
I find this ironic!


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
So, I used to be fairly big into mountain biking back in the mid-late '90s up until around 2002 (when I registered here) I made the most horrible impulse-purchase of my cycling life: a Univega full suspension. The thing was a 30-some-pound pile of steaming dog feces. I hated it. It drove me away from cycling.

Fast forward to this past summer when I saved up some cash and picked up a Cannondale F400. Not top of the line, but I always had an ethatuation with Cdales and figured this would be a good bike to re-start on. Began riding 3-4x a week and loving it again. Began reading RM again and learned about single speeds. "What an amazingly simple idea!" was the though that crossed my mind. Started building one in my head until I found a Cannondale SS for $350 on eBay from a seller down the street from me. I immediately snatched it up and haven't gotten off since. I'm now commuting 10+ miles a day to school (for the 2 days a week I have class) and riding to the bar, store, rock gym, etc.

Yeah, I still ride my F400 (which I love, too) in the dirt when I have the time, but I find it rather ironic that I'm spending probably 5X the time in the saddle on the SS just riding around town than I am on a brand-spankin' new bike that cost me 3X as much mulah and took me 3 months to make a decision on. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just seems a little bass-akwards.


Dec 22, 2005
i did something very simiar,,, had a $1600 chameleon, bought a $250 monocog to see if i would like a SS, after a summer of NEVER touching my chameleon, i converted the chameleon to a SS and have never regreted it!!!:blah:
Aug 15, 2005
Berlin, CT
this is a little different because there is a difference in purpose between my bikes, but...I have my 1500 dollar Cdale jekyll and loved it (and i still do), but i bought my azonic steelhead ss and now i find myself stealing wheels from the jekyll because im in between wheelset for my azonic...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 12, 2002
THE Palouse
You wanna hear something even more ironic? Within about 24 hours of making that original post, my SS was stolen from in front of the library. I stopped by, went in to return my late books and pay a fine and by the time I came back out some ****er had jacked my ride. I could kill somebody...

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
That's terrible, but I think you know what to do: convert the F400 to a singlespeed! And then make sure it's on your homeowner's or renter's insurance.


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
Damn, what a bummer sorry to hear your ride got ripped, was it a 1fg?

I hope to get it back or at least get a nice replacement bike.