
I am wanting to learn better

Aug 3, 2002
I am also looking for pointers.
I can't bring my Trek up in the air or pop a wheelie from a standstill like I can a BMX bike. I can barely bring the nose up when in motion, and it has a way lighter frame than anything I have ever owned except my skateboard, whssaup with that? I also can bounce up with my friend's Bullit. I know that if I can't bring up my nose when I NEED to, that there are spectacular crashes waiting in my future. I would rather skip that alternate reality.....


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Your bike may be too large for you, or it may just have a low cockpit. Switching to riser bars, lowering your seat a few hairs, or simply riding your Trek more to get used to it all may help you.
Aug 3, 2002
I am weak in that department. It may be the sticker.
The frame is actually the smallest for that model and way small for my 5 foot 8. I like the "cockpit" which is why I veered from a Giant AC air. It may be needing more practice, I didn't ride geared bikes much when I was younger. 10 speeds were the bomb back then (I thought they looked rickety and never liked the one my dad got me). And I have been riding a classic Surburban Schwinn for the past couple of years. I have trouble keepin the nose up , I am not confident on any drops over 3 feet (Not since I ate pavement during those first newlywed weeks).
As soon as I can eke out more time, I'll probably lick it. my current mentor thinks I'll be on top of it soon. I'm proly jus a big chicken:D
Thanks for the pearls of wisdom, I hope to have a necklace soon!
JR :monkey:
Aug 3, 2002
What a difference the little things make!
I had the bike tuned up away from the default settings. a simple 1/2 inch turn up with the handle bar and the shocks being adjusted to my weight made a world of differenc!
I cannot still get a wheelie but I can hop around a bit and bring up the front end about 4-5 inches consistently.
I am riding around with my new full face helmet to get used to the view. I am debating elbow pads vs not. Its hard to find them that fit right, youth are too short and small are too loose.
Getting a rumbly tummy at the thought of the upcoming event.
Has anybody else ever felt like bailing their first race? wish for a comet strike or somethin..lol
Wish me luck, all I want is not to be the very last and maybe qualify....not so picky..YET.

Also noticed my other post makes it sound like I want the schwinn to do wheelies..yike (though i can pop it up high enough to clear a N. Hollywood curb). Just meant I have been riding a huge, heavy simple cruiser..
I'm gonna jet now...LaterY' All!


Jul 6, 2001
Nor Cal
What kind of race are you doing? I was nervous before my first race too. (It was a downhill race) Hope you have fun!
Aug 3, 2002
It was said to be a downhill wit a coupla ups, it was in the registration as a "gravity assist" which means what? gravity pulls you down hard to the ground...lol? Guess it was actually a cross country.
It was rough and grueling for me at least. I sucked hind tit from the halfway point onward. Had a few sweet spots and one moment of glory (which had no witnesses). 4 endovers.
At first I told myself "its just this hill then smooth sailing to the bottom! WooHoo!" The I consoled by telling myself "the downhill is coming soon, then fly to the bottom!". By the time the last 3-4 miles came it was just obsessive doggedness. "I wont quit-I'll crawl with my bike in my backpack first (wouldn't that have been a sight to the laggers packin up to go..LOL!)" That parking lot looked like MECCA by the time I arrived, I even believe I was west of it (putting it in proper position). And of course always was the beer! I knew it would be waiting, cool and frothy, straight from the keg and not some commercial horse-piddle!
And it was!
I am feeling pretty good today, except a bruise and being really reallly saddle sore.
I felt refreshed as soon as I could sit for 10 minutes. Had more aches before I had a beer and ate. I was ready to ride next day, though my butt said no, lets make it three days.:D

And BTW: my wish....I was next to dead last:o:
Aug 3, 2002
I am just waiting for schedule at the Post office to come clear (yes I am postal, though I already had my automatic weapons training with the Army!) and I'll know for sure.
I'll be able todo at least one or the other. I need to conquer my fear of gravel and high speed runs asap. And just do a lot of pedal-power practice for those uphill stints. I gotta get a steady works schedule to purty up my baby.
Hubby and co are going to Whistler next week.
Woo hoo! I'll catch it next time! Gotta be fair and take turns:rolleyes:
DH darlin in the future
Aug 3, 2002
I am curently enrolled in the (dee lux)
Rider Rob's Eat My Dust til You Can Pass Me
12 step program.
He Pedals a Stinky up hills faster than the majority of our group can go down it!Fokker!

Getting better now, New forks and more confidence.
Pedal Pedal! fellow beginners and go out on the trails as much you can!