
I am out for a while (Dirt Jumping crash)

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
This Sunday I did a DH ride in the early afternoon and then decided to do a DJ session at one of the local spots. I ended up doing this 6 pack rhythm section I have never done (I was stoked.) then I go around a berm to do a small double and fully stack over the bars.

It ends up I dislocated my shoulder and got a very small fracture on the bone. It took the doctors 20 minutes to get it back into place because it kept popping back out. Let me tell you all, it was not very pleasant. I have never dislocated it before so I am pretty scared to have it happen again. Doctors said up to 6 weeks for recovery. I hope less because I’m supposed to be going to Whistler next month on the 17th.



Dec 15, 2004
Santa Cruz
Sorry to hear that. I messed up my hand going on seven weeks ago. Broke a bone and riped a bunch of stuff hyperextending all my fingers. That was my first dry ride of the year. :redhot:

Today was my first attempt back on the bike, to the post office that is. It still hurts pretty good. Not sure how long it will be before I can really ride.

Shoulders suck too. I broke and dislocated mine on A-Line five years ago and it still bothers me sometimes. Do you PT exercises and get the surgery if you need it. I didn't, that's why it's still messed up I think.

Good luck.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
Dude that sucks... sounds like Dufour to me? Anyway I hope you get better soon in time for Whistler. Dislocated shoulders suck.


Jan 20, 2005
Santa Cruz
i crashed 3 weeks ago and got back on my bike yesterday. i cased a hip and got bucked over the bars. i fell about 10' and landed on my shoulder and side. minor dislocation and a bunch of bruised ribs and a huge bruise on my leg. riding was nice again after not touching my bike for over 3 weeks.

I hope you learned not to get drunk and go dirt jumping, or get drunk and go swimming (fell and hit his head).



Oct 26, 2004
Jackson, CA
Bummer! I've had riding related injuries the past two summers. I'm just finished healing from a bruised rib (at Auburn DJ's). I know how frustrating it is! Hope you heal fast with no lasting effects...


Aug 10, 2004
Santa Cruz, CA
Dude, that sucks. Good luck healing up. My advice is don't push it, and do the PT exercises once things are healed up to the point that you can. I dislocated my shoulder snowboarding the day after Christmas this past Dec. They said 6 weeks, and that was about right; at least it took about that long till it was to about 90% or so. Of course, I didn't listen and went snowboarding again 5 days later... but that was DUMB and I was lucky I didn't screw it up more. I also did ride after a couple weeks, but that was probably dumb too. Even though I was kind of taking it easy, if I did something stupid and fell on it again I would have been screwed. Then it would have *really* taken a long time to heal. I know how hard it is to wait around for things to heal but try to take it easy.


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
jamie and matt said that your thinking about not going to whistler now, you should man up and still go. last year my shoulder was so bad that i could grab it and move it around. it hurt so bad that i didnt even ride the last day but i still went and road, so your going.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
IronJim said:
jamie and matt said that your thinking about not going to whistler now, you should man up and still go. last year my shoulder was so bad that i could grab it and move it around. it hurt so bad that i didnt even ride the last day but i still went and road, so your going.
keep in mind that a shoulder that's been dislocated once is easier to reinjure. having a chronically loose shoulder is no fun, and is part of the reason why i ended up selling my dh bike. fwiw.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
It really all depends on how well it heals. I am going to the doctor next Thursday to see how things are going. I will also be asking him what he recommends. Honestly, I would rather sit this one out and let things heal really well so I can make it next year or later this summer. I am going to be buying the 661 shoulder brace in hopes that it will help while riding. But it’s just a waiting game now.

Considering selling my DJ bike now because I am scared to fall with it.


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
yeah, ive been meaning to get one of those 661 braces but havent yet. tyler has deslocated his shoulder about 20 times and hes back doing things the next day. it seems to me that with disloactions your either going to be fine or its going to keep happing. i think im going to have to go back in and get scar tissue removed witch is going to suck again. oh and the next time i see you if you have any questions about shoulders you can asked me because im a shoulder expert now.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
^ the first time is the longest recovery and although subsequent times might be easier to pop it back in and ride again it will never be the same....


aaaaaaaaaahahahahha, aahahhaha

I can laugh because I dislocated my shoulder and after that, Ive dislocated it about 50+ times since. After the first 25 times or so, its standard procedure. Incredible blinding pain, soreness for a few days, then back on the bike!!! LET IT HEAL RIGHT! And stop asking for sympathy! Youll get none from me!


Jan 20, 2005
Santa Cruz
josh dont sell your chameleon, you need to learn to fall better. and you should probably let it heal all the way so it doesnt happen again. if that means no whistler, lame but you should let it heal.


Dec 5, 2001
Pleasant Hill, Kali'fo'nya
Damn man, you sound like me!!! Anyway, take it easy and I'd reccomend getting an MRI. I dislocated mine in auburn and as you know about a month ago in SC riding with you guys. Got the MRI done, turns out I have 2 torn tendons in my shoulder. Surgery time for me.

What I am trying to say is that even though it may feel good to ride on, it WILL take less of an impact to dislocate. First time I did mine was in a crash, second time was going over bumps. Your shoulder may feel fine but the chances of it being 100% again or slim. As toshi said, after the first time you do it, it's pretty much all downhill from there. It just takes one hit at just the right angle to pop that POS out again.

I'm out for the season. Maybe we can form a beer drinking team?


Dec 5, 2001
Pleasant Hill, Kali'fo'nya
One more thing. I had a 2 week whistler plan made for this summer and I can't make it now. Sure it sucks, but let's look on the bright side. It'd suck to go up to whistler and dislocate it while up there, leaving you un able to ride. Let it heal and get ready for riding this winter/next season!!!!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
ghettogt76 said:
As toshi said, after the first time you do it, it's pretty much all downhill from there. It just takes one hit at just the right angle to pop that POS out again.
so true. :dead: for example, i've dislocated my shoulder by running into a pick while playing basketball... and the person setting this pick was a ~100 lb female. it doesn't hurt anymore, at least, just feels "weird".


Dec 5, 2001
Pleasant Hill, Kali'fo'nya
Toshi said:
so true. :dead: for example, i've dislocated my shoulder by running into a pick while playing basketball... and the person setting this pick was a ~100 lb female. it doesn't hurt anymore, at least, just feels "weird".
Yeah, it's weird how it's so unexpected. Just when you *think* it's healed all the way, POP, there is goes again...


Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
yeah josh, you should probably let it heal because it also seemed like it was going to be hard for you to come up with all the money too, so start saving for next year. i probably wouldnt of gone last year if i wasnt going to get surgery right when i got back.

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
The money isn’t a problem now (I just got a $2,500 bonus from work last week - SCORE!).

I seriously think that I should just let it heal for now and scrap the trip to Whistler/Nationals this year. Trust me this is a hard thing to do considering I have all of the money, people, and training for some good times up there.

But this way it can have plenty of time to heal right and I can hopefully be able to ride pretty hard again in the future. I really would rather sit out for a while so I can continue to ride for a long time.

Well, now I have plenty of time to dial in my bike for when I can ride again. I am planning on doing a complete overhaul on the bike (new bearings, bushings, painting the frame, etc.) It should be pretty sick when I am done with it. Maybe a new fork too.


Aug 10, 2004
Santa Cruz, CA
A couple other things I have heard FWIW:

- Apparently the younger you are the first time you dislocate it, the more likely it is that it will happen again.

- In some cases surgery can make it stronger than it was originally. From a friend who dislocated it when he was 18, then subsequently re-dislocated it like 15 times before finally getting surgery:
It's been bulletproof ever since. After the shoulders are fixed they're supposedly stronger than normal. When your shoulder dislocates it actually pops out forward through a natural hole between a couple of tendons. When they repair it they sew the hole closed.


Aug 31, 2005
Let it heal. My friend finally had to have surgery because he was like Raacerx and eventually it wouldn't stay in the socket very well. I remember him having to stop and pop it back in 3 times in one day at Kirkwood.

Hope you heal up well. I stacked hard on the first double out of the berm at Brommer. Same jump?

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
Scarpa said:
Let it heal. My friend finally had to have surgery because he was like Raacerx and eventually it wouldn't stay in the socket very well. I remember him having to stop and pop it back in 3 times in one day at Kirkwood.

Hope you heal up well. I stacked hard on the first double out of the berm at Brommer. Same jump?
I’m going to let it heal for sure.

It was the 3rd jump after the berm. Still one of the small ones unfortunately. After going the bigger rhythm for the first time I just slipped on the small one. =P

Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
So I went to a specialist today and they x-rayed my shoulder. I have a huge fracture on my humorous up on the ball area of the bone. All of the x-rays from before were all taken at an angle where you could not see the break.

The doctor says 6 weeks for the bone to heal, 6+ weeks for strength building and gaining movement back. I will be getting a copy of the x-ray next week.


Dec 5, 2001
Pleasant Hill, Kali'fo'nya
I'd really reccomend getting an MRI too. I didn't have bone problems, but problems with tendons and stuff in my shoulder was what was causing my dislocations to happen. Turns out I have a torn labrum and a stretched capsule - something that couldn't be seen on the x ray.