

Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
thats easy to type 2000 miles away now isnt it
Quite easy. But not as funny as when you see a cart rolling into your truck.

Seriously, if you pulled a checkbook at the end of your transaction, I guarantee I would be rolling my eyes.

If you looked at me and said something, I would say, "I have cash and a debit card. I'm not inconsiderate." I've done it.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
If he/she bought them with an EBT card the transactions are monitored and he/she will have to explain to his/her caseworker why he/she bought those expensive items and then get piss tested to receive further benefits thanks to Tommy George Thompson the ex U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. This varies depending on the State or County that the offender is recieving benefits in. If they can prove fraud most States make you and your dependents pay back any money you may have received and cancel your benefits. Not a risk most poor folks are willing to take.... Don't eff with your housing assistance fool
To be fair, I used to witness that kind of stuff while I was in high school. So this was around a decade ago. Right as ebt cards were being phased in.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
To be fair, I used to witness that kind of stuff while I was in high school. So this was around a decade ago. Right as ebt cards were being phased in.
No worries just don't pay for your groceries by check as it tends to upset some folks around here....


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
If he/she bought them with an EBT card the transactions are monitored and he/she will have to explain to his/her caseworker why he/she bought those expensive items and then get piss tested to receive further benefits thanks to Tommy George Thompson the ex U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. This varies depending on the State or County that the offender is recieving benefits in. If they can prove fraud most States make you and your dependents pay back any money you may have received and cancel your benefits. Not a risk most poor folks are willing to take.... Don't eff with your housing assistance fool
Well good thing people on welfare are so responsible that they would never commit a criminal act.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 3, 2008
with the voices in my head
Quite easy. But not as funny as when you see a cart rolling into your truck.

Seriously, if you pulled a checkbook at the end of your transaction, I guarantee I would be rolling my eyes.

If you looked at me and said something, I would say, "I have cash and a debit card. I'm not inconsiderate." I've done it.
first my job provides me with truck, suv, car whatever i want every 18 months, i have not had a vehicle, insurance, repair or gas payment since 1989 so it really does not matter to me, hell ill kick in the quarter pannel with you for laughs, the only thing that would piss me off would be someone hurting my kids. i hope there are none of those people on rm!!

the filter between my brain and mouth does not work very well, i dont mean any harm by things i say i just have an opinion not afraid to voice it. imo too many people take life way to serious, no one gets out alive, but so many people think they are going to. smile, laugh, relax, enjoy take that extra five min to smell the roses. (or the exhaust from the girl that just hit you:D)

just because someone is uptight and in a hurry does it mean i have to be uptight and in a hurry to make them happy?! hell no!! thats the problem today what are we in a hurry for, what is everyone rushing to do? look at your watch while someone writes a check, it does not take any longer than it takes to swipe a credit/debit card and wait for the transaction to be approved time it, and if it the check writer 16 seconds longer big deal, are you really going to let something that meaningless effect your day or mood? why?


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
What's the difference between getting pissed off because someone is making you wait a few seconds in line at the store and the driver who becomes enraged at you while riding your bike in front of him ?

there isn't one


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
What's the difference between getting pissed off because someone is making you wait a few seconds in line at the store and the driver who becomes enraged at you while riding your bike in front of him ?

there isn't one
Hey, I posted this because I thought it was funny that a pet peeve was combined with the local denizens and their drinking habits. It was two separate observations, and not a single action, because none was needed.

If you are going to take a self-righteous tone, judge yourself.
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Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
first my job provides me with truck, suv, car whatever i want every 18 months, i have not had a vehicle, insurance, repair or gas payment since 1989 so it really does not matter to me, hell ill kick in the quarter pannel with you for laughs, the only thing that would piss me off would be someone hurting my kids. i hope there are none of those people on rm!!

the filter between my brain and mouth does not work very well, i dont mean any harm by things i say i just have an opinion not afraid to voice it. imo too many people take life way to serious, no one gets out alive, but so many people think they are going to. smile, laugh, relax, enjoy take that extra five min to smell the roses. (or the exhaust from the girl that just hit you:D)

just because someone is uptight and in a hurry does it mean i have to be uptight and in a hurry to make them happy?! hell no!! thats the problem today what are we in a hurry for, what is everyone rushing to do? look at your watch while someone writes a check, it does not take any longer than it takes to swipe a credit/debit card and wait for the transaction to be approved time it, and if it the check writer 16 seconds longer big deal, are you really going to let something that meaningless effect your day or mood? why?
It is because I am the toughest man on the internet, and I cannot be made to wait.

And that's how I deal with the daily stresses. Laugh or ignore, it is ok with me.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
The problem is you live in sh1thole San Francisco where everyone is completely fvcking:
a) stupid or
b) selfish or
c) a cunt or
d) all of the above

Plus the whole city smells like piss and there's no parking.

Why are old drunks writing checks getting on your nerves when there is so much more fail to be savored?


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
I hate it when people are friendly in front of me. The crap-ass town where I work is full of friendly people on no particular schedule. Chatting up the bank tellers, store clerks etc....while I'm waiting behind them to buy my Redbull and beef jerky!!

Some of us have jobs to get back to!!! Be friendly of your own time!!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
The problem is you live in sh1thole San Francisco where everyone is completely fvcking:
a) stupid or
b) selfish or
c) a cunt or
d) all of the above

Plus the whole city smells like piss and there's no parking.

Why are old drunks writing checks getting on your nerves when there is so much more fail to be savored?
One of my friends lives just off of Haight. Recently the police started a campaign arresting aggressive homeless who would threaten residents with their dogs, as many street kids had dogs for protection.

I don't know how I would feel if someone with nothing to lose, literally, decided to choose me as a target for harassment. I might be willing to tell him to f--- off, but I'm not going to sit in my parked car overnight or run out with a baseball bat for every little noise that came from Haight.

But luckily, I live in a quiet neighborhood where the nuisances are nosy neighbors and inconsiderate u-turners.
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Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
At this point, people writing checks probably don't have the funds, hence the check...
old people can get away with it because that is just the way they are...younger gen not so much...there really isnt a point...

i still write checks for most bills though, auto pay annoys me because I dont feel like i have as tight of a grip on what is going in vs. out.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Man... if you can't find the differences... you're a retard. :rolleyes::D
Actually, it is basically the same principle.

Check V. Check card: Someone is using a slower method of payment than you. They hold you up. You are put out. You become upset.

Bike v. Car: Someone is using a slower form of transportation than you. They hold you up. You are put out. You become upset.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Actually, it is basically the same principle.

Check V. Check card: Someone is using a slower method of payment than you. They hold you up. You are put out. You become upset.

Bike v. Car: Someone is using a slower form of transportation than you. They hold you up. You are put out. You become upset.
Apparently you're retarded too.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Actually, it is basically the same principle.

Check V. Check card: Someone is using a slower method of payment than you. They hold you up. You are put out. You become upset.

Bike v. Car: Someone is using a slower form of transportation than you. They hold you up. You are put out. You become upset.
Check V. Check card: Worst case example: Security throws both of you out

Bike v. Car:

Keeping in mind the extent of my irritation at the supermarket is this thread, that while I have only been hit by cars a few times, the times I've been scared that I was going down is in the hundreds.

It doesn't even phase me anymore that I ride with fear most of the time.

Even the joyriding douchebags who just scream and honk as they drive by is no different then someone pulling a knife or a gun for laughs.

What assurance I have they won't hurt me?


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Check V. Check card: Worst case example: Security throws both of you out

Bike v. Car:

Keeping in mind the extent of my irritation at the supermarket is this thread, that while I have only been hit by cars a few times, the times I've been scared that I was going down is in the hundreds.

It doesn't even phase me anymore that I ride with fear most of the time.

Even the joyriding douchebags who just scream and honk as they drive by is no different then someone pulling a knife or a gun for laughs.

What assurance I have they won't hurt me?
I retract what I said - people using checks is JUST like this.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Tell everyone who thinks bikes vs cars is the same,

Go to the supermarket tonight and pay by check. Look behind you and see the irritated faces.

Then go ride your bike in the middle of a busy street. Look behind and see if it compares or not.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Check V. Check card: Worst case example: Security throws both of you out
Yeah right. Once security throws you out, all bets are off. Worse case example: You piss someone off so bad that they beat you until you look like you were hit by a car. Or worse yet, they go out, get in their car and run you over. Or security tries to throw you out, his gun is stolen, someone opens fire and everyone dies. See, things could always be worse.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Yeah right. Once security throws you out, all bets are off. Worse case example: You piss someone off so bad that they beat you until you look like you were hit by a car. Or worse yet, they go out, get in their car and run you over. Or security tries to throw you out, his gun is stolen, someone opens fire and everyone dies. See, things could always be worse.

Most impressive...



Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
Yeah right. Once security throws you out, all bets are off. Worse case example: You piss someone off so bad that they beat you until you look like you were hit by a car. Or worse yet, they go out, get in their car and run you over. Or security tries to throw you out, his gun is stolen, someone opens fire and everyone dies. See, things could always be worse.
And when they open fire they accidentally hit that big ol artery in your leg. Responding medical staff has to cut you pants off in the parking lot to try and save your life. You die on the ground in a supermarket parking lot with everyone staring at your junk. :thumb:
After dying with the world staring at your junk they revive you and a crazed sumo wrestler sits on your face, grabs you with their butt-cheeks and hurls you into a dumpster. The truck arrives and you are compacted just sufficient to maximize the agony. Your shredded junk dangles from the dumpster and people continue to gawk and laugh as you attempt to writhe.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Yeah right. Once security throws you out, all bets are off. Worse case example: You piss someone off so bad that they beat you until you look like you were hit by a car. Or worse yet, they go out, get in their car and run you over. Or security tries to throw you out, his gun is stolen, someone opens fire and everyone dies. See, things could always be worse.
Do you even ride a bike?


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Do you even ride a bike?
Why? Does it seem like I don't? Is it because I haven't found a reason to go on Woe-is-me-I'm-a-poor-harrassed-cyclist-tirades on the internet? Is it because I haven't defaced propoerty in the name of cycling rights? Is it because I sympathize with the check writing, early drinking, holding your ass up because you are so ****ing impatient about everything that does not fit into the agenda of you? That's probably it. I do have a ridemonkey sticker on my car if that counts for anything.
