
I am going to be out for a bit longer. Kidney Transplant.


May 2, 2005
Christchurch NZ
Total Heckler said:
Hello everyone, as some of you know I am current out because of a dirt jumping crash that resulted in a dislocated shoulder as well as a broken humerus. Something else has come up that is probably going to put me out for another month or two.

A long time friend of mine who at age 9 got a kidney disease that killed both of her kidneys. Because nobody in her family was a match, she ended up getting a transplant from being on the waiting list from a young boy who died in a car crash. It has been almost 13 years since then and her transplanted kidney is now failing. It is currently at about 3% usage and has her going to dialysis 4 days a week.

The real crappy thing now is that the waiting list for her to get a new kidney is about 7 years. To make things worse, I don’t know if any of you know but when you kidney isn’t working right; lots of things don’t work right. She is exhausted all the time from the dialysis, nauseous all the time - she has actually lost 30 lbs in the last couple months because she cannot eat anything without getting sick. She also has an irregular heartbeat and cannot sleep (she gets around 2-3 hours if she’s lucky a night). Along with lots of other really not so awesome things.

It is really hard to see someone so close to you go through all of this. So my mom and I went to the doctor to see if we could be a possible blood match to her. I give blood whenever there is a drive near by so it wasn’t anything new to me. It ended up I was a match but my mom was not. Me being a match is pretty rare considering she has been on anti-rejection medicine as well as a bunch of other medications that make being a match much more difficult than just being a blood type match.

Anyways since I was a match, I decided to continue going through with a bunch of tests over the past few months to continue seeing if I was a match to her. Everything has gone perfectly. I have been a match with everything. So yesterday I just got word that dates for the transplant have been scheduled. As of right now it is scheduled to happen on the 9th of August. It’s happening soon. I just thought I would share with you guys.

Would any of you do the same for your best friend of over 15 years? What are your guys’ thoughts?
It is an awesome thing you are doing man, big ups to you.
I hope it all goes swimmingly well for both you and your friend.
Ride on.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I couldn't answer that question with any honesty unless I was in that situation and faced with the same thing. I would tend to believe that I would. I know for my immediate family I would.

Your an honorable man, and I sir, salute you.


Mar 20, 2004
olney md.
WOW I'm amazed every time I hear about people doing this kind of thing because I'm not sure if I could do it.
So props to you for making this decision to do it!!!!!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
wow. you are a giant among men for what you are doing. i only hope that if i am ever faced with a similar situation, i can 'man-up' the way you are.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
Thumbs up to you for doing this. Your friend is lucky to have you.

A girlfriend of mine donated a kidney to her brother a few years ago. The coolest part of it was how quickly he started to recover. When you go from not having something functioning in you to then getting one that works the change was amazing. Unfortunately the recovery isn't so "quick" in the donar because you taken a perfectly good functioning system and disrupted it, but definitely all worth it in the end. The recovery for my friend wasn't to bad and was a great excuse for us to lay around and watch all the terrible tv we wanted :)

Best of luck to you and your friend.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Well there goes your days of Binge drinking :)

But........it's all for a good deal. I'd help out a serious friend/family member if it came down to it. You are saving someone's life, and if you are in the position to do so there's nothing wrong you can do. It's something that you'll be commended on for probably the rest of your life for being generous enough to give a body part to save another person.

It's not like giving up your french fries, or giving a buddy a soda.......you know what I mean? I know Kidney's are a huge deal as you have to watch what you eat/drink (atleast I think) but I know the drinking part as you only have one to process that stuff. But either way if you already live a healthly lifestyle it's no biggy.

I'd like to say at age 25 (which I am) I'd donate one to family or someone I deemed needed it. At age 35/40/45 why not? You've lived life already, and pretty much pushing over the hump of life so if you can make it easier for someone.......mise well do it.

Big ups man, it's nothing giving blood, giving a body part really is something special. Hope everything goes well in both the transplant and recovery!

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Thanks everyone. =]

That is cool to hear about your girlfriend. I have a family friend who had his brother donate his kidney to him. Pretty amazing stuff to see for sure.

Honestly I never thought I would be doing this. But if it’s to save a good friend and help her live a better quality life, why would I not. I can live a full and healthy life with just one kidney, why not help someone else who might not be able to otherwise do the same?

I will post photos of the scars and stuff and keep all of you updated on how things go. I have my surgical evaluation on Tuesday the 1st. And the transplant is set yo be on the 9th.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Alright, I got some more information yesterday from the surgical evaluation with the surgeon.

They are going to be taking my left kidney using the laparoscopic method of surgery. This is all set to take place on Wednesday the 9th (1 week from today). I will be there Tuesday the 8th until Friday if everything goes as planned - hopefully even back to my desk job on Monday.

The doctor said it will be about a month until I feel like nothing happened. They again explained all of the risks to me etc. Really, there aren’t any things I need to change after doing this. I heard things about not being able to drink as much etc - but the doctor confirmed that nothing should change. He said just be sure to stay hydrated like any other time when drinking.

Another thing I found out was the chance of her rejecting the kidney. Normally the % is about 95% chance of success and everything working fine. But because of her unique kidney disease from the past it significantly lowers the chance of success. It is a 50-50 chance it is going to work.

But yeah, last night Amanda was at dinner with her family after the surgical evaluation and ended up having a seizure and had to be brought to the hospital by ambulance. Seizures are a common side effect from the kidney being in the condition it is in. She is ok now, but it was a little scary for her fiancé and family. I really want to get this done as soon as possible.

I will keep you guys posted.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
So what normally happens when one needs an organ transplant? You get put in the queue and have to wait your turn, unless you can find a donor yourself?

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
That is correct. You just have to wait. The thing is you cannot ask people to donate to you. It is illegal to do. Yes, illegal. The person has to offer it. You also cannot buy one / bribe etc to get one.


Jul 27, 2006
I Are Baboon said:
So basically, a person in need of a transplant has to just get lucky and hope someone who is a match knows their story and offers up?
Scary huh? I wouldn't have the gumption. I am scared of surgery just to help me.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Yep, thats just how it works. It is pretty scary to be in that position. One of the perks to donating your kidney is that you get put at the top of the donor list if anything ever happens to your one kidney.

Thaks again everyone. =]

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Total Heckler said:
One of the perks to donating your kidney is that you get put at the top of the donor list if anything ever happens to your one kidney.
Damn, dude, you're so selfish ;)

50/50 chance of rejecting the kidney is scary. I hope for both of your sakes that everything goes smoothly and that doesn't happen - keep us in the loop :)

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
binary visions said:
Damn, dude, you're so selfish ;)

50/50 chance of rejecting the kidney is scary. I hope for both of your sakes that everything goes smoothly and that doesn't happen - keep us in the loop :)

For sure. I will see about bringing my powerbook while I am in the hospital for the couple days afterward to let you guys know how things are going.


This is a pretty awesome thing you are doing for your friend, hats off... :)

As well as most of the other people posting on this thread, I'd like to think that I'd be able to make the same decision you have in order to save my friend


Mar 14, 2005
I think that is a noble thing you are doing... not to many ppl can go through with it... a Friend at work wound up being a match for his wife.. and had the transplant before they were Married.. I think its awesome and best of luck

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
So I spoke with Amanda's finance yesterday (the day after she had the seizure at a restaurant and had to be brought to the hospital by ambulance) and he said they may be delaying the transplant now because of what happened. I should be finding out today or tomorrow if it’s still a go or not for the 9th. If it is not, it is going to be set for the 30th of this month. She is not on anti-seizure medication to hopefully stop that from happening again.

I really hope they want to continue with the current date that is set. The sooner this is done hopefully the sooner she can start getting better.


Nov 21, 2005
Much respect for doing that. I definatley would for a friend of that long.

Its also a lesson to others out there....if you arent an organ donor, BECOME ONE.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
The transplant has been delayed officially now. They are shooting for the 30th of this month now. After the seizure they want to make sure she is going to be stable before performing such a major operation.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Hello everyone, I know it’s been a while since I posted on here. The transplant is set to happen this Wednesday. I am posting this today because I am not going to have internet access while I am at the hospital.

But yeah, everything is set to go. It’s crazy. I am excited and a little nervous about it.

Besides all of that I did my first bike ride (since the injury) yesterday. It was awesome. I cannot wait to be back.

Wish me luck!

Also if you are in the Bay Area (and bored) come by and say hello. I will be there all week. If you want contact info send me a PM. I will be checking until later tonight.