


Turbo Monkey
If anybody goes out to SST early tomorrow (Sun. 9/25) and spots a mini u-lock somewhere between the table and the gap jump, that would be mine. If you could hang onto it until I showed up (planning on mid/am arrival myself), it would be greatly appreciated.
Otherwise, I hope the person that has it now gets plenty of good use out of it.
I'm not going to lose too much sleep over it since I do have another lock and I'm glad it wasn't something REALLY important such as my wallet or what remains of my brains.

D'OH!! :nuts:


Turbo Monkey
bibs said:
thats funny, i have a girl friend that has that on her Jetta license plate! LOL "SOFA KING WEE TODD DID "
Hahaha - I need to find a sticker that says that for my helmet :o:

LATE EDIT - It was right where I left it.:)
It pays to be one of the last people out and the the 1st person in the next day.

I'm cooked - it's shower time!


Turbo Monkey
So, I remembered to snag my lock - forgot to grab my hedge clippers, though. :rolleyes:
If anybody is down there tomorrow (Monday), it would be much appreciated if you just put them - hmmmmm...let's see - off into the nettles right next to the jump that leads to the berm just before the stepup on the very bottom-right line. I last used them just down from the NEW dropoffs that are right after you land the small stepup on the aforementioned line.
I'm not going anywhere near there tomorrow whatsoever - 4 full days there in a row is enough for even me right now. :dead:

Thanks a ton!

p.s. - beware of possible stray hedge-trimmers before you roll either drop.;)
Hey DBR,

that drop they have near the top on the far left line that comes off the wall, has anyone built up a nice trany for that? The last time I was out there(the only time) my friend over shot that thing and landed on the uphill portion which bounced him into the neddle bushes on the left. He was stingin' for a good hour and because he was wearing a wife beater T his skin was lookin' pretty funky. I was thinking about maybe helpin' ya'll build there this winter if we can't get something together for a good DH run up 410.


Turbo Monkey
Yeknomedir said:
Hey DBR,

that drop they have near the top on the far left line that comes off the wall, has anyone built up a nice trany for that? The last time I was out there(the only time) my friend over shot that thing and landed on the uphill portion which bounced him into the neddle bushes on the left. He was stingin' for a good hour and because he was wearing a wife beater T his skin was lookin' pretty funky. I was thinking about maybe helpin' ya'll build there this winter if we can't get something together for a good DH run up 410.
Hmmmm...I think I heard about that one - was that Sat./AM?? From what I heard he was coming into that at Mach-V. That one requires very little speed to hit the tranny and when you land on the tranny it gives you a nice burst of speed.
It wouldn't hurt to extend the tranny a foot or two - I might just carve it down further from where it presently is.

Sorry to hear about that all the same.:(

Hopefully, you won't be building at SST. That would mean there's some good stuff going up along 410 somewhere. :)
If you can't work that out, for sure come by this winter - we're just now cutting open the last block of trail. I think some low-lying skinnies, teeters, etc. are needed there.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
it took me about five minutes to get the title of this thread :dead:
DBR X6 RIDER said:
Hmmmm...I think I heard about that one - was that Sat./AM?? .
No this happened back in early June... but yeah, he hit it too fast, cleared the landing and bounced right up over into the needles on the right, wasn't the happiest of campers lol.

So your going to build some low level NS stuff eh, well if you want some free wood that's worth the effort you can remove the stunts I've built out at Victor falls and bring em to SST. THere's plenty of wood left from the jerk-off who tore down my 20ft long 15ft high skinny that is now scattered all over the ground. I've been meaning to go out and salvage the materials and clean up the area. It was a piece of art trail now it's misc. stunts here and there thanks to some uknown prick. Oh, and it wasn't the land owner as the rest of my stunts are still up. I might just keep building on that trail, it has about 200 yards -300yards worth of fun if your interested in riding out there. The lower section used to consist of a small root (5ft) drop to a 3 section part where you could ride a skinny to the left, launch a 6 footer to the middle or take my ewok catwalk to the right where it drops down 12 ft. Then there's a small trail gap to two wooden hits that put you up about 6ft and 10-20ft out followed by a small teeter. The upper section is an overgrown forest road that could be made into some seriously fun dj setion for the big bikes. I just ran out of steam back in May so I never got to that part but there's some serious potential and the train from seattle comes str8 into Puyallup where you could ride up to Victor falls if you don't drive. I've heard about it being mowed down for construction but they still have to sell about 200 lots that they are just now grading and digging so it will be there at least until next year if not longer... There is also two super steep downhill trails that need a lil TLC to make them similar to some sick Whistler sections. Thing is, I only know a handful of riders here in the South sound so organizing a trail party is tough, otherwise I would of cut trail up 410 somewhere so us big bike riders could have our own minny shore trail aside from the three off I-90.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
Hey, after two Saturdays at SST, I am so psyched. Thanks DBR x6 for being there both times!! THE Jolly roger drop should have one of those "SLOW" whistler signs on it, otherwise it is good. You gotta give this guy props for being such a great, motivated builder.


Turbo Monkey
Man, I haven't been to Victor Falls in soooo long - seems like there's less room to ride around there every time I'd go.:(
I recall the ladderwork off the middle fork after you enter from the tree farm - the ladder-to-ladder-to ground drop was quite the stunt a couple/few years back. Me and my bros need to take a trek down there again some day for sure.
I'm kind of scoring a little bit of wood from my neighbor that's building a garage - he thinks I'm nuts (he's right)...he's a good guy for sure.
There's still a little bit of wood just laying around in the shakebridge area just past our trails that we'll likely use as well, but I recall most of the wood from VicFalls was better than what we have to work with...thanks!:D

Thanks for the props, ioscope!:o:
Make no mistake...I haven't done this all by myself, nor would I ever lay claim to that. There have been two other cats (they were there on Sun.) that have done as much, if not more, than I have through it all. They were unemployed most of the beginning of the year and put lots of quality time into that place. They cut the entire right line (Bread & Butter) and I've been following their footsteps and tweeking everything here and there...especially since I'm the unemployed one now. The torch has been passed.
The "jolly roger" drop was cut by Travis (GHY fame - 3rd @ Huckfest) if I recall correctly - with alot of help from Steve-O, Paolo and several other folks as well.:cool:
Funny you should mention a "slow" sign - I just completed a couple "exit" signs for the bottom, a "please use road to go back up" and "Bread & Butter" just a few minutes ago.
Next signs will be "caution - drop" signs for that and the two on the lower right side.:p
Jeez, even when I'm NOT there I seem to be doing something for that place.:rolleyes:
It's worth every freaking second of 'labor'. After all, I get to ride it, too!!!:D

I'm just glad others are enjoying this as much as I am.

p.s. - Toshi, don't feel too bad it took 5 min...some people may never get that one!