
How's your riding going?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Kevin said:
No XC so far this year, maybee when DH seasons over.
DH allmost every weekend, Id say about 3 out of 4 weekends since may.
Pretty happy with that, DH season isnt too long so I have to take advantage of it while it lasts.
are there actual DH spots in holland, or do you have to travel to germany/switz/france?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 10, 2005
Med. to Well-Done in Phx
I have managed to ride 3-4 times a week even with the blast furnace conditions here :hot: , however my riding is back burnered (okay, pun intended) while my wife is back east the next two weeks.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
even at my age.
i'm more than satisfied with my "plummetability" at our local d.h. spot.
2-3 sessions a week trying to keep up with the wippersnappers.

life is good at the moment.


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
I'm on a bike almost every day lately, but the super epics of yesteryear seem to be history so I'm not satisfied. For some reason I just can't seem to get an all day deathmarch on.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
****, I have not ridden enough by any means this summer.

the weather, not having anyone to shuttle with, no money to go anywhere.....Jesus this is depressing, and did I mention no one to ride with?
From March to present, I have been averaging only about three miles a day, but I get my licks in - Monkeyfest racked about 54 miles and 5,800 feet of climbing.

Riding has been more varied than usual - road miles on the MTB when it rains or I'm doing errands, more doubletrack than usual.


French Monkey Instigator Supreme!
Jul 3, 2001
Not on my BIKE!!!
I Are Baboon said:
Just wondering. You riding a lot? A little? Not at all? I guess few people are ever fully satisfied with how much riding they get in, but realistically speaking, how satisfied are you?

Since the early season rainouts have calmed down, the wife and I are probably riding more than ever....once every two or three days. That's about what I can squeeze in between other interests. We usually ride both days on the weekends and once or twice during the week. We can't ask for much more than that!

(I'm ducking out of work in 15 minutes for some more MTB)
Just ducky,how's your's? :wave:

Kingdom AUG 7-8-9???:wave:


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Acadian said:
I think there is a reason your bike has pedals, gears and a chain! :wave:

Yea, And there is a reason my truck has a bike rack.

I am going to have to point you toward the weather part of my post. I will hike a bike anyday its no 115 outside.

Plus......Maybe its just me, But I don't like to ride supergnar stuff by myself....


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
narlus said:
are there actual DH spots in holland, or do you have to travel to germany/switz/france?
i got a few DH days in with kev and the lads.. holland is pancake flat... i think winterberg / willingen in germany is only about 3 hours from kev... those guys also hit morzine / les gets last season as well..

good crew... mad as fark, but great blokes..

edit - my riding...

i ve been doing a 2 rides per week - d-ville and a local GV ride... feeling good... stoked to be hittin utah for 4 or so days of riding next week...


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
chicodude said:
Yea, And there is a reason my truck has a bike rack.

I am going to have to point you toward the weather part of my post. I will hike a bike anyday its no 115 outside.

Plus......Maybe its just me, But I don't like to ride supergnar stuff by myself....
I'm just busting yer balls...but if one REALLY wants to ride - he/she will MAKE time to ride.

I ride solo most of the time and ride early so I don’t have to deal with the treacherous heats we’ve been having…

Since N* is closed this summer - I haven’t touch my big bike since Feb. Haven’t done any shuttles - only trail riding (and occasional road ride) and I’ve been having a blast!

Since early June I’ve logged around 90 hours of riding which consist of 650 miles, 121000 feet of climbing AND 125000 feet of DESCENT <-- most of which is prime singletrack!!

bikes are cool not matter what discipline it is...road, trail, ds, dh, cx...it's all good! Life is good when you are on your bike! :thumb:


May 24, 2006
I've been riding 2-3x/week, sometimes more. All MTB - I guess you'd call it All Mtn. Did make my first trip to Whistler last month and have another scheduled for August.... that place kick ass. My confidence has grown exponentially since I picked up a new bike on the Freeride side of the AM category.

Been thinking about getting into road biking, but I don't think the wife is down for another bike in the garage (and out of the checking acct). Sure would be easier on those days you don't want to pack up and drive to the trailhead.


Turbo Monkey
partsbara said:
i got a few DH days in with kev and the lads.. holland is pancake flat... i think winterberg / willingen in germany is only about 3 hours from kev... those guys also hit morzine / les gets last season as well..

good crew... mad as fark, but great blokes..

edit - my riding...

i ve been doing a 2 rides per week - d-ville and a local GV ride... feeling good... stoked to be hittin utah for 4 or so days of riding next week...
Like Partsy said, Holland is flat as a pancake. We do have 2 4x tracks which are pretty nice though.
We ride mostly in Germany and race the German/Swiss IXS cup.
Also some Belgian races but theyre not nearly as cool as German/Swiss races.
And ofcourse Ill be up in Morzine/Les Gets for about a week or so after we finish working on the RedBull District ride in Nuremberg next week.
Should be a blast.

Have fun in Utah Paul, ya lucky bastid. :D


Aug 28, 2002
I'm lucky enough to be able to ride at lunch everyday for about an hour. We do MTB 4 days for around 5 to 7 miles and Road 1 day for about 25 miles. Weekends are hard usually only 1 day month becauses of the little ones. I do get a couple of weekends though for Pat's peak and the VT50. So I really can't complain.


The human raccoon
Jan 31, 2003
I had a good stretch of riding for about 3 weeks ... road rides on the fixie and street riding on the 456. Other than that, I have been totally unmotivated to ride. I have been riding for 15 years now and this is the first time that I just don't care about hitting the bike. The exception to that is riding DH (but the closest DH is 6 hours away and I am a total chickenschit). I may sell my On-One and get something burlier. I always did want a Bullit, maybe I should commit to one now since I have no desire to ride XC anymore.

I do ride every day to work, but that is only a mile and a half and hardly counts.

Edit: Oh yeah, I started training for another marathon yesterday so that is another 18 weeks without much riding. I will make the Devil's Den downhill race though.

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
Although I got off to a late start, I'm doing much better than last year. I still spend a ton of after-work time wrenching on cars instead of riding, but I can't complain. Except I'm way behind in house chores... :o:

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
lately my riding has been pretty good when i can get out. did this awesome shuttle run out in westminster tonight. it was super flowy with tons of jumps and drops. i ended up going into a double with way too much speed and ended up clearing the entire landing and landed in the berm after the jump. it still was pretty smooth too. im glad that i didnt crash then because next to the trail were just rocks, trees, stumps, and bushes and i was going fast. heres a pic of me when i was midair that jump:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I have raced 4 times this year and have 3 more to go. I try to ride to work at least twice a week and I try to hit Forest Park each morning on the way in.

I get out about once a weekend, but I would like to ride more. I am building a hardtail to get some trail time in outside of what I suffer on the dh rig. I have put my truck on hold because I have chosen to ride.

<edit> I had no bike last year, so anything is better.

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
Tough question...I think that I'm riding a lot better than I was last year, but (probably like probably 85% of the people here) I want to go further with regards to upping the skill level, especially with fast cornering. I haven't figured out that whole "preload the bike to jump into the corner" thing.

I've done 4 dh races thus far and I've done OK thus far (three 3rds and one 4th), but the fields weren't that big either...The downside to all the dh riding I've done is that I've gotten REALLY bad at xc rides over 2 hours - it's killed the fitness I had last year (while upped the skill level though). Next year's plan: road ride and dh only. Now I just need to get a road bike!

EDIT: Hey, I'm #1 for sport dh in my zip code! HA! -
Your NORBA Downhill Sport Standings
1 Rank in your zip code (12208)
11 Rank in your state (NY)
4 Rank in your riding age (40)
17 Rank in 5 year age range (40-44)
29 Rank in 10 year age range (40-49)
168 Overall Rank


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Not a bad year by any scale, and each weekend is an opportunity for it to get better.

i was actually thinking of road riding myself, there is a Seattle to Portland ride every year. Pretty much the biggest cycling event in the area. But it's pretty hard to pull myself away from the mountains when i can't find time to ride everything i want to in a year.









Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2004
In a Van(couver) down by the river
Mine is improving. I'm quite new to the whole suspended bike thing, and I'm starting to get the hang of it.

I was on the same ride a Gnurider1080 last night and the photo above does not do justice to how high he got nor how far from the takeoff he landed. You could say he came into the takeoff a bit hot. :eek: (Landed it though. :thumb: )

Here's my favourite jump of the night:

Did I mention that I LOVE my Splinter?:heart: :D


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
I'm riding trails about 2x per week. One sometimes two 20+ road rides per week, and pschyo commuting everyday (short 5 miles round trip) Yet for some reason I still feel out of shape when I try to do a long xc ride in the heat.

I wish I could work in longer / more trail rides per week but I just seem to run out of time.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 16, 2005
south lake tahoe, ca
chicodude said:
I got a super solid ride in last night....I'm stoaked
i had the world's worst. maybe not world's worst, but sooooo sloppy. it's a ride that i usually have totally down. i walked things i've never walked before. left me feeling super annoyed.

but i'm glad someone else had fun out there.