here is ignorance and fear. Liberals fear God, Right wingers fear gays.

I will address the Christians first because I am one. Christ taught us to accept EVERYONE!! I you want to argue that point, then one should re-read Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Christ surrounded himself with the culturally unacceptable. From the woman at the well, to the gentiles and tax collectors, Christ welcomed all.

Non-Christians – Just because one says they are a Christian does not mean they are right wingers. Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven. The whole entire homosexual agenda has become militant by nature, to the point of public recruitment. I personally am tired of the homosexual agenda being forced down my throat!! (No pun intended)

NO ONE has the right to judge others…….Express you beliefs, preach the gospel, but if one is either offended by it or disagrees, don’t argue the point, just leave them be and/or pray for them.

I’m a complete A$$hole, and yet some folks accept me for who I am….

:think: Actually, there are a LOT of people who think I’m an A$$hole….. A LOT!!! :thumb: I can live with that.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
From my perspective, I see that there are the rebellious gays, who consciously or unconsciously are rebelling against some aspect of the world around them, and the biological gays, who are 'just born that way'; guys with a woman's brain or a woman with a man's body or however you want to think of it. From the Christian standpoint, if either says "I feel that I have been living a sinful life, and I want to go into therapy," I'm fine with that. But when Christians start telling them that they are going to Hell because they are gay, that's when I start having a serious problem. One: Christians are supposed to be loving, and when we start telling people that they are going to Hell we fail at this. Two: only God has the right to pass judgment, and we have no clue what He thinks. And Three: The gay people that I have known in my life are also some of the most loving and caring people I have ever met. If Christian gays are going into therapy on their own convictions, I am fine with that, but if it is because they are being told that they will go to Hell if they don't, then there is a serious perversion of Christianity taking place.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
sirknight6 said:
The whole entire homosexual agenda has become militant by nature, to the point of public recruitment. I personally am tired of the homosexual agenda being forced down my throat!! (No pun intended)
You know, I've never had someone tell me I was damned because I wouldn't suck their dick. I've never had a couple of homosexuals come to my door to see if I wanted a little of their literature and a chat. There has never been a homosexual president who said that he didn't think that heterosexuals should be considered citizens.

You do realize that in 50 years (unless President Dobson gets his way, that is) people will be looking back at your words much like we do when we read what many southern whites were writing in the 50's and 60's.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Silver said:
You do realize that in 50 years (unless President Dobson gets his way, that is) people will be looking back at your words much like we do when we read what many southern whites were writing in the 50's and 60's.
yes, that will probably happen in california....but.....
of course, that is after the Conservative Militia of America has separated california from the mainland by setting off charges along the california/nevada fault lines ;) :cool: