
I hate dogs.

I jjust thought you should know that I hate dogs. I was riding today, up a decent hill when a fair sized dog spots me and starts running across his yard to the road. At this point I'm questioning my ability to out run a dog up a steep hill on 4 hours of sleep, a bowl of cheerios and a bananna. So after pondering that the dog is on the road, across from me and still going. I made the executive desssion that the I wouldn't be outrunning him since he was allreday ahead of me and on the road. I've realized over the course of life taht most of the time the dogs won't actually cross the road. They also leave you alone if you stop and give them a solid "no" or "go home" so I stop. I then have a lovely vision of my mace sitting on my desk and not in my jersey pocket. Sigh. The dog comes running across the road stoping on the yellow line barking and growling. I give him a narsty NO and he stops barking but starts up again as soon as I try and move. So I sat there and had a lovely stare down with the dog while I try to figure out the address of his house so I can call his person and bitch them out for having their dog unleashed.

Anyway.... 100 yards down the road (around a cornner) there was a state cop. I contimplated seeing if he would give the people **** for having a nasty dog not tied up on a busy road. I decided that there was nothing he was going to do about it and carried on.

Yeah. I don't like dogs.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
So the dog barked and growled at you as you rode by his/her property, but nothing more? I am not advocating having an unleashed dog unattended, but sounds like he was just protecting his property (the way dogs do that).

Seems to me you were just looking for an excuse to stop and rest, and then bitch.

But hey, should make for an interesting thread.


Oct 17, 2002
sounded like the dog wasn't fenced in or restrained in anyway.

Remember, dogs smell fear. They also smell anger.

DH Diva

Jun 12, 2002
bigevilgrape said:
I jjust thought you should know that I hate dogs. I was riding today, up a decent hill when a fair sized dog spots me and starts running across his yard to the road. At this point I'm questioning my ability to out run a dog up a steep hill on 4 hours of sleep, a bowl of cheerios and a bananna. So after pondering that the dog is on the road, across from me and still going. I made the executive desssion that the I wouldn't be outrunning him since he was allreday ahead of me and on the road. I've realized over the course of life taht most of the time the dogs won't actually cross the road. They also leave you alone if you stop and give them a solid "no" or "go home" so I stop. I then have a lovely vision of my mace sitting on my desk and not in my jersey pocket. Sigh. The dog comes running across the road stoping on the yellow line barking and growling. I give him a narsty NO and he stops barking but starts up again as soon as I try and move. So I sat there and had a lovely stare down with the dog while I try to figure out the address of his house so I can call his person and bitch them out for having their dog unleashed.

Anyway.... 100 yards down the road (around a cornner) there was a state cop. I contimplated seeing if he would give the people **** for having a nasty dog not tied up on a busy road. I decided that there was nothing he was going to do about it and carried on.

Yeah. I don't like dogs.
Dogs are only as misbehaved as their owners let them be. Maybe you should hate the dogs owners that didn't have it properly restrained or fenced........just a thought.


Oct 17, 2002
bigevilgrape said:
he ran across a nice busy (for teh area) road from his house to get at me. I feel threatened by dogs that growl and bear teeth at me. ... but i've been bitten before.
well, it's still the a-hole owner's fault.

Just give the dog a good smack on the nose*. I've done that a couple times when threatened and they backed down quickly. One was a Sharpei (chinese fighting dog). I actually felt bad about it... was just a snap reaction on my part.

Bring your mace and/or waterbottles.

EDIT: * I'm not responsible if you get chewed up :devil:


Turbo Monkey
DH Diva said:
Dogs are only as misbehaved as their owners let them be. Maybe you should hate the dogs owners that didn't have it properly restrained or fenced........just a thought.
That's my approach. It's the same with children - can't blame them for poor parenting.:rolleyes:

I'll yell "no!" or "go home!" at the dog, which usually mellows them out and then I immediately look around for anybody - whether they be the owner or not - and tell them the dog needs to be properly restrained in as calm of a tone as possible for the situation...which is usually not as calm sounding as I'd like.

I was getting chased once by a dog that wouldn't quit. Just kept following me, even though I was constantly spreading the gap between us. I got so tired of the barking from behind that I actually turned around and started chasing the dog. Poor feller didn't know what to do when I started yelling and chasing it. I guess that proves that they do sense anger as well as fear. I was pissed.

Most of my miles over recent years have been "in-city", so I don't have to deal with the dog issue as much as I did when I put in alot of miles in the sticks. Now, I just have to deal with road-rage and metro buses. Woo-hoo!!

Edit: For the record, I DO like dogs!:)
heh, you're right about the owner thing. i actually have a dog and love my friends dogs. hate people that don't keep their dogs away from me. does water really get rid of dogs? I've also heard that whistles work okay too.

That dog's also gonna get killed if he doesnt get fenced in soon. People flying by at sixtyish isn't terribly dog friendly.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
A few years ago I was doing a training ride, and this dog came after me, unleashed, man he scared the crap out of me. He was huge, and looked like he wanted blood. After I got home, I got in my car and went over there to tell the owners to keep their damn mutt on a leash. So I get there and it's this nice lady who was all apologetic, said she usually puts the dog on a leash but her son must have let him out by accident. She tells me the dog is very nice and wouldn't hurt anyone, and calls him over. He's all happy to see me, licking my hand, like he was my best buddy. She agreed to keep better track of him and I never had a problem there after that.


Aug 16, 2004
Bellingham, WA
I hate dogs too.

But I hate them because they are filthy creatures who eat their own feces and smell bad.

I just sprint by any dog I see on the road.

You can spraw water from your water bottle in their face and usually that will stop them but I've never actually done that because a dog has never caught me.
i was out shooting a story for the news last fall and this guy we where going to interview had a dog tied up in his yard. the reporter walks by without a problem but when i try to get in wif my camera the dog started barking at me and deffinitly snaped once or twice. the owner kept telling me what a nice dog he was. I think he was threatened by the big scary person with a camera on their sholder.


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
mattv2099 said:
I hate dogs too.

But I hate them because they are filthy creatures who eat their own feces and smell bad.

My dog isn't filthy, doesn't eat feces, nor does he smell bad most of the time. So I'm wondering what the hell you are talking about.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I've always just considered dogs as good motivation for sprint training. There is this one pup that comes out to play that can maintain 20+mph for a suprising amount of time.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
A dog doesn't "smell" fear or anger(fear/anger same thing though anyways...). They will read your body language and posture though. If you face toward them, head downward and smile that's essentially telling the dog you want to fight. If you race away their instinct is to chase. But if you defer to it and walk slowly away with your face pointed to the side and with a regular easy pace chances are the dog will read this as you are cooperating with the dogs request to leave it's territory.

Any of that stuff is done with when off the bike for whatever reason. If you are off your bike it would be wise to always keep the bike between you and the dog. And if it comes down to it your bike will make a good sheild and possibly a weapon. If there are multiple dogs good luck, you should have stayed on your bike....

When on a bike it's important to understand that a dog will not chase forever and will "blow it's wad" way before you do on a bike. If on a hill you shouldn't have any problems with any dog, just go downhill.... if on flat or slight climb here's the tactic i used to employ when i was a kid.

Say the dog approaches you ahead from the right. Slowly veer to the left. As soon as the dog charges, sprint directly towards the dog as fast as you can. Then before you ram straight into the dog break hard to the left and resume the sprint. The dog has to essentially halt it's progress to turn around and resume the chase, by that time you're way ahead, and the dog will usually just quit then and bark all pissed off.


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
Olyroller said:
That's why I don't like these new C02 pumps. The old frame pumps kept all Dogs at bay.
Ya, but if you get a good solid shot at him with your CO2 canister and then tap him on the nose, his nose will fall off.


Nov 26, 2004
good ol' culpep
jaydee said:
Ya, but if you get a good solid shot at him with your CO2 canister and then tap him on the nose, his nose will fall off.

or u can time it right to when u see to the left of the road the u know will run across the road, u can wait for a car to come in the left lane when the dog wanting to get at u runs across the road with out seeing the car... SLAM... and one dog less in the world :thumb: , tho i havent done this intentionaly i did have it happen one day on a club ride, it happened about 3 or 4 riders in front of me and well some poor kid lost his dog that day.


Apr 4, 2002
I figure if you can't handle a dog coming after you maybe you should just stay home and play nintendo.