
I Freaking Hate Work


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
Work sucks, I hate coming in here every day and putting my fake smile on and kissing the ass of people that are total dopes. Everyday I have to deal with people that want to show how big there balls are by making STUPID Decisions.

Why can't I own a bike shop or something?

The only reason I deal with this crap is for the money.....

Rant Over.

Thanks for listening


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
so let me get this straight. You do not like where you work?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I thought your job enabled you to have sex with hot women?

Or was the whole thing just a fairy tale?


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
mines the same way with the fake smiles, but thats just to my boss. i'm pretty open with the rest of the people here. they have no idea what a computer is, let alone how to use one. so i have to explain it to them each day....


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
So, if you hate working and your job, what are you going to do about it?

Nothing? Please shut up and don't waste our time--life helps those who help themselves...


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
reflux said:
So, if you hate working and your job, what are you going to do about it?

Nothing? Please shut up and don't waste our time--life helps those who help themselves...
Hasn't your mother ever said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

It was a rant.... thats all, don't act like you have any idea what kind of person I am. YOU DON'T! I'm having a bad day and I wanted to vent to some monkey. There isn't any need for you to bust out with such a rude comment.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
my jorb is pretty rockin... flexible hours, great coworkers, decent managers. not the most creative work i've done, but it's getting better. i worked at a place that i hated for 5 years. once i got myself a better job i've been fitter, healthier and more productive
a pig
in a cage
on antibiotics


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Heidi said:
Quit, find something you like to do and don't despise. It's your life.
This is nice advice, but if everything you like to do involves pauper wages, it's kinda tough........

I mean, I'd like to ski and ride my mt bike for a living, but that would be kind of irresponsible what with having to support a wife & kids and all.

Although I'd say if you're single - go for it!



Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
konabumm said:
Hasn't your mother ever said if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

It was a rant.... thats all, don't act like you have any idea what kind of person I am. YOU DON'T! I'm having a bad day and I wanted to vent to some monkey. There isn't any need for you to bust out with such a rude comment.
You're completely right, I shouldn't have said something negative if I had nothing good to say. But, I'm also a firm believer that too many people in the world whine, bitch, moan and complain that life is tough and that they don't get any breaks. My father (Mom never mentioned it) has always told me, "life was never meant to be fair." We make our own luck and life is what we make of it. If you stated the fact that you had already sent out resumes in your original post, I probably wouldn't have replied because you obviously have it figured out.

Sorry about the bad day though, I hope it gets better.


Jun 13, 2003
Hollywood, Maryland, United States
reflux said:
You're completely right, I shouldn't have said something negative if I had nothing good to say. But, I'm also a firm believer that too many people in the world whine, bitch, moan and complain that life is tough and that they don't get any breaks. My father (Mom never mentioned it) has always told me, "life was never meant to be fair." We make our own luck and life is what we make of it. If you stated the fact that you had already sent out resumes in your original post, I probably wouldn't have replied because you obviously have it figured out.

Sorry about the bad day though, I hope it gets better.
Maybe I should have said the resume thing, I have spent the last 2 days getting the resume up to par and ready to go. I mush have sent out about 100 copies of it.

Anyway thanks for the follow up "understanding email"

it has just been a really hard week


binary visions said:
I thought your job enabled you to have sex with hot women?

Or was the whole thing just a fairy tale?
:stupid: hahaha - I was so on that and then I started reading. Maybe he's pissed about the window.


Jul 5, 2004
Las Vegas, NV
That sounds exactly like my old job. I sat in a little tiny cubicle making phone calls all damned day.

"humans weren't meant to sit in a little cubicle, stairing at computer screens all day, listening to 8 different bosses drone on about mission statements"


It's so ****in' true it ain't even funny. (well, wait.. actually it is funny.)

Best of luck on finding a new position bro.

I do have news for ya. Open yourself up some kind of SERVICE-BASED business. They're the ones making most of the money, and doing fun-to-do skilled tasks. (hence why I'm gunna open up a Speed Shop. ;) )
