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My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Somedays you wake up and you are the bat. And somedays you are the ball. Only a fool cannot feel the pain of the last time you were punched in the head. Take a boxing/self defense lesson if you want to keep this stuff up.....
Wow, that is the first recent post from jdcamb that I understood! :thumb:


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Wait, Moo, you a baby lawyer?

End of days, end of days...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Mooshoo is not a law student. He says that he wants to be a lawyer, but is still in JC because 'the man keeps changing the minimum requirements to get into UC Berkeley'. Most people who went through law school (that I know) have a minimum intelligence level that Mooshu does not exhibit. Even the stupid ones had common sense...


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
1) Stop attending "parties" with a hundred people and lots of alcohol - that's a riot, not a party.

2) Don't throw the punch, walk away and dial 911.
1. Agreed.

2. If they called the man it would scare off the 15 year old scene girls that in all likelihood make up MooShoo's dating pool.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Mooshoo is not a law student. He says that he wants to be a lawyer, but is still in JC because 'the man keeps changing the minimum requirements to get into UC Berkeley'. Most people who went through law school (that I know) have a minimum intelligence level that Mooshu does not exhibit. Even the stupid ones had common sense...
Yes joker you are so right. I'm really begin to think you are a s dumb as me. I'm still at JC because working a 40 hour job and taking 15 units is too much for me and I only have time for 10-12. I'm also double majoring which means I need more units to tranfer. I still have above a 3.9 though, Fing moron.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Also, Mooshoo - if you were being assaulted by a certain number of people at any given time, say 5 or more (actual number depends on the state), in some states that would be considered a "gang crime" (and is much more serious). If they had friends standing by who weren't participating in the fight but were doing nothing to stop it, they could be considered part of the "gang" for allowing the fight to continue.

Then again, they had to instigate it. He may have pushed you, but you threw the first punch. Consider yourself lucky.

Spitting in some one's face is considered assault, How the Fawk would him pushing me not be him starting it.....


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yes joker you are so right. I'm really begin to think you are a s dumb as me. I'm still at JC because working a 40 hour job and taking 15 units is too much for me and I only have time for 10-12. I'm also double majoring which means I need more units to tranfer. I still have above a 3.9 though, Fing moron.

I think we have a winner for your new title :rofl:


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
not that it isn't assualt, but the fact that you not only continued but also escalated the situation generally supercedes the "who hit first" argument.
I think you might be more retarded than me. Or you're just a huge Fing pussy and would rather go cry to the police than try and defend yourself


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I think you might be more retarded than me. Or you're just a huge Fing pussy and would rather go cry to the police than try and defend yourself
Or maybe you just have a stronger desire to wind up in jail.

Also, for someone who wants to get into law school, you better learn this sh*t quick, or you're gonna flunk out.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Or maybe you just have a stronger desire to wind up in jail.

Also, for someone who wants to get into law school, you better learn this sh*t quick, or you're gonna flunk out.
So defending myself is going to end me up in jail?? I can see the whole wrecking that fools bike might but seriously this time the police were involved and I'm in the clear.

Yes cause getting into fights is going to make me fail out of school... My grades are excellent and my test scores are high, last I checked that is what is going to get me into law school. But I guess i'm a retard so I could be wrong


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
So defending myself is going to end me up in jail?? I can see the whole wrecking that fools bike might but seriously this time the police were involved and I'm in the clear.
see "reasonable self defense". You've been on both sides of it (self admittedly), and to date have been lucky. I wouldn't recommend continuing to try your luck.

Yes cause getting into fights is going to make me fail out of school... My grades are excellent and my test scores are high, last I checked that is what is going to get me into law school. But I guess i'm a retard so I could be wrong
Fighting won't get you kicked out, generally. Failing to grasp concepts like why escalating a situation is not considered "reasonable self defense" will.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
see "reasonable self defense". You've been on both sides of it (self admittedly), and to date have been lucky. I wouldn't recommend continuing to try your luck.

Fighting won't get you kicked out, generally. Failing to grasp concepts like why escalating a situation is not considered "reasonable self defense" will.
Some one pushes you, you hit them. Sounds like reasonable self defense to me, and so did the cops.....


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Some one pushes you, you hit them. Sounds like reasonable self defense to me, and so did the cops.....
Too bad most judges and juries wouldn't agree.

You got lucky in that the cops knew you. Had the cops never met you there's a good chance you'd have spent the night in the drunk tank at the very minimum.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Too bad most judges and juries wouldn't agree.

You got lucky in that the cops knew you. Had the cops never met you there's a good chance you'd have spent the night in the drunk tank at the very minimum.
Wow, dude you're going on the ignore list for actually being a bigger retard than me.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless

For someone that wants to go to law school you have a pretty piss-poor knowledge of how assault charges work.
and before you go on the ignore list. I'm not in law school yet, I'm still on government related pre requisites as well as general ed. The whole point to going to law school is so I can learn what I don't know. As well if your literacy skills were up to par you would see I got kicked in the head several times while on the ground, I would like to see there **** hold up in court after that......


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
and before you go on the ignore list. I'm not in law school yet, I'm still on government related pre requisites as well as general ed. The whole point to going to law school is so I can learn what I don't know. As well if your literacy skills were up to par you would see I got kicked in the head several times while on the ground, I would like to see there **** hold up in court after that......
My literacy skills are fine. You got kicked in the head AFTER you threw a punch. After you threw that punch, that was pretty much a go ahead for him to hit back with minimal legal repercussions. Pushing someone isn't gonna get you thrown in jail unless, say, you push them down a flight of stairs.

Keep in mind, reasonable self defense admits for the use of physical force against an assailant to prevent bodily injury. Generally, there's an extremely small chance of actual injury when someone pushes you (exceptions: see the flight of stairs example), so punching someone who pushes you wouldn't be considered reasonable self defense.

You do realize that it will be much harder for you get admitted to the bar if you are a convicted felon, right?


Jan 26, 2009
Nothing wrong with a good old scrap, you americanos all seem so boring and politically correct, jeez.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
I think it's hilarious that anyone directly responds to Moo Shoo.

Here in the appalachia, that whole tussel would have just been deemed a discussion amongst cousins and merely one of the more aggressive talking points of the discussion. By responding to him, you're all just helping escalate. It's like you're screaming obsenities at some nut about to jump off a roof.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I think it's hilarious that anyone directly responds to Moo Shoo.

Here in the appalachia, that whole tussel would have just been deemed a discussion amongst cousins and merely one of the more aggressive talking points of the discussion. By responding to him, you're all just helping escalate. It's like you're screaming obsenities at some nut about to jump off a roof.

Do a flip!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
This is a funny one because I am friends with the moo shoo.

My concern for him is about tempting fate once too often.

I know his target base for trouble, Walnut Creek d-bags, Berzerkely yuppies. Not exactly the most fearsome set of guys out there.

But you might run across the guy who is more violent than yourself with less self-control. I hope that day never comes.
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