
I am disapoint...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I am a big reader, used libraries and books as a kid to escape many things. The love of books has been continued with all of my kids, and we have always loved the public library.

Recently, 3 friends of mine wrote childrens books, which I purchased, intending to read and then pass along to the local public library and our little take a book/leave a book lending library in our neighborhood. Two of them were written as cathartic exercises in grief management, the other is just a cute book for kids learning to read.

Books arrived...we read them, wiped off the tears in some cases, and posted same in the leave a book. Took the others to the local public library, where I have already donated cd's, and asked if they took donations of books. The gal behind the desk says "Oh sure, but they go first to the central library where they are put up for sale..."

Uhh, come again? For sale? So if they make it through the book sale then they get put on the shelves??

I explain the situation and she gives me the phone # of the collection manager and says I can call him and try to get him to sign off on the idea of having 3 unapproved books on his shelves. I say fuck it and donate them to a base library. As much as I am trying to distance myself from the military, books are books, and I hope that someone can enjoy them like me and my family do/did/will.

I grow increasingly cynical in my old age...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
WTF Springs? You now have so much money for public libraries that you can turn down free books? I hate that place.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I am wondering how long the Frau and I will last here. As everyone knows, place is chock full of Right Wing douchenozzles. Me and Squeeb notwithstanding...

Contemplating a return to Europe already.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I can perhaps shed some light...

Libraries really have limited shelf-space. They want to make sure that the space available is not wasted. So... someone (or some group of someones) has to review and decide what books go on the shelves. The only books that get shelved are ones that people are *likely* to be looking for.

Add to that the metric shit-ton of books that people donate to the library.

I seriously doubt that donated books that DON'T get sold at their book-sales get put on the shelves. They likely get destroyed.

Just a bit of insider-info.