1. Obviously, cut the ridiculous military spending by at least half.
2. End medicare at 80 years old. You had your run. The rest is between your personal finances and nature. Social security can stay as can funding for hospice care.
3. Institute death panels immediately.
4. Encourage abortion and fund them federally. This will save us a ton in welfare payments down the road.
5. Legalize Marijuana and reduce prison populations by what... half?
6. Take all the military guys and prisoners who need jobs and put them to work dismantling coal plants and hydro dams, and building federally subsidized solar panels, windmills and nuclear plants. We will save money here by not fighting trillion dollar oil wars.
7. End subsidies to the big corn farms and eliminate all taxes on "healthy" foods like vegetables and lean meats so they can compete with the agribusiness unhealthful BS. This will save us a bundle down the road in healthcare costs.
8. Tax churches/Pastor salaries, etc. These f*ckers are making a mint selling NOTHING!
9. End all the wars. Close all the foreign military bases.
10. Tax the ever-loving sh*t out of US based companies building stuff overseas and selling it here... such that it's cheaper to manufacture it in the US. I dont care if the prices go up... people need to learn to get by with less or the world's going to go to sh*t, AND people here need to work... then we can tax them.
2. End medicare at 80 years old. You had your run. The rest is between your personal finances and nature. Social security can stay as can funding for hospice care.
3. Institute death panels immediately.
4. Encourage abortion and fund them federally. This will save us a ton in welfare payments down the road.
5. Legalize Marijuana and reduce prison populations by what... half?
6. Take all the military guys and prisoners who need jobs and put them to work dismantling coal plants and hydro dams, and building federally subsidized solar panels, windmills and nuclear plants. We will save money here by not fighting trillion dollar oil wars.
7. End subsidies to the big corn farms and eliminate all taxes on "healthy" foods like vegetables and lean meats so they can compete with the agribusiness unhealthful BS. This will save us a bundle down the road in healthcare costs.
8. Tax churches/Pastor salaries, etc. These f*ckers are making a mint selling NOTHING!
9. End all the wars. Close all the foreign military bases.
10. Tax the ever-loving sh*t out of US based companies building stuff overseas and selling it here... such that it's cheaper to manufacture it in the US. I dont care if the prices go up... people need to learn to get by with less or the world's going to go to sh*t, AND people here need to work... then we can tax them.