
I did something I'm ashamed of yesterday.....


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I was returning from visiting Alaina, got green light to cross road, and while doing so, a car that had red light ran it, making a right turn in front of me. I was already in their lane, so it was very, very close. I honked, and proceeded to follow driver so I could call sheriffs to file complaint. After a bit, she had turned down a road, made a u-turn, and I blocked her path so I could keep her from moving. Got out, yelled at her, and she then continued, almost hitting me again. I spit and slapped her window to let her know I was still there, took down plate, called in to report, and when officer arrived, told me he had spoken with her, and that, though she did run red light, I was in the wrong for road rage and blocking her. To me, I feel I was preventing her from possibly hurting someone else, even if it was still drastic.

Though I'm a little worked up writing this, I feel I could easily have continued straight on the road when she turned after cutting me off, yet my adrenaline got the better of me. And to do this after visiting Alaina, well, I try to do good in her eyes, and this let her down, like being sober for months, then having a drink and needing to start all over again.

Has anyone else had a similar situation, where you thought you were going to do right, then have it backfire??

Thank you for letting me share and get this off my mind.........


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
I'm of the firm belief that rage gets you nowhere good.

Should have kicked the car in the intersection and gone on your way (assuming you were on a bike?).

But shit happens. Go ride and forget about it. :thumb:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Should have kicked the car in the intersection and gone on your way (assuming you were on a bike?).
Somewhere in the annals of Ridemonkey I posted a story about doing this too, and how dumb that turned out to be. I've been trying to find it but my google foo is weak.

Man, I really had some anger issues for awhile.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 9, 2001
Nevada, 2 hours from Mammoth
I'll just leave this here.

PTSD/Brain injury fit of rage; "stole" neighbors car.

As an update: Oldest daughter still at home, working as a "model", currently driving car #4, still has dealer plates and already been in one fender bender.
At first, I was lost with your link, then as I read on, saw that is was similar to what happened to me. At least I'm not in the pokey.....

I'm of the firm belief that rage gets you nowhere good.

Should have kicked the car in the intersection and gone on your way (assuming you were on a bike?).

But shit happens. Go ride and forget about it. :thumb:
Appreciate the thumbs up about riding. After feeding/walking the dogs, and watering some plants, that is what I plan to do. After all, the Kamikaze Bike Games are 2 weeks away!!!!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i was run off the highway by a lady in colorado and did the same thing......she went looking for a cop and told her side of the story....when the cop asked me for my side the first thing i said was "did she tell you she was on her phone when she ran me off the road" he went back to her....talked her for a moment....came back and told me she left that part out...next time call state patrol and to have a nice day


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Several years ago I was at my car getting geared up to ride when a family pulls into the handicapped parking space next to me. No one who got out of the car seemed to have a disability. I'm a firm believer that those spots are for those with legitimate mobility issues.

I've always wanted to call someone out for it, but had held my tongue each time. On this particular day I said something to the father. And I would not have, had he not made the asinine comment about having to take his family to the pool was a fate worse than death.

I forget exactly what I said to the guy, something along the lines of, "it must be good to be over your injury, but why are you parking in handicapped ?". He turned at me and with the most insulted and angered tone told me that it was for his autistic son. Which of course I thought was total bullshit, and it was more for a convenience for his entitled ass. Keep in mind the kid seemed normal with no visible physical disabilities.

Of course I felt a little bad, but not too much. Sometime after that I started having some problems out on the trail. I suddenly became very, very tired, a kind of fatigue I've never felt before, disoriented, a blurred vision. I thought I was having a heart attack, and that if I sat down, I would never get up again. In all seriousness, I thought I was about to check out. I called my folks who I was supposed to meet later for dinner to tell them I wasn't feeling so well. They came to the park and tried to get the employees to help, but they didn't do shit so 911 was called.

I started the ride at 3:00 ish, it was after 9:00 by the time fire and rescue got me out of the woods and into an ambulance.

Maybe it was all just a coincidence, but I can't help but think it was Karma. So as much as I detest people who abuse handicapped parking, I now keep my mouth shut.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
At first, I was lost with your link, then as I read on, saw that is was similar to what happened to me. At least I'm not in the pokey.....
Yup. I really lost my shit that day and it's not something I'm really all that proud of. It was maybe where my post accident anger, irrationality, and control issues really peaked. It took longer than it should have but that incident was the catalyst for finally seeking some professional help. The fact that I thought I was right enough about it to rant on teh :monkey: as if I was the aggrieved party says a lot about my mental state at the time I think.

My wife likes to bring it up if I get out of hand at cocktail parties.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Around the corner from my house is a small I GA grocery store that many people walk or ride bikes to, there are traffic signals to control access to the one way main drag where the store is located. A few months ago I watched a young lady on her cell phone driving an Excursion come to a rolling stop at a red light, make a left hand from the two way, while the light was still red, in order to park her vehicle in the only empty spot before someone took the space. Coming up the sidewalk in the opposite direction was family with a small child on a bike, if the parents had not been there the girl could easily have been hit by the reckless driver.

I had been waiting for the walk signal while this went down and it royaly pissed me off. The young lady had just exited her car and was still on her phone when I got to the lot, for some reason this sent me over the edge. In a very controlled but loud tone I recapped what she had just done, told her she needed to pay attention and then pointed out the family she easily could have wiped out. She looked at me, said she was sorry and that she didn't know they where there, she got back in her Excursion and left without entering the store.

I was very pleased with myself.

Sometimes, regardless of consequence, you just have to do what's right.. spitting may have been overkill. :)


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
One time I ran a red light on a bicycle, was t-boned, and rolled up onto the hood of the car. My back shattered the windshield when I hit it. He slammed on the brakes and I was tossed off the car, into the street. I stood up, dented his hood with my fist and started cussing him out. He jammed the gas and went around me, never to be seen again. For a long time I was pissed at the guy for taking off but in retrospect he had the right of way and I probably seemed uncooperative. Now I just avoid bicycling around cars.

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
Several years ago I was at my car getting geared up to ride when a family pulls into the handicapped parking space next to me. No one who got out of the car seemed to have a disability. I'm a firm believer that those spots are for those with legitimate mobility issues.

I've always wanted to call someone out for it, but had held my tongue each time. On this particular day I said something to the father. And I would not have, had he not made the asinine comment about having to take his family to the pool was a fate worse than death.

I forget exactly what I said to the guy, something along the lines of, "it must be good to be over your injury, but why are you parking in handicapped ?". He turned at me and with the most insulted and angered tone told me that it was for his autistic son. Which of course I thought was total bullshit, and it was more for a convenience for his entitled ass. Keep in mind the kid seemed normal with no visible physical disabilities.

Of course I felt a little bad, but not too much. Sometime after that I started having some problems out on the trail. I suddenly became very, very tired, a kind of fatigue I've never felt before, disoriented, a blurred vision. I thought I was having a heart attack, and that if I sat down, I would never get up again. In all seriousness, I thought I was about to check out. I called my folks who I was supposed to meet later for dinner to tell them I wasn't feeling so well. They came to the park and tried to get the employees to help, but they didn't do shit so 911 was called.

I started the ride at 3:00 ish, it was after 9:00 by the time fire and rescue got me out of the woods and into an ambulance.

Maybe it was all just a coincidence, but I can't help but think it was Karma. So as much as I detest people who abuse handicapped parking, I now keep my mouth shut.
So what was wrong with you?


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
So what was wrong with you?
Fortunately, I did not have a heart attack. Had to get a stress test and ultrasound to make sure. When the nurse placed the wand or whatever it's called on my chest/gut, I asked her if this is the part where she tells me if it's a boy or a girl. She lol'd.

It turns out it was a negative reaction to a new gout medication that I had started taking. Stops gout attacks but gives you heart attack like symptoms, including but not limited to, the fear of imminent death. Went back to the old med after that.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
I used to be a flipper-offer of sorts, until I flipped off an idiot flying through the grocery store parking lot with my son in the car. The peeled around again and cut me off, forcing my car to a position where I was stuck between stopped traffic, parked cars, and this car full of giant Samoans, who were mean mugging me. I'm so grateful that it was just a mean mug--especially with my boy in the car. I considered it a warning. I don't flip people off anymore.