From my experience and watching the other member's of the CDP Crews gear I have made my lists:
The Good:
1)Avalanche shocks, it only failed me once and that was landing in the g-out part of a 10 foot drop resulting in instant ejection. Go ahead, case road gaps... it's fun
1.5)Hayes Blacks, they rule... even when a certain whistler bike shop rips the pistons out and then argues with me about who's fault it is
2)Boxxer Race forks, dont' care what you say, they rule my race went through 3 bikes and is still running strong on someone else's right now
3)Banshee Scream frames... I cracked my 02' in 4 spots, but it still survived 2 days of whistler and a day on the shore, and would have gone longer but the good folks at Banshee hooked me up with an 04'
4)WTB Hubs... my Momentum ruled
5)Profile Pedals
6)Specialized D9s and Giant DHs rule as do STPs
7)My $300 street bike (rigid SS DS1 with HS-33s)
The Bad:
1)3 Piece Cranks: Strong but so annoying (come loose, screech and stuff)
2)Shiver Forks: Good but why do they have to twist all the f-ing time
3)XT Hubs... give them 2 months and then they need to be rebuilt
The Ugly:
1)Rims rims rims... Killed doubletracks, mag-30s, 321, DHXs... you name it we cracked em' or totalled in a month or less
2)Any shock other than an Avalanche, I saw about 3 5th elements 2 Swingers and 5 Romics blow up last year and that was just my friend's bikes
3)Kanter's bike... just kidding lol
4)The forest service... ok so we had permission to build and now with the re-elections the new members of office decided that all of the stuff we got permission to build needs to be torn down (timmy)
5)The MSU Football team... hahaha suckas!
6)Me trying a manual and landing on my ass in front of everyone in the whistler village
The Good:
1)Avalanche shocks, it only failed me once and that was landing in the g-out part of a 10 foot drop resulting in instant ejection. Go ahead, case road gaps... it's fun
1.5)Hayes Blacks, they rule... even when a certain whistler bike shop rips the pistons out and then argues with me about who's fault it is
2)Boxxer Race forks, dont' care what you say, they rule my race went through 3 bikes and is still running strong on someone else's right now
3)Banshee Scream frames... I cracked my 02' in 4 spots, but it still survived 2 days of whistler and a day on the shore, and would have gone longer but the good folks at Banshee hooked me up with an 04'
4)WTB Hubs... my Momentum ruled
5)Profile Pedals
6)Specialized D9s and Giant DHs rule as do STPs
7)My $300 street bike (rigid SS DS1 with HS-33s)
The Bad:
1)3 Piece Cranks: Strong but so annoying (come loose, screech and stuff)
2)Shiver Forks: Good but why do they have to twist all the f-ing time
3)XT Hubs... give them 2 months and then they need to be rebuilt
The Ugly:
1)Rims rims rims... Killed doubletracks, mag-30s, 321, DHXs... you name it we cracked em' or totalled in a month or less
2)Any shock other than an Avalanche, I saw about 3 5th elements 2 Swingers and 5 Romics blow up last year and that was just my friend's bikes
3)Kanter's bike... just kidding lol
4)The forest service... ok so we had permission to build and now with the re-elections the new members of office decided that all of the stuff we got permission to build needs to be torn down (timmy)
5)The MSU Football team... hahaha suckas!
6)Me trying a manual and landing on my ass in front of everyone in the whistler village