
I finally saw it


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
...I realize this one has been beaten to death already....and I did look for an exsiting thread, but I didn't see one.

But I FINALLY saw Bowling for Columbine last night...

Some good stuff....obviously a lot of it has been laid on really thick... but there are also some things you just can't argue with... And he's a smart-ass....which of course always appeals to me...

I don't really have much more to say about it than that...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i, too, just saw it recently (last wed). and i thought it was good, but the parts where he goes to kmart and charlton heston's house serve no purpose at all.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I couldn't sit through it, I thought the part with the bank was funny but I left after that.

Media with an obvious agenda, no matter what it may be just bores me.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 20, 2003
I have never seen Bowling for Columbine but this tread got me thinking about flicks....has anyone ever seen The life of David Gale?


Sep 6, 2001
Tacoma, WA
Originally posted by Snacks
I have never seen Bowling for Columbine but this tread got me thinking about flicks....has anyone ever seen The life of David Gale?
We just watched it the other night.

I liked it.


Oct 17, 2002
Originally posted by Serial Midget
Not to worry; I have enough guns for all of us. :thumb:
are you serious? all those guns are yours? I ran thru a mix of emotions and still haven't settled on one...

SM's a nut-job

damn, that's an impressive collection

if I had all those guns, I'd sell 'em and buy a better collection of bikes

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by LordOpie
are you serious? all those guns are yours? I ran thru a mix of emotions and still haven't settled on one...

SM's a nut-job

damn, that's an impressive collection

if I had all those guns, I'd sell 'em and buy a better collection of bikes
You forgot envy, jealosy and I already have 5 bikes that suit my needs quite nicely.

And... who the hell is David Gale? Did he kill anyone?


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Originally posted by Toshi
i, too, just saw it recently (last wed). and i thought it was good, but the parts where he goes to kmart and charlton heston's house serve no purpose at all.

That was pretty much my take on it...to be honest, I still have 15 min left to watch. I got tired... BUt yeah....there was obvioulsy some editorial license...

"she rides the bus 2000 miles each way so that she can make fudge for rich people"

Once again I'm in the middle. It wasn't all gospel, but it was also not all crap.

The cartoon was pretty funny...


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
One thing I do completely agree with is how the news is portrayed in the states...(And I realize this is no great revelation).

But whenever I flip over to CBC (ch 99 for us Seattle folk), it always amazes me just how different the stories come across....

Far from the "seven household objects within 6 feet of you are LETHAL. What you don't know could KILL YOU!!" presentation...

However I do find that CBC is a little behind when is comes to "as it happens" type of stuff.

Case and point:

on Sept 11, I like everyone else was glued to the TV. I would periodically check CBC. At one point they (very briefly) reported that another plane had crashed in Colorado. I was like WTF?? There was nothing on CNN about a 5th plane.

I then figured it out that they had mistaken the abbreviation "Co." for county as Colorado. They were referring to the one that crashed in PA. ....Canada doesn't have counties...

But when it comes to researched news stories, they are far and away better than the US media. Not to mention they will actually use bald men, ugly women, or ethnic people with accents as reporters and anchors. And the reporting is far more...."fair and balanced" as it were.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by N8
That flick is propoganda for the anti-gun crowd... don't confuse it with an actual documentry.

did you watch it? it wasnt anti gun. michael moore owns and shoots guns and was (if not still is) a member of the NRA. he was saying that it wasnt guns, it was our culture of fear.

he even amde the point to say that a huge majority of canadians own guns, but the murder rate due to guns is almost non existent there.


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
Originally posted by LordOpie
are you serious? all those guns are yours? I ran thru a mix of emotions and still haven't settled on one...

SM's a nut-job

damn, that's an impressive collection

if I had all those guns, I'd sell 'em and buy a better collection of bikes
I'm sure SM owns an M203 ;)

For those of you who don't know, thats a 40mm grenade launcher attachement for the M 16 Assault Rifle. Good luck getting a permit for that ;)

Back to Bowling for Columbine. Culture of Fear? What do you think Moore is doing with this film? Putting more fear into this "culture of fear".

Its all bull****.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by Jorvik
I'm sure SM owns an M203 ;)

For those of you who don't know, thats a 40mm grenade launcher attachement for the M 16 Assault Rifle. Good luck getting a permit for that ;)

Back to Bowling for Columbine. Culture of Fear? What do you think Moore is doing with this film? Putting more fear into this "culture of fear".

Its all bull****.

your avatar puts more fear in the culture of fear.:p

and yes, it is all bs. michael moore laid it on sickening thick in that movie. especailly when he went to charlton hestons house. puhlease. i felt that his attitude was patronizing towards the audience. its like he recognizes the weak mindedness of most people by pointing out the way "we" let fear dictate our lives but then uses the same psychology to get us to buy his version of the way things are. lame. i like to see different view points and opinions, and while i think that a lot of his points were very valid and provoked thought, the theatrics were a major turn off.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Originally posted by Jorvik
....... thats a 40mm grenade launcher attachement for the M 16 Assault Rifle. Good luck getting a permit for that ;)
But, but, he needs it to hunt da Bunny Wabbits :(

Dem Bunny Wabbits are fast little buggers :angry: :rolleyes: :D

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by RhinofromWA
Dem Bunny Wabbits are fast little buggers :angry: :rolleyes: :D
Vaporization is the only option.

For a rifle to be banned as an assault weapon it must have at least 2 of the following capabilities:

A folding or telescoping stock.
A pistol grip.
A bayonet lug.
A flash suppressor (or a threaded barrel capable of accepting one).
A grenade launcher.

A single feature spead amongst several weapons is pefectly legal. Grenade launchers are useless without grenades, which happen to be regulated as "destructive devices" and are thus nigh unto impossible for civilians to obtain. Grenade launchers are not hard to come by unless you live in California.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by Jorvik
For those of you who don't know, thats a 40mm grenade launcher attachement for the M 16 Assault Rifle. Good luck getting a permit for that ;)
There are 37mm look alikes that fire flares or sirens, they are classified as signal-devices since they are incapable of chambering or firing a lethal projectile.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Originally posted by Serial Midget
Not to worry; I have enough guns for all of us. :thumb:

We need to be prepared for the Red Menace, the odd ex-pat Canadian and assorted peckerwoods. :D
Damn! Where the hell are you planning to invade?? That's a serious gun fetish you have there.

If your name somehow got passed to the FBI as being connected to terrorism that's a nice little arms cache you have there.

What d'you need all dem guns for?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Originally posted by narlus
compensation for the fact that he rides a Y bike.
POW...and SM takes a standing 8 count:D :D
I mean really Midge the only reason you'd need all those phallic symbols is if Shirly was in the area.;)


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
SM, every time you post that pic, it raises anew my questions-

1. That's a flare launcher, not a grenade launcher, correct? "Say hell-lo to my l'il frin!"

2. Are any on yours select fire or are they all semi-autos?

3. Do you think you're the Messiah? ;)

4. To which militia do you belong? ;) ;)

5. Were you ever able to locate a good contractor for that bunker project? ;) ;) ;)

6. Instead of limiting yourself to models sans bayonet lugs, folding or pistol grip stocks, flash hiders, etc., why not just buy pre-ban?

7. Could you please give specifics for each model shown left to right?



A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
SM, every time you post that pic, it raises anew my questions-

1. That's a flare launcher, not a grenade launcher, correct? "Say hell-lo to my l'il frin!"

2. Are any on yours select fire or are they all semi-autos?

3. Do you think you're the Messiah? ;)

4. To which militia do you belong? ;) ;)

5. Were you ever able to locate a good contractor for that bunker project? ;) ;) ;)

6. Instead of limiting yourself to models sans bayonet lugs, folding or pistol grip stocks, flash hiders, etc., why not just buy pre-ban?

7. Could you please give specifics for each model shown left to right?


8. Do they all have names? Britney, Christina, Avril....etc...


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Originally posted by Serial Midget
Not to worry; I have enough guns for all of us. :thumb:

We need to be prepared for the Red Menace, the odd ex-pat Canadian and assorted peckerwoods. :D
is that an m16a2 with M203 on it on the left??? Please tell me you are in the marines or something! :eek:


Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
Exactally, they are still using these.

Blowguns are no joke. When I lived in Michigan the neighbor's kid put one of the darts through his brothers arm. It was like somebody took a sharpened big gauge metal wire and just shoved it through his arm. It was sweet.

Thing was, his parents bought him it because they didn't think he could be responsible with a BB gun.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
SM, every time you post that pic, it raises anew my questions-

1. That's a flare launcher, not a grenade launcher, correct? "Say hell-lo to my l'il frin!"

Signal Device

2. Are any on yours select fire or are they all semi-autos?


3. Do you think you're the Messiah? ;)


4. To which militia do you belong? ;) ;)

DUH! The Serial Militia...

5. Were you ever able to locate a good contractor for that bunker project? ;) ;) ;)

Bunkers are for pansies - I've never considered one.

6. Instead of limiting yourself to models sans bayonet lugs, folding or pistol grip stocks, flash hiders, etc., why not just buy pre-ban?

Pre Assault Ban weapons go for a HUGE premium and I'm on budget.

7. Could you please give specifics for each model shown left to right?




Jan 29, 2002
I honestly don't know anymore.
Who would buy an MP-10 anyways? 10mm ammo costs a boot. You can buy post-ban semi-auto MP5, MP10, pretty much any submachine gun you could ever want, except for the semi auto bit. For a small price you could have just about any competent gunsmith install the parts which would allow it to fire full auto. Actually, you could probably do it yourself without too much trouble.

I'm going to try and get my LTC this week. Wish me luck!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Dude you are out of frikkin control!! i luv it.:D
i'm packin a lime green squirt gun in my CamelBak someday i'll bust it out and show it to you.:)