
I Don't Get It...........................????????????


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
As some of you know I picked up a new Superlight from my sponser for this season,and have been riding it for a month.I rode ss for xc for the two previous seasons.Any who,today I took the ss out and dang it,I'm faster on it.What gives?Everybody keeps telling me that a geared bike will make you faster but not so with me.Am i gear impaired?I understand why gears should make for a faster ride but it's not working with me.Should I just give it more time? :help: :help: :help:


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
I raced for the first time this weekend on a SS. One thing I noticed is that all of the gearies, whenever they shifted, would slow down a good amount. It was quite annoying on hills when I was riding behind someone and they shifted and all of the sudden I either hit their wheel or crossed over wheels. It could be that the sudden loss of momentum from shifting gears is causing you to feel/be slower. I'd suggest giving the gearie a try, get used to shifting, and improve your pedal stroke as well.

I have to say that the only time I felt disadvantaged with the SS was on the flats and the short road/fireroad sections. Even on those I was so scared of being passed that I pedalled as fast or faster than the gearies. I'll be keeping the SS for racing, it's way too much fun, don't know why you would give it up.

The Ito


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
MMcG said:
did you have to use reducer cups to run the RS fork TJ?? and why did you opt for that over the Headshock fork that comes on the 1FG?

Had the reducer dealio from my Gemini.I built up from a frame(crash replacement) and my Headshock blew up,had already been rebuilt twice so I was a little frustrated


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
GravityFreakTJ said:
Ito-Forgot to ask,how'd you do in your race?
Took second in the sport class SS. Would have done better, but I flatted and had a late start(got to the start line after the start...oops). A few newb mistakes that I hope not to repeat. Thanks for asking.

The Ito


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
ito said:
Took second in the sport class SS. Would have done better, but I flatted and had a late start(got to the start line after the start...oops). A few newb mistakes that I hope not to repeat. Thanks for asking.

The Ito

Second place,congrats Ito :thumb: .I will defintely do some of the races on the ss.I believe I think to much when I'm on my gearie,on the ss it's simple-PEDAL. Two seasons on the ss,old habits die hard :blah:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
GravityFreakTJ said:
Sponsorship reasons.Santa Cruz dealer so i'm on a Superlight.Maybe I could put SC stickers on my 1fg :think:
You wanna give me your bike? I have no money but my b-day is coming, I can give you a mialing address. :drool:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
GravityFreakTJ said:
It usually has crossmax sl's on it but i have them off right now.I will send it out right away ;)
Sweet I'll PM you details tommorrow. :D


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
GravityFreakTJ said:
Ito-Did the ss run the same course/distance as geared.If so just curious on time differences.Thanks
Had I been racing the gearies I would have placed top 5 without a problem. My finish time was 18 minutes behind the top sport 20-29er. The 1st place gearie was 14 minutes behind them(he was also 60...yikes! That dude is in shape!)

The women SS sports were about 6 minutes behind the geared leader for their class and would have been in the medals.

And yes, all sport riders did the same 20 mile course(two 10 mile laps).

Just wondering. As far as eating while racing, what do you find works for you? I hadn't eaten much in the morning and barely even drank anything during the race, let alone eat anything. Do you suggest any type of eats during the race?

The Ito


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
GravityFreakTJ said:
Think they are heavier than the C-dale Optimo frame and I love the EBB set up.
The Chameleon built with the right parts is really light, way more so than a Superlight. No eccentric BB though. I don't feel the need for one but I'm running v's in the back.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
ito said:
Had I been racing the gearies I would have placed top 5 without a problem. My finish time was 18 minutes behind the top sport 20-29er. The 1st place gearie was 14 minutes behind them(he was also 60...yikes! That dude is in shape!)

The women SS sports were about 6 minutes behind the geared leader for their class and would have been in the medals.

And yes, all sport riders did the same 20 mile course(two 10 mile laps).

Just wondering. As far as eating while racing, what do you find works for you? I hadn't eaten much in the morning and barely even drank anything during the race, let alone eat anything. Do you suggest any type of eats during the race?

The Ito

I usually dont eat if it's a two hour or less effort.Just a good breakfast about three hours before.Might want to make sure you drink something other than water during the race to help put back in whatcha sweat out.