
I Hate My Job, So I Just Quit!


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
He travels a lot and is way too busy to be really effective at the office, but he knows that I've got his back, and I want to help grow his agency while others just need a paycheck...
Understood. Guess I'm just not quite with-it yet to fully understand the usefulness of texting... especially in a professional atmosphere. My CD texted me once, using the same code-speak his 14-year old step-daughter uses and it just weirds me out.

I'm just curious - in the world of graphic design, do graphic designers see themselves as "artists" or "designers" of commercially viable design?

edit: that was bad but do you get my drift?
I've never had such delusions. I've always considered myself a designer that likes to create art on the side. When it comes down to it, I'm just a cog in the great wheel of selling a product. I do get satisfaction out of doing the best job I can, and I do enjoy the respect of fellow-designers, but I can't try and convince myself that my coffee shop logo is ever going to be considered fine art.

I think those designers who consider themselves 'artists' are the same that need constant ego-stroking, can't take criticism, and think their diaper packaging should be hanging in the Guggenheim along with Warhol's paintings.

In fact, that was part of Warhol's point... to question what is art and what isn't. But I personally feel that some designers are a little too full of themselves and what they do. It may take just as much talent and creativity as fine art, but the reasons for doing it and the results are nowhere near the same.


Turbo Monkey
It wouldn't be easy for me to compromise on something that I viewed as my art - very easy for me to pimp whatever talent I may / or may have for a steady pay check. I must be responsible. :)

I think those designers who consider themselves 'artists' are the same that need constant ego-stroking, can't take criticism, and think their diaper packaging should be hanging in the Guggenheim along with Warhol's paintings.

In fact, that was part of Warhol's point... to question what is art and what isn't. But I personally feel that some designers are a little too full of themselves and what they do. It may take just as much talent and creativity as fine art, but the reasons for doing it and the results are nowhere near the same.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Meeting over. We agreed it would be hard for me to walk back into the office everyday after my awesome exit (for them and myself) so I'm just gonna freelance.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
So you will still get jobs from your old boss? But you don't need to go to the office? That's would be great.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
So you will still get jobs from your old boss? But you don't need to go to the office? That's would be great.
No more ironing clothes before I race out the door. No more chit chat with people I can't stand. No more sitting through lunch with people I have nothing in common with and no more annoying alarm clock!



Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
Are you getting a higher rate or the same rate? Does it include benefits, health insurance, etc? What kind of hours are they talking?


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Are you getting a higher rate or the same rate? Does it include benefits, health insurance, etc? What kind of hours are they talking?
The bad news is no benefits, but the office is moving next week 16 miles further from me. We're working out the details when they land.