
I am so Glad I carry My camera when I ride !!


Nam I am
even thought I was riding solo today , I got these amazing shots.

But first lets set it up . I went snow shoeing this morning and I went down the rail bed , and as I got as far as I planned to go. there were snow mobile tracks going down the Gas line at Hopping Brooke. well after I got home I ate lunch goofed around, then around 3 I decided to go see how ridable the sled tracks were .

Well I got there and they were barely ridable . But I continured to ride them anyway. I usually don't ride this section much because it is very swampy and Kind of Boring , but hey a ride is a ride .

Then I followed the sled tracks around a swamp/Stream and when I got to the other side I noticeed this !!! I didn't ride it , it is ridable , I walked a cross it . and it was quite sturdy , Once the Ice is gone this is a Must for trying i!

As I continued down the gas , I saw this coming at me . And I'm thinking cool some one to plow the trails for me !

actually he wasn't moving.

He had a Small problem

I was talking to them for a few minutes and they said they had help coming and sure enough Just as I went to leave some one in a jeep showed up.

And I continued to ride down this for quite a ways , as you can see it is straight and uneventful, except for the 2 snow mobiles coming right at me in this photo.

I went down a ways , and Notice a couple trails here and there shooting off the the right and left ,but they were not ridable right now because of Snow ,I will have to come back and explore. .

then I decided to turn around and head back the sun was getting low .

when I got back to the stuck truck , things had gotten worse. A tow truck was now there trying to get them out , but now he was stuck too!!

Well I watched as they tried to get the tow truck out , and they finally did ! with a another truck and a chain.

This is when I left because it was begging to get dark.

i wonder if that truck will still be ther ein the morning :)


Note to self - when you have a winch cable, don't back up to where someone else is stuck.

*not a good commercial for Ford.

edit - oh yeah - brrrrrrrrrrr

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
i dont carry one although i'd like too sometimes. There was a train derailment the night before my regular saturday ride a few weeks ago. It was pretty awesome with rail cars lying all over the highway and on the back roads just strewn about like match box cars.


splat said:
Actually , they didn't mind , they actually gave me there email addy to send them the Pics , and they posed with the truck too !

And IAB that Bridge is calling you !
Well, put the dummies on the intarweb. :thumb: