
I am an engaged monkey!


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I did it. After 6 years I did it.

I took her out to a deserted stretch of the beach, on the rocks that make up the tide pools. With the waves crashing behind us and the wind blowing I got down on bended knee and asked her to be my wife.

She said YES! :love:

She loved the ring!

October 2005 we're gettin hitched! :thumb:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Ha, when I first opened the thread I thought the title said you were "enraged". This is better, congrats.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Ciaran said:
I did it. After 6 years I did it.

I took her out to a deserted stretch of the beach, on the rocks that make up the tide pools. With the waves crashing behind us and the wind blowing I got down on bended knee and asked her to be my wife.

She said YES! :love:

She loved the ring!

October 2005 we're gettin hitched! :thumb:
Is she hot?


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Thank you everyone. I am pretty stoked.

Yes she is HOT! Very hot!

a/s/l = my age/yes, lot's but only with me/with me

She was expecting it to happen by the end of the year but she said that she had no idea it was happening till I went down on one knee. It was great, and the look on her face was awsome.

I highly recommend getting engaged.

Of course now the real work starts... planning the wedding!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
SkaredShtles said:
Don't worry - that's her gig. ;) You just show up on the agreed-upon day.
Or don't, if your friends find you an agreeable stripper that you run off to Tijuana with...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
binary visions said:
Or don't, if your friends find you an agreeable stripper that you run off to Tijuana with...
We are getting married in San Diego too. Strippers just over the border. I totally forgot that I get to have a bachelor party. Oh man! I am going to be so trashed.
The only part of planning the wedding I have done is the booze. So far I have a friend making honey mead for us and we decided that one of the kegs will be Sierra Nevada, and maybe a Guinness keg too. :thumb:

dh girlie

Ciaran said:
Thank you everyone. I am pretty stoked.

Yes she is HOT! Very hot!

a/s/l = my age/yes, lot's but only with me/with me

She was expecting it to happen by the end of the year but she said that she had no idea it was happening till I went down on one knee. It was great, and the look on her face was awsome.

I highly recommend getting engaged.

Of course now the real work starts... planning the wedding!
Yeah if you can survive planning the wedding for the next ten months, then you will be able to survive anything...congratulations.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Congrats! Happy planning. Don't get toooooo carried away with details and stress. you guys should enjoy this, not dread it. :)


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
SkaredShtles said:
Sierra Nevada what...........? :sneaky:

D'OH! You are absolutely right. Might as well have said "we are having beer". Probably the Pale Ale. It's something that most folks will drink if the Guinness is too much for them.

The first time I ever met The GF she stole my bottle of Bushmills. I knew right then that it was her and I forever.

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
Ciaran said:
I highly recommend getting engaged.
so do i have to do the actually wedding/marraige thing too, or can i just get engaged and call it good?

hehe, just kidding, CONGRATULATIONS!

when i first read your post, i thought you were going to say; "With the waves crashing behind us and the wind blowing I got down on bended knee and asked her to be my wife. and she said, 'WHAT?!? I CAN'T HEAR YOU WITH ALL THIS NOISE!' and THEN she said yes!" :D


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
N8 said:

Do yourselves a HUGE favor and either elope or just show up at the Justice of the Peace's....
My wife and I have talked about it a million times.... we wished that we had done it very very very small and saved our (and her parent's) money.

She always thought she wanted a big wedding but it turned out she would have rather had the money.

Y'all need to seriously talk about it.



Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
lovebunny said:
so are you letting all us sd monkeys come to the wedding? well do a demo :thumb: how sick would that be? a buncha guys jumping bikes in tuxes in front of a wedding chapel. where u havin it?
Ok, yeah, that'd be cool. We are getting married in Ocean beach at her parents house. They have a place on the beach so we'll do it on the balcony that overlooks the rocks and ocean. After the reception we are heading into O.B to do a wedding pub crawl. Everyone is welcome to join the pub crawl. I will have to let y'all know when it gets close. O.B has some cool bars too. Lot's of Guinness on tap.

You give good advice DRB. We also want to have a small wedding and save the money for our honeymoon or our house fund. We are worried about it getting out of hand but I figure that her mom and her best friend will pretty much take over the planning. (fingers crossed!)

Yeah, if she said no it was into the ocean with her! :p No jury in the land would convict me.
"But your honor, I was with her for SIX years and she still said no!"
"Well, OK then... just try not to let it happen again."


Monkey Flirt
Aug 1, 2001
I'm getting married in three months and I lack the bride gene and I hate every minute of this crap. I'm doing it for my mother. No matter what ANYONE says it isn't about you two if you have a big family. Quite honestly he wanted a big wedding too. So I'm out numbered. However I have not disillusioned myself to think he wants anything to do with the planning, registering, and all the freaking joy that a wedding entails.
So fighting is a minimum. Plus he's paying for most of it, so I'd better be the good little wedding planner. LOL