But can't stop listening to their new, overproduced, utter crap album.
It makes me feel so fuzzies insides
It makes me feel so fuzzies insides

I'd rather nail a firecrotchJust think of this way. The lead singer sleeps with this:
unfunfunfJust think of this way. The lead singer sleeps with this:
U2 I think is a sad example of how not to age.Coldplay sucks, but they are nowhere close to being as ****ty as Nickelback. Nickelback is somewhere in my top 3 worst bands ever, along with Def Leppard and U2.
I can agree with that to some extent. Their early stuff was respectable, if not my favorite music ever. Current U2 blows hard.U2 I think is a sad example of how not to age.
I think their first 5 albums were good rock albums, with a natural progression from gritty garage band to an adeptly produced megagroup.
After that, they lost it. Too much fame.
Compare it the Stones, who started in 1964 and made some great songs as late as the early 80's, I have never begrudged their $150-a-ticket senior tour because they are that great.
Ya....What's wrong with the blond and the redhead?Just not into them...But I do like the redhead...and the blonde.
All I can come up with is that I'm not likely to get anywhere close to either of them.Ya....What's wrong with the blond and the redhead?
You grow a vagina in your move to California?Jackson Browne is healing me.
I hope it's called Coldcuts.I think they have an entire channel devoted to Coldplay on XM. I don't listen to it.
Santa Cruz is one tough town! What with all them vampires running around and all.You grow a vagina in your move to California?
Forget the Bulleit or any whiskey, stick with Bartles & James wine coolers.