
i cannot believe i would ever say this.... I love my job!!


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
am a supervisor in the call center of an outsourced company.
my background? am a 22 yo, aerospace engineering dropout...

my office is like 5 minutes or 3 miles away from my house, zero traffic. the boss is cool and very permissive.
i work 1am-9am tue-sat {i asked for this schedule}.. we get virtually no calls at all at this time, and from those very few, i get transferred like 10 in the whole shift... plus i have to make sure the system is running OK, that the operators are fine, and be the lan administrator... the whole job of the shift can be made in less than 2 hours...

the rest of the time, i surf the internerd, listen music, inhabitate forums, read news, watch TV, play games... :D

i was just looking for a job to get by while i attend auto-mechanics school and save to open my own business {i wanna import nice cars and open a an autoracing shop}... am a night person so i like the schedule, gives me the day to do stuff i want to... in fact, i used to work before at my folks casino in the same hours, but it was crappy with all the smoke and the noise..

getting paid for doing almost nothing is surreal....


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
sounds pretty close to my job, but the place is freakin far away and i aint riding my bike through the ghetto to get there...other then that its not bad.


Dec 6, 2004
Yea that might get boring real fast. But sounds good for now. Haha. How my you getting paid to do that. Is it more in the night?


Mar 8, 2005
...I used to like my job - but the company has a new owner...I fear an iceberg ahead, better get the lifeboats ready

- funny, I just pm'd a fellow monkey/rider/friend/mechanic (who actually posted on this forum as well - you really get around moto)...anyway, I was just telling him how I'm developing a "career" move to become a bike shop employee...I just want to be around bikes?...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
I love my job too. I'm a part-time bike mechanic at an awesome shop and a full-time student in SoCal. Life is good.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
well, i dont ride because riding an expensive bike at 1am in Lima is not exactly the smartest thing to do.

yeah, it might get boring after a while... but am gonna start taking my laptop with me to play some games like civilization or SNES emulators (snes roxorz).

oh yeah. and my work week is actually 36 hours because i leave 4 hours early on wednesday..