

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
My fiancee put a jar of honey in my x-mas stocking this year. Since then, it's become a strange, mild obsession. She got me this

which promted me to purchase a jar of this

when I went out to our local natural foods market. The Y.S. farms stuff is about the consistency of peanut butter and tastes absolutely incredible. I can't help but eat a spoonful (or five) every day.

The other stuff, Really Raw, has pretty much everything out of the honey comb in it, including propolis and other chunks...and smells like dogs ears (infected ones at that). I can't bring myself to eat a spoonful of it without wretching, but it's great in tea. It has the consistency of Phil Wood grease; it just smells much worse.

Neither one is processed with heat and they're both chock full of bee made goodies that are supposed to be good for you (not that I buy into that).

Can anyone recommend another, perhaps hard to find, honey that I can seek out?


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut

This one must be the shiznit!


Raw,organic, all natural, kosher, vegitarian!

For six glorious weeks of every year, the wondrous honeybees of New Zealand’s Coromandel Coast buzz among the wild and fragrant flowering Manuka trees. Carrying their precious treasure of Manuka nectar back to the hive. The amazing fruit of their six weeks’ labor is pure liquid gold — Healing Honey®.

Certified Organic Active 10+ Manuka Honey captured the attention of researchers, scientists and The Synergy Company when they discovered that this remarkable honey possesses a unique and highly beneficial characteristic not found in any other honey. This special Manuka factor offers significant health-enhancing benefits above and beyond the hydrogen peroxide enzymes and other valuable properties found in all raw honeys. It also accounts for the more than 100-fold difference in potency between Healing Honey and all other honeys.

Only 2% of all Manuka honey is the rare Active 10+ Manuka Honey that scientific studies have found to be so therapeutic. For this reason, Manuka honey is tested at the University of Waikato to determine the level of its therapeutic, active compounds. Only Manuka honey that carries the Active 10+ designation has a scientifically tested and verified potency equal to that of a 10% phenol (carbolic) solution. After harvest, Healing Honey is meticulously tested to verify that it is free of over 160 chemical residues to ensure its organic purity. This not only protects you and the environment from any potential contamination, it also safeguards the astounding qualities and beneficial attributes of this liquid gold.


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
If you get raw honey that was produced locally, it can help you to build up an immunity to pollen (if you suffer allergies).


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
Honey never spoils. No need to refrigerate it. It can be stored unopened, indefinitely, at room temperature in a dry cupboard.

Honey is one of the oldest foods in existence. It was found in the tomb of King Tut and was still edible since honey never spoils.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
PonySoldier said:
Honey never spoils. No need to refrigerate it. It can be stored unopened, indefinitely, at room temperature in a dry cupboard.

Honey is one of the oldest foods in existence. It was found in the tomb of King Tut and was still edible since honey never spoils.
coooooooooooool, i would have eaten some, then sold the rest on e-bay.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Any guy who has ever said " I'm going to pour honey all over you and lick it off" has never taken THAT job on. Oh yeah honey crystalizes (sp?) so be careful. Trim or remove ALL facial hair trust me.

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
dhtahoe said:
Any guy who has ever said " I'm going to pour honey all over you and lick it off" has never taken THAT job on. Oh yeah honey crystalizes (sp?) so be careful. Trim or remove ALL facial hair trust me.
I take it you know from experience Mike :oink:

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
dhtahoe said:
Any guy who has ever said " I'm going to pour honey all over you and lick it off" has never taken THAT job on. Oh yeah honey crystalizes (sp?) so be careful. Trim or remove ALL facial hair trust me.
Amateur. ;) Heat the honey a bit under hot water, then mix in just a little melted butter and a splash of water. Much more lickable /removable that way.


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
El Jefe said:
Amateur. ;) Heat the honey a bit under hot water, then mix in just a little melted butter and a splash of water. Much more lickable /removable that way.
Hey where i live is very cold right now. Hot water or not WE will still have issues.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
dhtahoe said:
Hey where i live is very cold right now. Hot water or not WE will still have issues.
The hot water is just to reduce the viscosity of the honey in order to mix the melted butter in more easily. Once you add the butter and a little warm water, the honey will not stick as much, nor be as viscous, even when it cools down. Her body heat will help as well.