
I can't believe I forgot to tell this story


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Two weeks ago we were at my wife's opthamologist. Now this guy is like THE guy for my wife's eye condition. Doctors from the MAYO clinic refer people to him.

So we were there pretty late (like after 8pm)...this guy is in great demand and works retarded hours. So he's on his way home...and I don't know how it all started. I had gone to the hospital cafeteria to get some coffee. When I come back, he, my wife and a couple of other people are talking about september 11th. The doc is ABSOLUTELY convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. He was going on and on about the towers going down....implosion...thermite...all that stuff.

Well never miss an opportunity to fuel a good debate. So I'm egging him on with every detail I can remember from Loose Change. (Which he'd never heard of....he said he was going to go home an watch it)

THEN he goes onto Cuba. He said that 9/11 was not the first time the US gov't had staged a disaster to provoke a war.He said that the US blew up one of their own destroyers/battleships...a big boat.... and that's how they somehow got their hands on Guantanamo. (He lost me in that story.)

He also said that the US provided Japan with tactical info of some import in order to facilitate Pearl Harbor.


Thi BRILLIANT doctor...who sticks needles in my wife's eye is a total conspiracy junky. And he states all thi stuff like it's absolute FACT.

Enormously entertaining it was.....


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Damn, thats awesome. Signed by Dr Strangeglove? But most of those guys are dead, or in some home for Cold War era nutcases by now. Now, we need to get in there and take advantage of the health care system....


Sep 20, 2005
In war colleges for high ranking officers they teach battle tactics that involve calculating acceptable losses in order to position for a win. And Supposedly, FDR knew of an impending attack on Pearl Harbor and did nothing to stop it.

I don't really know about all the conspiracies, some sound really far fectched. But, before loose change and all of that, my back ground (7 years in the Army with a Top Secret clearance and two years that covered the first Iraq conflict where I worked directly with NSA) had me convinced that there was no way that we didn't know about the impending plane attacks on New York. Stuff like that just doesn't slip through. I believed then and I still believe that it was ignored because it gave certain justifications that were highly wanted in order to perpetuate conflicts that needing justifying. This isn't conspiracy theory per say, just using what the military tought me to analyze the situation.