
How to Make a Homosexual into a Heterosexual


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Ah Memphis. my sister had a friend that got sent to love in action ( the anti gay camp) and my mom acted like it was totally normal to think that homosexuality was curable.

the Queer Action Coalition has ben started to protest the camp. I've read several interviews with the head of Love in Action, a "cured" homosexual. what a quack.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!

Did any of you ever see the episode of Malcolm in the Middle where the oldest brother is helping out at a beauty pagent and the girls all think he's gay...one of them takes him to a prayer session to "cure him". My favorite line it's time to "pray out the gay" (must be said in a full southern accent for the full effect).


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Its all pretty confusing for everyone involved. I have a friend from college who was gay but subsequently has gone straight. Sorta a big surprise to all involved. He fell in love with a woman he worked with and after a few years of figuring stuff out they got married..... have kids now and seem very happy. I don't know, could some people think they are gay but really be straight and something like this be beneficial.

I do believe that "sending" someone to something like this is not such a good idea BUT if someone wanted to go of their own volition....


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
"For me it seemed as if this has been a journey of radical transformation," Fryrear said. "I used to believe that I was born gay. Now I know that you are not born gay. I used to have contempt that I was a woman. I used to hate and despise men and now I respect and admire and am attracted to men."

(Note: say in spaced out, cult-like chant voice)

Sounds an awful lot like anti-gay propaganda masquerading as giving people "options." The point, these idiots do not realize, is not about whether you are "born gay" or not. Yeah, there's not "gay gene"...we get it....


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
DRB said:
Its all pretty confusing for everyone involved. I have a friend from college who was gay but subsequently has gone straight. Sorta a big surprise to all involved. He fell in love with a woman he worked with and after a few years of figuring stuff out they got married..... have kids now and seem very happy. I don't know, could some people think they are gay but really be straight and something like this be beneficial.

I do believe that "sending" someone to something like this is not such a good idea BUT if someone wanted to go of their own volition....


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
This is all a bunch of bull****.

Once again, the goddamned religious right and the religious lunatics are trying to return to the dark ages where you were outcast if you were not a member of their religion.

:shakes head:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
There is clear medical evidence that GAY in not learned. One study did comparative CAT scans of Gay and straight male brains. They found that gay men had brains with the same structure as women(yes there are differences). In fact when they mixed the gay male CAT scans in with women CAT scans the doctors weren't reliably able to seperate them out.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Reactor said:
There is clear medical evidence that GAY in not learned. One study did comparative CAT scans of Gay and straight male brains. They found that gay men had brains with the same structure as women(yes there are differences). In fact when they mixed the gay male CAT scans in with women CAT scans the doctors weren't reliably able to seperate them out.
Again, proving that the christian fanatics are just getting out of control.

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
Ug....just another way that zealots and fanatics are going to f*ck the youth (and the not so young but confuzed) of America......Wait, this kinda reminds me of this one time in seminary when Father Joe took me in the back room.....


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Secret Squirrel said:
Ug....just another way that zealots and fanatics are going to f*ck the youth (and the not so young but confuzed) of America......Wait, this kinda reminds me of this one time in seminary when Father Joe took me in the back room.....
That's the problem....now they are targeting young kids, because if people actually grow up without believeing this ****, then it's much harder to suck them into the religion after the fact.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Back when I worked for a University<edit-- in the midwest>, I had a friend (shocking I know) who lived in a small apartment building. Several women lived next door and he was convinced they were lesbians.
He says "One of them is really cute, I think I'm going to ask her out"

I looked baffeled

He responds "Just because they're lesbians doesn't mean they don't like(as in have sex with) guys"

I say "you do know what lesbian means don't you?"

Ignorance is rampant.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
robdamanii said:
This is all a bunch of bull****.

Once again, the goddamned religious right and the religious lunatics are trying to return to the dark ages where you were outcast if you were not a member of their religion.

:shakes head:
robdamanii said:
in my opinion, any zealot is a bad one. doesn't matter what side of the fence you are on.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
robdamanii said:
You know why there are so many tornados and hurricanes?


***Phone rings at robamanii's house***

Rob: "Hello?"

God: "Ummmmm....yeah. Hey Rob? This is God. Ummmm....this is kinda awkward, but....ummmm, I was wondering if you could maybe, I dunno--kinda down play our relationship a little. This whole speaking-for-me about the trailer park/religious zealot and redneck thing........well, gosh...I don't know how to say this.....ummmmm, don't know if you're aware, but I keep a mobile home down in Florida where I like to fish after the whole Christmas-thing goes down. Cute place---right next to a snake church where I do a guest-speaker thing about twice a year. Sooooo........if you could just be a dear and not root so hard against those folks, I promise I'll keep a special area cordoned off for you Yankees in North Carolina to retire to, mmmkay?"



talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
robdamanii said:
That's the problem....now they are targeting young kids, because if people actually grow up without believeing this ****, then it's much harder to suck them into the religion after the fact.
Not to get too "political forum" on everyone...but don't fall into the all-to-common trap of equating "religion" in the abstract or even Christianity in general with this kind of crap.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Greyhound said:
***Phone rings at robamanii's house***

Rob: "Hello?"

God: "Ummmmm....yeah. Hey Rob? This is God. Ummmm....this is kinda awkward, but....ummmm, I was wondering if you could maybe, I dunno--kinda down play our relationship a little. This whole speaking-for-me about the trailer park/religious zealot and redneck thing........well, gosh...I don't know how to say this.....ummmmm, don't know if you're aware, but I keep a mobile home down in Florida where I like to fish after the whole Christmas-thing goes down. Cute place---right next to a snake church where I do a guest-speaker thing about twice a year. Sooooo........if you could just be a dear and not root so hard against those folks, I promise I'll keep a special area cordoned off for you Yankees in North Carolina to retire to, mmmkay?"

The bit I was referring to was a comedy bit from 10 years ago....and I can't for the life of me remember the name of the comedian.

in my opinion, any zealot is a bad one. doesn't matter what side of the fence you are on.
Point taken, but I absolutely despise the christian right for what they are doing in this country. You very nearly need to be a religious man to run for president, they fail to address the fact that Priests are molesting little boys, and they are trying to cut out anyones personal rights, be it the right to an alternative lifestyle, the right to choice, or hell, even our choice to listen to rock music (see the new Pope's opinion on rock and roll music).

Frankly, I think it's disgusting that crap like this is going on in this country. Why do these people believe that you have to be ONE way....while I'm not well versed in the Bible, I thought Jesus was the face of acceptance, not of segregation. Why segregate these people and basically torture them into renouncing a genetic trait?

Edited to add...



Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Greyhound said:
***Phone rings at robamanii's house***

Rob: "Hello?"

God: "Ummmmm....yeah. Hey Rob? This is God. Ummmm....this is kinda awkward, but....ummmm, I was wondering if you could maybe, I dunno--kinda down play our relationship a little. This whole speaking-for-me about the trailer park/religious zealot and redneck thing........well, gosh...I don't know how to say this.....ummmmm, don't know if you're aware, but I keep a mobile home down in Florida where I like to fish after the whole Christmas-thing goes down. Cute place---right next to a snake church where I do a guest-speaker thing about twice a year. Sooooo........if you could just be a dear and not root so hard against those folks, I promise I'll keep a special area cordoned off for you Yankees in North Carolina to retire to, mmmkay?"

BWAAAHHHH!!!! I just spit coffee all over myself (trying to miss the keyboard) :D


Mar 4, 2004
New York
Reactor said:
There is clear medical evidence that GAY in not learned. One study did comparative CAT scans of Gay and straight male brains. They found that gay men had brains with the same structure as women(yes there are differences). In fact when they mixed the gay male CAT scans in with women CAT scans the doctors weren't reliably able to seperate them out.
I'm 100% fine with homsoexuality, but, as a scientist, I have to point out that these studies are fairly flawed, and have been wdely critiqued.

One of the issue is that we don't know how a life of being gay alters brain structure. For example, being attracted to and having sex with men (whether you are a man or woman) may have subtle morphological effects on brain structures.
Also, some of these studies don't really tell us much - one group found that gay men & straight men have differences in the size of their superchiasmatic nuclei. Great - but the SCN has nothing to do with sexual choice or behavior, as far as anyone knows.
Other studies may have had methodological flaws. LeVays famous studies showing that the third interstitial nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus was smaller (female-like) in gay men has been questioned, because the corpses used as the "gay" group had all died of AIDS, and many had used drugs. This was not true of the control group, and how this might affect the results was not accounted for.

Overall, the medical evidence that homosexuality is biological is certainly not difinitive. I also think it's foolish to look for a unitary explanation to such a complex behavioral pattern.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
Wait – a religious group is trying to brainwash people… I am shocked!

JRogers said:
Not to get too "political forum" on everyone...but don't fall into the all-to-common trap of equating "religion" in the abstract or even Christianity in general with this kind of crap.
Why not? I’ve never heard of a Buddhist, Sikh, or Atheist group running one of these camps.

laura said:
in my opinion, any zealot is a bad one. doesn't matter what side of the fence you are on.
YUP! Religious Right = Taliban

Same concepts, different book…


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- The state of Utah can't block a woman from using her license plate to tell the world "GAYSROK," a judge has ruled.

The state has no good reason to prevent Elizabeth Solomon from having that plate -- which can be read "Gays are OK" or "Gays Rock" -- or another one saying "GAYRYTS," according to Jane Phan, an administrative law judge with the Utah State Tax Commission.

"The narrow issue before us is whether a reasonable person would believe the terms 'gays are OK' and 'gay rights' are, themselves, offensive to good taste and decency. It is the conclusion of the commission that a reasonable person would not," Phan wrote.