
I gotta say I'm pretty sick about this...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river

This happened on my street about 15 houses away from mine. Our sitter knows the family and had just left our place (after taking my kids to the park) and she heard the crash.
That's tragic. :(
No reason in the world that it couldn't have been my front lawn and my kids...
Yeah - you probably shouldn't let your kids outside. It's pretty dangerous in the great outdoors. Maybe get them an Xbox? :think:


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
The only fear I have bigger than having a kid is losing a kid. Well that and my fear of the mentally handicapped, but thats a different thread.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Sounds like they were racing or some crap?

There are a handful of jackasses on my street, but the kids play in the back more than the front. I would get spike strips or something.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
That's just F'ed up. It's too bad that some kids just don't think before they get behind the wheel. Another good reason to try to live in a culdesac to raise your children. IMO it lessens the chance of that kinda of tragedy from happening.


Danforth Kitchen Whore
Sep 5, 2001
Teens racing cars are killing a lot of people in Canada these days...

dunno what to say.

It's only going to get worse.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL

It always seems to take something tragic to happen before authorities decide to take action, even if a known problem already exists.
My sister lives in a rural town in PA where the main street is used by trucks to get over the hills. They used to use a different route about 20 mi north until a child was killed by one.

these guys go about 50mph in huge dumptrucks and bigrigs down a 2 lane street in the middle of a tiny village. When my sister asked around about getting a patrol in the area (town too small to ahve own force) she was told that the town had asked and been denied. They actually said that nothing would happen until there was a FATAL accident... WTF!!!

My Nephew knows to only play in the backyard...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 21, 2006
In your pants
That is terribly sad.

I know in the U.S., you're an adult at 18. If that happened here in California, despite just turning 18, he'd have been tried as an adult and probably sentences to some seriously good time.

I had a close family friend who took a turn for the worst 1 month after he turned 18. Ended up having some drug/violence issues, and got slapped with a year and a 1/2 in County. Then got another 4 years.

Had he been a minor like some of his friends, he'd have gotten juvie for 6 months and been let go.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Drove past the house....lawn is riddled with flowers and teddy bears etc... cops were still there doing whatever it is they do.

We've been discussing moving for a few months now....(closer to my new job, more english, genrally a nicer neighbourhood.

(Eyeing this one place....stone house built in '84, 4 bedroom, on 72000 sq ft! all for $289k.... it's pretty decent....on an unpaved cul de sac....called "Blueberry Hill" if you can believe it....almost everyone on the street has horses)

But yeah...I can't say that I did anything THAT differently as a teenager...other than only getting my license at 18. I did do some pretty stupid stuff. but I really hope these kids get made examples of. Amazing how your perspective changes when you have kids....

A few speed bumps on this street would make a big difference.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
That's horrible.
Last week, three young teenage girls in my little hometown were in a wreck. I have seen these girls around town and at church since they were born. Their father helped build our house, and my wife teaches their younger brother in a children's choir. It was a 16 year old, her 14 year old sister, and her 14 year old friend. They live on a busy road and the 16 year old was backing out of her own driveway, with her mother and little brother watching from the porch. A huge asphalt truck came flying over the hill and crushed the car. The 14 year old sister died, the 16 year old sister is still in a coma, and the other girl got out of the hospital just in time to go to the funeral of her best friend.
It was brutal.
We went to the funeral and it was unreal. She had a bright white casket that they let all her friends sign it. They had her cheerleading uniform hanging up right beside it, and for the whole service they had scrolling pictures of her from when she was an infant until now.
The church is big, and they were more people standing outside of it than they were inside it. It was crazy to seen an entire community pull together like that. The death of a child is always the hardest.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
That's horrible.
Last week, three young teenage girls in my little hometown were in a wreck. I have seen these girls around town and at church since they were born. Their father helped build our house, and my wife teaches their younger brother in a children's choir. It was a 16 year old, her 14 year old sister, and her 14 year old friend. They live on a busy road and the 16 year old was backing out of her own driveway, with her mother and little brother watching from the porch. A huge asphalt truck came flying over the hill and crushed the car. The 14 year old sister died, the 16 year old sister is still in a coma, and the other girl got out of the hospital just in time to go to the funeral of her best friend.
It was brutal.
We went to the funeral and it was unreal. She had a bright white casket that they let all her friends sign it. They had her cheerleading uniform hanging up right beside it, and for the whole service they had scrolling pictures of her from when she was an infant until now.
The church is big, and they were more people standing outside of it than they were inside it. It was crazy to seen an entire community pull together like that. The death of a child is always the hardest.
Wow. I can't imagine.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
wow that whole thing is seriously Fvcked . I'm going to have to go give my Kids a Big hug !
I shared my beer with mine. Sharing the love & beer is a wonderful thing:thumb:

That whole thing really is sickening, I cringe just thinking what their family is going through. Makes me sick to my stomach. I hope to God nothing bad ever happens to my family or anyone elses for that matter.

Why couldn't Scott Peterson have been playing on the lawn at the time.


Apr 10, 2006
Wow. So, basically I shouldn't let my nearly infant children play on/near a street? O, thats right, no normal person would allow that in the first place.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Wow. So, basically I shouldn't let my nearly infant children play on/near a street? O, thats right, no normal person would allow that in the first place.
1. Toddler. 3 years old, not infant.
2. Front Yard, hanging halloween decorations, supervised
3. 15 mph street
4. Find some compassion.

So a person with a house and front yard isn't supposed to use it because if they get run over it's their own fault? Because some Dumb ass teenager wants to drive three times the speed limit through a residential neighborhood? I hope you don't ride on the street because Karma is a B*tch.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Such a tragedy... and now it looks like the killer is trying to get off by lying.

And SkaredShtles and CKxx take the opportunity to act like complete assholes. Noted.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
To say that I've been avoiding the scene would be inaccurate. But I've not gone out of my way to go back. Anyway, I had to drive past it today. It's really odd. People all gathered around still....big pile of flowers and stuffed animals like I said. The fence is all f-ed up obviously. The little local town paper is filled with everyone ripping into the mayor and the cops etc...

The kid is still in the clink. The judge will decide on Tuesday if they'll release him on bail at all. While I doubt he'll actually get it....with what he's being charged with, he COULD be sentenced to life in prison.

My mom thinks that the parents shold be charged too....not sure I agree with that.....


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
My mom thinks that the parents shold be charged too....not sure I agree with that.....
Yeah I have mixed feelings on that one too, for somethings Yes absolutly you should hold parent responsible, other things you just cant, something like this is right on the line as to go after the parents as well. Tough call, one thing i can say, is to go after the parents for compoensation, that part is clear, but to Imprisson them as well, maybe not so.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Actually dumbass she was in the back yard of a corner lot, behind a fence. The cars went through the fence.
Man remembering back in the day being a little kid, Living on the Non busy street playing all over. You know back when Neighbors watched out for one another, and if some dumbass teenager did something like this, You drug him to his house after giving him your own woopin, explain to his parents what he did, and what you did, and knowing his parents were about to give yet another woopin. Man times have changed, one of the reasons I am actually glad My wife and I cannot have children, The thought of losing my own child to something Stupid like this, man scares the living Hell out of me. Make me long for the days when Neighbors were friends, and people looked out for each other instead of keeping everyone at a Distance, and only lookinga fter ones self.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Kids are out on bail today. $7000 for the 18 year-old, $4000 for the 17 year-old. As it happened to be the 18-year-olds b-day, he will likley be tried as a juvenile. A law was passed in 2003 saying you have to 18 +1day to be tried as an adult.....

Essentially, they spent a week in jail and will likley never spend another day in jail.

Funeral for the little girl is tomorrow.....


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
God that makes me sick. :( The phone is just an excuse, and a bad one to boot. I hope both those drivers rot in prison for a long time.
Well, it will be easy enough to tell if he got a phone call at exactly the time of the accident through cell-phone records. Regardless as to whether that's exactly what set off the chain of events, the fact that the expert has said he was going in excess of 72km/h is pretty damning in and of itself though.

I have to say, I never thought about the positives of living in a small town (pop. 8,000, although it's completely encircled by Madison's 250k population) before buying a house here, but since then I'm reminded about all of the positives on a daily basis. When you have a problem you can go to the city council meetings and raise hell, and they pretty much have to listen to you. There was an issue with speeding in different areas (like, 35mph in a 25mph "speeding") so the police actually went out and bought a small device that records the speeds of everyone passing by (no license plates, but to get a gauge of how fast the overall traffic is). ANYONE can go and request the device be put outside their house and have the speeds of motorists recorded for the day or week.

It just sucks that this issue was brought up repeatedly and it took someone dying for anyone to do anything...