
I am going to be out for a bit longer. Kidney Transplant.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Hello everyone, as some of you know I am current out because of a dirt jumping crash that resulted in a dislocated shoulder as well as a broken humerus. Something else has come up that is probably going to put me out for another month or two.

A long time friend of mine who at age 9 got a kidney disease that killed both of her kidneys. Because nobody in her family was a match, she ended up getting a transplant from being on the waiting list from a young boy who died in a car crash. It has been almost 13 years since then and her transplanted kidney is now failing. It is currently at about 3% usage and has her going to dialysis 4 days a week.

The real crappy thing now is that the waiting list for her to get a new kidney is about 7 years. To make things worse, I don’t know if any of you know but when you kidney isn’t working right; lots of things don’t work right. She is exhausted all the time from the dialysis, nauseous all the time - she has actually lost 30 lbs in the last couple months because she cannot eat anything without getting sick. She also has an irregular heartbeat and cannot sleep (she gets around 2-3 hours if she’s lucky a night). Along with lots of other really not so awesome things.

It is really hard to see someone so close to you go through all of this. So my mom and I went to the doctor to see if we could be a possible blood match to her. I give blood whenever there is a drive near by so it wasn’t anything new to me. It ended up I was a match but my mom was not. Me being a match is pretty rare considering she has been on anti-rejection medicine as well as a bunch of other medications that make being a match much more difficult than just being a blood type match.

Anyways since I was a match, I decided to continue going through with a bunch of tests over the past few months to continue seeing if I was a match to her. Everything has gone perfectly. I have been a match with everything. So yesterday I just got word that dates for the transplant have been scheduled. As of right now it is scheduled to happen on the 9th of August. It’s happening soon. I just thought I would share with you guys.

Would any of you do the same for your best friend of over 15 years? What are your guys’ thoughts?


Jul 27, 2006
If you can do this to help, you are by far the coolest person on this site. Good for you.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
Wow, very noble of you! I would most definitely do the same if I could ... or at least I'd to think I would. Good luck with everything; I hope it turns out fine for the both of you.


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Yeah that's quite a selfless act. I'm not sure I'd have the stones to do it.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Wow thanks guys for the great response!

I also have some nice plans for my DH rig while I am out as well. I will post pictures as soon as I have the frame/forks back from powder coating. =]

I will also keep you guys posted on the recovery and stuff. They are saying I am going to get the laparoscopic method of surgery done (which is a less invasive method that has a MUCH quicker recovery time than the normal method).


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
awesome, absolutely fantastic. My best friend in high school had kidney problems and had to have one removed. I watch her go through a lot of pain and sickness and she still had one kidney. You are definitely an awesome guy to have on your good side. Good luck. My thoughts are with you two.


Aug 25, 2004
nor cal
you rock and deserve all the best karma in the world!!! good luck and stay healthy...

I wouldn't even consider giving my husband my kidney...;)

(for those of you who don't understand sarcasm or a winking smilie...that was a joke)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
That's a hell of a thing to do. Really, really awesome. Good luck and best wishes to you and your friend, I hope everything goes smoothly for both of you.

Definitely approved! :thumb:

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
You are a truely incredibly human being and I admire your compassion and selflessness. Good luck and keep us posted on your and your friends recovery. :)


Mar 12, 2003
N. Tonawanda, NY
that is one of the most selfless acts I've heard of on the monkey, let alone in this cold cruel world.
Props to you and best of luck in this endevour.

After the transplant and you see your friend looking well, and when all of the negative side effects begin to disappear then both of you will feel great!

Best wishes to both of you.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
you are truly an EXAMPLE for all these monkeys. That's freakin amazing. And yeah...I WOULD do it for a friend. Hope you get paid back 10 fold!!! :)


scarred, broken and drunk
Mar 31, 2002
crashing at a trail near you...
stones is right, that is one hellava step up to the plate. best of luck to you :thumb:
oddly enough, you are now the 2nd person i know as my supervisor at work just donated his kidney to his mother at the beginning of last year i think its safe to say that you bascially have a lifetime supply of good karma now!
reason 1,209,345,456,386,961,298 that :monkey:s rock


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
RIGHT ON! Hope all goes well for her once she get's the new kidey hooked up. Also hope you can make it to the SoCal Monkeyfest so I can shake your hand.

Also I expect a full report, with scar pictures, on your surgery.
rep sent, and I nominate you as the king of Friday.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
You sir...Are one HELL of a man :thumb:

It takes alot of stones. But If it was anyone that was close to me I would do it without hesitation

Approved ;)


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
wow man, That is really a great story. I wish you and your friend the best of luck!

and to answer your question... I am not sure I would have the guts to do it.... I would love to sit here from this side of the keyboard and say YEAH I WOULD, but when it comes down to reality... I think I would be more than a little scared. You are showing the true meaning of selfless, and are to be commended for it!


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
How the hell did I just now see this thread? WOW is all I can say. I don't know much about physiology to know how only having one kidney could effect you, but dang, good for you. What a great friend!

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Having one kidney really wont effect much. One of the really cool things about being a donor is if something were to ever happen to my kidney, I am put at the top of the list.

Thanks you guys. It means a lot to hear this stuff from you guys.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
N8 said:
I think you are one hell of a man.


The cool thing about it is if she buys an awesome car and you want to borrow it, how can she say no? haha....

Seriously it's a totally awesome gift to give, unless of course you give her a few stones with yours hehe...


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
:thumb: Dude, my hats off to you. Just when I think I'm ready to write off people as worthless, something like this comes along to change my mind. Wishing you both a quick recovery. You're the man :thumb: