
I can't beleive...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
I'm fvcking sick again. Woke up with a tight chest coughing and a 100 deg. fever:hot: . My 16 year old was sick this week, and now I"M SICK AGAIN!

7 weeks of on again off again sick...:redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :mad: :mad: :mad: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Any home remedies?

I'm still going to go to the gym, I don't care, I can do the cross trainer slowly....But this irregularity in my workouts ain't gettin' it, and my damn belly pooched out like I'm 7 months pregnant. :redhot: :bomb: :mad: :hot: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot: :bomb: :bomb: :mad: :mad: :mumble: :mumble: :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
You could slave labor him out to a bike shop, and take the .34 a day they pay him and use it as down payments on a new toy.

Kids these days, no respect for the adults in the house by quarintining themselves when disease and pestulance come calling.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Tattooo said:
You could slave labor him out to a bike shop, and take the .34 a day they pay him and use it as down payments on a new toy.

Kids these days, no respect for the adults in the house by quarintining themselves when disease and pestulance come calling.
I didn't think that asking him to cover his damn mouth and wash his hands was a big stretch....:rolleyes: :mumble:


Feb 23, 2006
Chinafornia USA
Try Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE liquid concentrate by NutriBiotic). 15-20 drops mixed with orange juice 3 times a day, make sure you use orange juice because the stuff has a bitter bite to it, and the O.J. hides the taste.

Pound that stuff for a week or two and then keep it as a regular component to your diet (not to much, maybe twice a week), and you'll have the common colds, and more, bouncing of you like that fallen potatoe chip does as it hits that pooch!:rofl:

Something to be aware of; GSE is like one of naure's Antibiotics, so when you take it, you will be stripped of a bit of your intestinal Flora, not all the good bacteria in your intestines like with Pharm. antibiotics, but it will deplete your Flora level just a little. To keep up your good bacteria levels while your on GSE (just like you need to with any antibiotic), make sure you supplement with Acidophilus probiotics. Yogurt also has some probiotic qualities that can be helpful as well.

Acidophilus supplements can reintroduce beneficial bacteria into the system. Important benefits of acidophilus supplementation can include:

Keeping constipation and diarrhea under control.

Counteracting lactose intolerance by its association with lactase.

Reduction of bad breath.

Reduction of internal gas.

Cholesterol control by promoting normal absorption of dietary fats.

Suppression of candida yeast.

Suppression of a number of intestinal disorders.

Prevention of intestinal contamination from infectious organisms
common in some foreign countries.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
3D. said:
Keeping constipation and diarrhea under control.

Reduction of bad breath.

Reduction of internal gas.

Suppression of candida yeast.

Awesome! Just what this forum needs. Now if it could only do spell check, it truly would be a miracle drug!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
the mid-west armpit!
Ralphie, have you ever given any thought to giving up on kissing all those young boys at the bar on Wednesday nights? Perhaps you have contracted Mono from your exploits!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Do everyone around you a favor and stay home. Going to the gym will just get other poor SOB's like yourself sick, bad mojo that is.

Your better off resting anyway.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Westy said:
Do everyone around you a favor and stay home. Going to the gym will just get other poor SOB's like yourself sick, bad mojo that is.

Your better off resting anyway.
Ahhh....did that for 7 weeks.....:rolleyes:

When I'm done on the cross trainer, I always disinfect it with the spray the gym provides to wipe it down... I wouldn't lift and do my normal workout, but cardio may help.

I'm so pissed at being sick!!!!!!:redhot: :mad: :hot: :mumble: :redhot: :bomb: :mumble: :redhot: :redhot: :redhot:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 7, 2004
alex. va. usa.
the best cure i know for sickness is a coulpe of days of good hard riding followed by some healthy (in amount) of eating.

really this is what i do to get over a sickness and i almost never have a sickness more than a day at any given time and i contribute it to the above


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Damn Ralphie! Sick again, thats crazy!

I can kind of feel for you this time, i'm not sick but I took a HUGE fall today and can't breathe deeply or basically, move. Its kinda like being sick, not being able to breathe:looney:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
went to the doctor. Prognosis as to why it seems I'm ALWAYS SICK (For the past 7 weeks):


The Doc, took a chest ex ray and said It's been walking Pneumonia. I have fluid in my left lung. :( :dead: :dead:

I'm going to play this weekend by ear.....I'll know for sure Wednesday.


Certified Lift Whore
Sep 16, 2001
Richmond VA
sirknight6 said:
went to the doctor. Prognosis as to why it seems I'm ALWAYS SICK (For the past 7 weeks):


The Doc, took a chest ex ray and said It's been walking Pneumonia. I have fluid in my left lung. :( :dead: :dead:

I'm going to play this weekend by ear.....I'll know for sure Wednesday.

Damn dude that sucks. Dont play around with that stuff. I have had it 3 times in the past 5 years. Once yu get it it is easier to get it the next time. Get some rest and dont push yourself. Everytime I got it was when I was pushing my self hard and didnt take the time to get over a cold. Take the day off and go to bed


Turbo Monkey
Jun 5, 2005
Walking Pneum is no joke.

I scarred the hell out of my lungs a couple years back with some self inflicted (i.e. asperating vomit in my sleep) Pneum, still am not right.

Take it easy, take more drugs, make the wife tend to you for the pain inflicted by your child, then make the kid do the entire "honey-do" list to make it right.

God I am going to suck as a father...


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
the mid-west armpit!
No! I just like to give Ralphie a hard time. I know he has been dealing with this health issue for some time now and he truly has my sympathy. However, since I know him and have joked around with him and have riden with him and given him a hard time before I figure I can give him a hard time about this too! As much as I would enjoy his company and humor this weekend, I still feel that the best thing for him at this point would be to get some rest and not push his illness anymore!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
No, but as sh!ty as I feel, It's good to get a laugh from the dudes you ride with. :thumb: No matter how many trees they hang onto on the way down! :p

Thanks for the props guys!


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
wood-dog said:
No! I just like to give Ralphie a hard time. I know he has been dealing with this health issue for some time now and he truly has my sympathy. However, since I know him and have joked around with him and have riden with him and given him a hard time before I figure I can give him a hard time about this too! As much as I would enjoy his company and humor this weekend, I still feel that the best thing for him at this point would be to get some rest and not push his illness anymore!

What?! Mountain Bikers raggin on each other?!:D:D