
I gots me a new 'puter!!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...
Just ordered the new Imac. :thumb:

It is exactly what I needed for my kitchen's work area as there is no space for a tower. I thought about a laptop for a little while, but decided, I really would never take it on a trip with me. I spend all day in front of a laptop/terminal, when I go away, I want to be away...

The big ticket: NO MORE WINDOWS OS FOR ME. I've had it with blue screens of death!!


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
awesome! :thumb: let me know if you need any software suggestions

edit: ... which are given below whether you wanted them or not :D


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
You can look forward to unhappy mac screens instead ;)

or maybe the kernel panic since you'll have OSX

You need to restart your computer. Hold down the Power button
for several seconds or press the Restart button.

Veuillez redémarrer votre ordinateur. Maintenez la touche de
démarrage enfoncée pendant plusieurs secondes ou bien appuyez
sur le bouton de réinitialisation.

Sie müssen Ihren Computer neu starten. Halten Sie dazu die
Einschalttaste einige Sekunden gedrückt oder drücken Sie die
Neustart- Taste.

[Japanese text]


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
a partial list of good mac os x software:

http://www.obdev.at/products/launchbar/index.html <-- not free but worth every penny!
http://gottsilla.net/poisoned.php <-- fasttrack, gnutella + openft client
http://sarwat.net/bittorrent/ <-- use this plus suprnova.org
ftp://ftp.barebones.com/pub/freeware/BBEdit_Lite_612.smi.hqx <-- good free text editor with regex search and replace
http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~natan/gcount/ <-- so that you can check if you have new mail in your gmail account without going to the page
http://www.3ivx.com/download/macos.html <-- codecs are always handy

everything else is more or less specific to the kind of use (music, photo editing, whatever) or is one of the included iLife apps.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
i love it how your first link is Shareware and then you show him bittorrent....


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
lockemiester said:
Just ordered the new Imac. :thumb:

It is exactly what I needed for my kitchen's work area as there is no space for a tower. I thought about a laptop for a little while, but decided, I really would never take it on a trip with me. I spend all day in front of a laptop/terminal, when I go away, I want to be away...

The big ticket: NO MORE WINDOWS OS FOR ME. I've had it with blue screens of death!!
Ha nice avatar!!!


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
DHS said:
i love it how your first link is Shareware and then you show him bittorrent....
for better or worse mac software is not nearly as ubiquitous on bittorrent as the same for windows. besides i think that pirating software that way is incredibly risky due to viruses/worms/trojans.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
I have used both. I hate Macs. I hate Windows too, but the hardwear is at aleast affordable.

Athlon + Linux = :love:


Mar 5, 2003
make sure to get more RAM for it though. the thing will be really slow with 256MB.

funny you show that error screen josh. try a new arguement. I haven't had more than 1 or maybe 2 kernal panics in probably a year. and they dont use that symbol any more (to my knowledge).

but considering it takes an IT pro to keep a PC from crashing, I guess (in your experience) PC's don't crash either...


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
MtnBikerNJ said:
funny you show that error screen josh. try a new arguement. I haven't had more than 1 or maybe 2 kernal panics in probably a year. and they dont use that symbol any more (to my knowledge).
It seems you don't pay attention enough to remember how many times you've seen an error screen, when you saw them, or even read a post completely...

I posted above that he wouldn't see that symbol...
or maybe the kernel panic since you'll have OSX
Its just typical of a Mac user - doesn't pay attention and believes anything Apple/Jobs tells them ;)


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
ya, that sad mac was from the system 7-9 days. i never saw it myself except when i intentionally did something (can't remember quite what -- removed pram battery while booting?) to my 6100 so that i could hear the fancy new "car crash" sound that came with system 7.x...


Mar 5, 2003
syadasti said:
It seems you don't pay attention enough to remember how many times you've seen an error screen, when you saw them, or even read a post completely...

I posted above that he wouldn't see that symbol...

Its just typical of a Mac user - doesn't pay attention and believes anything Apple/Jobs tells them ;)
um. no josh. I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE, not blindly following what Jobs is telling me.

if that were the case, why am I saying he needs to buy more RAM?

I always thought it was kinda funny that companies with lots of Macs don't really need full time IT people. But companies with PC's do. that should tell you something - like maybe GENERALLY macs don't have as many problems. It comes down to job security for you IT pros - why would you recommend the better computer to lose your job to a computer that has fewer problems!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
MtnBikerNJ said:
I always thought it was kinda funny that companies with lots of Macs don't really need full time IT people.
That's because any company with enough business and employees woul'dnt be foolish enough to rely on a building full of Macs do do the business work.

How many businesses have 50+ Macs running everything? How many dedicated Apple servers are there in use compared to PC based systems? How important is aesthetics on a box that will be obsolete in a year or two?

How much did that iMac cost?



i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I don't think he'll get it man, he's too myopic to look outside his small realm/scope of experience ;)

I have worked in large Mac, PC, Sun, and other environments, its easy to realize what you are hinting once you have some experience with a large sample of computers...


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2003
Sorry, I'm Canadian ..sorry...
On the RAM bit, I did go for 512. Super drive, 80gig HD....But the space savings will be great. I'm also not too worried about hardware prices after the fact. I have not added a single peice to my old Dell ever, even after 2 years of terrible service. That thing never ran right, and these days, I can set my watch to the blue screens of death!!!