
Human Evolution


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
jacksonpt said:
why is that such a bad thing?
actually what i mean is.
it seems like everywhere we look nowadays.
one group of one kind of another is professing its hatred of another group of some kind.

that to me is more a path to self destruction and de-evolution.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
dhbuilder said:
actually what i mean is.
it seems like everywhere we look nowadays.
one group of one kind of another is professing its hatred of another group of some kind.

that to me is more a path to self destruction and de-evolution.
I agree. I just don't think a little self destruction is such a bad thing, in a survival of the fittest type thing. Neglectful parents, fat/lazy bastards, close-minded hypocrites... they are the ones who will get weeded out. Unless of course there are so many of them that they end up taking the "good" ones with them. That would suck.



Sep 16, 2001
portland, maine USA
i think evolutions already starting to up the proportion of fat people, stupid people, religeous people, and republican people.

seriously, look at who's having all the damn kids nowadays! it sure as hell isn't smart people or democrats (not that i think the two go together :sneaky: )

my other thought is that male baldness will be the next step. why do we need hair anymore anyways?


Jun 30, 2006
I am in Texas and we are just trying to catch up with everyone else on this whole evolution thing. I could not begin to speculate on what the next step would be for you guys.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
HOOWAH said:
seriously, look at who's having all the damn kids nowadays! it sure as hell isn't smart people or democrats (not that i think the two go together :sneaky: )
I've got 3 kids and I'm brilliant..... :think:

And I think anyone who affiliates themselves with either major party is *very* suspect in the intelligence department. :clue: :p


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
laura said:
you need that like you need a hole in the head.

dont be so sure..
i was reading somewhere, not so shady i remember, speculation about the difference in penis size between humans and the rest of apes...

they suggested there was some sort of evolutionary advantage when it comes to mating correlative to the ape intelligence or something like that.....


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
manimal said:
if evolution were a reality, then why didn't my kids come with built in carrying handles on their backs? much easier than the hip-hugger holding style.
you need to have more kids.

about 100 million kids more... then once you get one with something like a handle or at least a protruding vertebrae.. love him more than the others, so that the others die out of malnurishing, and he breeds... when he grows up he needs to have a few millions kids, and he´d be more likely than you to have a kid with a protruding vertebrae, and he should love that kid (or 2, or 3) more, so that the others die before mating... and so on...
after a few generations, you´d get kids with handle-like devices.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
manimal said:
if evolution were a reality, then why didn't my kids come with built in carrying handles on their backs? much easier than the hip-hugger holding style.

You would have to have found a wife who had side handle mutations. Either way nothing a few inches of nylon webbing and some drywall screws can't fix.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
SkaredShtles said:
And I think anyone who affiliates themselves with either major party is *very* suspect in the intelligence department. :clue: :p
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SkaredShtles again.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Alright i'm not going to turn this into a big debate but just going to state my point. Currently taught(as I was back in HS) there are 6 kinds of evolution and 9 different kinds of "man" along the last 3 kinds of general evolution.
The 6 kinds are Cosmic,Chemical, stars/planents,Organic, Macro, and Micro. Only the last kind has actually been observed and can be called science, the other 5 have to be believed in because they have never been seen or tested like "micro"

And the 9 kinds of man are "Lucy", later foud to be an unusual chimp, Heidelberd man(made from a human jaw bone) Nebraska man(built up from later to be found out as a pigs tooth) Piltdown man (jaw bone of modern ape) Peking man ( susposed to be 500K years old but no evidence surfaced) Neanderthal man (constructed 50 yrs ago from an old man that suffered arthritis) New Guinea man(an actual living tribe found in 1970) Cro-magnon man(fossilis with same brain as modern man) and of course ("moden man")

As a closing point, you have to have something to make something and keep it in right Order, things dont make and organize by themselfs.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Team SpeeDH said:
Alright i'm not going to turn this into a big debate but just going to state my point. Currently taught(as I was back in HS) there are 6 kinds of evolution and 9 different kinds of "man" along the last 3 kinds of general evolution.
The 6 kinds are Cosmic,Chemical, stars/planents,Organic, Macro, and Micro. Only the last kind has actually been observed and can be called science, the other 5 have to be believed in because they have never been seen or tested like "micro"

And the 9 kinds of man are "Lucy", later foud to be an unusual chimp, Heidelberd man(made from a human jaw bone) Nebraska man(built up from later to be found out as a pigs tooth) Piltdown man (jaw bone of modern ape) Peking man ( susposed to be 500K years old but no evidence surfaced) Neanderthal man (constructed 50 yrs ago from an old man that suffered arthritis) New Guinea man(an actual living tribe found in 1970) Cro-magnon man(fossilis with same brain as modern man) and of course ("moden man")

As a closing point, you have to have something to make something and keep it in right Order, things dont make and organize by themselfs.

Did you go to HS in Kansas?


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Team SpeeDH said:
As a closing point, you have to have something to make something and keep it in right Order, things dont make and organize by themselfs.
What keeps that something in order?

edit: Westy beat me to it :D

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
Westy said:
Did you go to HS in Kansas?
No, East coast and public school my whole life. Which reminds me, when in middle school they taught about "2 billion" for earths age. Then in HS it was "4.5 billion" thats quite an inflation i'd say. And as a limiting factor... the Earth currently spins at 1044 MPH and is consistantly slowing down year by year. So rewind to speed it up and in less then 10K years max, the earth would be spinning too fast for life to exsist and the gravitational pull would be unreal... you could huck cliffs like nothing.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Team SpeeDH said:
No, East coast and public school my whole life. Which reminds me, when in middle school they taught about "2 billion" for earths age. Then in HS it was "4.5 billion" thats quite an inflation i'd say. And as a limiting factor... the Earth currently spins at 1044 MPH and is consistantly slowing down year by year. So rewind to speed it up and in less then 10K years max, the earth would be spinning too fast for life to exsist and the gravitational pull would be unreal... you could huck cliffs like nothing.
uhhh sweet jeebus. i am not going to get into this, nooo...



Apr 7, 2006
Team SpeeDH said:
No, East coast and public school my whole life. Which reminds me, when in middle school they taught about "2 billion" for earths age. Then in HS it was "4.5 billion" thats quite an inflation i'd say. And as a limiting factor... the Earth currently spins at 1044 MPH and is consistantly slowing down year by year. So rewind to speed it up and in less then 10K years max, the earth would be spinning too fast for life to exsist and the gravitational pull would be unreal... you could huck cliffs like nothing.
Gaaaaawd bless America!


You may return to this thread once you have graduated from high school and got yourself a bare minumum of half a clue.


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
MudGrrl said:
with that extra dck, and extra hole in the head would be a good thing.
But then he would need to be a lot more flexible, and once that happened Jason would never leave home, and never need to watch T.V. and then who would report on Big Brother?

Personaly I think the next big evolutionary changes with have to do with the Appendix, tail bone, and male nipples.

The appendix will now pre-proccess alcohal to protect the liver

The tailbone with grow a tail

The male nipple will shoot lasers

Oh and the next elolution in Ridemonkey will be built in spellcheck.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Team SpeeDH said:
And the 9 kinds of man are "Lucy", later foud to be an unusual chimp, Heidelberd man(made from a human jaw bone) Nebraska man(built up from later to be found out as a pigs tooth) Piltdown man (jaw bone of modern ape) Peking man ( susposed to be 500K years old but no evidence surfaced) Neanderthal man (constructed 50 yrs ago from an old man that suffered arthritis) New Guinea man(an actual living tribe found in 1970) Cro-magnon man(fossilis with same brain as modern man) and of course ("moden man")
You are right, nobody's going to bother debating this.
yeesh, if you are really interested (which I am sure you are not) I have a couple of books I could lone you on human form and adaptation beginning with monkey and ape adaptation. you'll know more about prehensile tails, peripheral vision, bi-pedal adaptation and jawbone/tooth shape and function than you ever wanted to know.

Until then, I wouldn't repeat any of your school learning to others.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Team SpeeDH said:
No, East coast and public school my whole life. Which reminds me, when in middle school they taught about "2 billion" for earths age. Then in HS it was "4.5 billion" thats quite an inflation i'd say. And as a limiting factor... the Earth currently spins at 1044 MPH and is consistantly slowing down year by year. So rewind to speed it up and in less then 10K years max, the earth would be spinning too fast for life to exsist and the gravitational pull would be unreal... you could huck cliffs like nothing.

Read "the history of just about everything". A very amusing book about the history of scientific discovery.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
SkaredShtles said:
And this is different from the past 2000 years of human history in what way? :think:
good point.

all i want is to evolve into a better trail builder.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
MtnbikeMike said:
We've stopped our own evolution.
this is actually pretty logical if you think about it. humans have spent the last century inventing machines to do the work performed by human labor for several thousand years. this has decreased the amount of activity performed daily and over a lifespan by a person. Physical changes brought about by evolution have been a result of the necessity to adapt to an environment. We, as humans, have stopped adapting to our environment but now change our environment to suit our whims (more in terms of changing landscapes, weather not so much - at least directly). In the past few decades, and the last few years especially, obesity has become an epidemic. People are doing less work and consuming (on average) just as many if not more calories on a daily basis.

Sorry if my thought train jumped around a lot, just my take on the topic.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
jonKranked said:
this is actually pretty logical if you think about it. humans have spent the last century inventing machines to do the work performed by human labor for several thousand years. this has decreased the amount of activity performed daily and over a lifespan by a person. Physical changes brought about by evolution have been a result of the necessity to adapt to an environment. We, as humans, have stopped adapting to our environment but now change our environment to suit our whims (more in terms of changing landscapes, weather not so much - at least directly). In the past few decades, and the last few years especially, obesity has become an epidemic. People are doing less work and consuming (on average) just as many if not more calories on a daily basis.

Sorry if my thought train jumped around a lot, just my take on the topic.
Evolution happens over a very very long period of time or after drastic environmental changes. Light off a few hundred nukes and the weak will be eliminated.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
MudGrrl said:
right now we're just eliminating the fat people by spreading McDonald's as far as the eye can see....
but since the morbidly obese breed with others of the same, er, habitus there's no selection pressure. therefore they will prevail.


Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
Team SpeeDH said:
Alright i'm not going to turn this into a big debate but just going to state my point. Currently taught(as I was back in HS) there are 6 kinds of evolution and 9 different kinds of "man" along the last 3 kinds of general evolution.
The 6 kinds are Cosmic,Chemical, stars/planents,Organic, Macro, and Micro. Only the last kind has actually been observed and can be called science, the other 5 have to be believed in because they have never been seen or tested like "micro"

And the 9 kinds of man are "Lucy", later foud to be an unusual chimp, Heidelberd man(made from a human jaw bone) Nebraska man(built up from later to be found out as a pigs tooth) Piltdown man (jaw bone of modern ape) Peking man ( susposed to be 500K years old but no evidence surfaced) Neanderthal man (constructed 50 yrs ago from an old man that suffered arthritis) New Guinea man(an actual living tribe found in 1970) Cro-magnon man(fossilis with same brain as modern man) and of course ("moden man")

As a closing point, you have to have something to make something and keep it in right Order, things dont make and organize by themselfs.
Get your facts right.






That should get you started. Any other Creationist lies you want to spew?