
I am not disappoint...(The candy thread!)


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
So, I have a fat kid inside me, he has been trying to get out for years now. (There is a lesbian inside me too, but that is for another thread and probably another website...). The fat kid likes candy...German Snickers are his favorite, as well as Ritter Sport chocolates. The Frau introduced him to dark chocolate years ago, and now he loves that too.

Recently, the fine folks at M&M Mars had a contest to determine the next new M&M flavor, auditioning some truly, uhhh, different flavors. I am happy and proud to report that my favorite, coffee flavor, won and that I am now in the process of destroying my first bag of said sugar bombs.

What are Monkeys eating when no one is watching and calories are not at issue????

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Yesterday was chocolate cupcakes with frosting that Toshi said looked like a penis. I still ate them, because despite looking like penii, it was frosting. I had two of those. Today was chocolate chip heath cookies that the wife made. I wasn't expecting cookies but she snuck them into my lunch bag when I wasn't looking. I ate three of those. Normally I will eat whatever sugar product is available to me, though I am certainly partial to the baked goods. The cashier in the cubicle a few rows down always has a bowl of candy on her desk, and I always take some. Right now she has plain, old school Hershey's Kisses. You can't go wrong with those.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
I have stopped eating candy recreationally but was introduced to Costco gummi bears for energy while on long pedals.

The fat kid in me used to consume almond rocha, heath bars, mounds, and cherry garcia ice cream.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
I eat the hearts of my vanquished enemies dipped in the tears of unwed debutantes. But that's usually just a treat.

I have a serious, i.e. pre-diabetic problem with anything sugary. Tried to keep it to natural sugars like dried fruit and honey, but still wound up gaining weight and elevating my blood sugar. I can eat a disturbing amount of dried mangos in one sitting. The only upside is that I pop with absolute authority.


bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
not a fan of chocolatey stuff in general, but i'll chow on some sweet tarts, and other tangy/sweet and sour stuff like that.

now who's ready for a nice handful of gummy dicks!


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
When I was in Denmark a month ago I got to visit the factory that is revolutionizing licorice. All of their suff is amazing and even if you think you do not like chocolate its worth a try.



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Lindt 70% is right for me. Definitely finer than ghiradelli (the finer it's ground, the smoother it is). Darker than 70% gets too bitter for me and although I love milk chocolate too, I don't like that much dairy all the time. Otherwise, most any chocolate is alright with me, but I try to avoid the HFCS cheap shit. Dark chocolate at room temp, milk chocolate frozen.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Cheap fruit pies are my downfall.

Like crack. For my "healthy" snack, I keep smokehouse almonds mixed with craisins. Semi healthy in small doses.

<edit> Dollar store candy isle for Mike and Ike, Hot Tamaie, Boston Baked beans.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Lindt 70% is right for me. Definitely finer than ghiradelli (the finer it's ground, the smoother it is). Darker than 70% gets too bitter for me and although I love milk chocolate too, I don't like that much dairy all the time. Otherwise, most any chocolate is alright with me, but I try to avoid the HFCS cheap shit. Dark chocolate at room temp, milk chocolate frozen.
I like Lindt up to 90%. Shit gives me heartburn, though, so I've had to lay off of it.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I got a seriously bad case of food poisoning after a couple of these when I was in my teens after a rodeo event. Just that picture turned my stomach.
Every place I have ever had a Frito Pie. Ohio or Tennessee mostly. Has served them with hot sauce for what I assume would be for some germ killing function and marginally for taste. I put hot sauce on most things I consume from gas stations just as a rule of thumb.... I advise you do the same.... If it costs less then $2 and you're drunk or stoned and fail to properly assess the situation. Put Hot sauce on it.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Seriously. Entemans chocolate fudge cake, once again served with Chocolate fudge Ice Cream. Perrys if you can get it. Breyers if not... Chocolate Sauce and chopped cherries and whipped cream from a can.... If you're English you can replace the ice cream with Chocolate Pudding.

And Hostess little chocolate donuts. I often have them for breakfast on days I ride...