
I hate people


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
Yeah, WHAT IS UP WITH PEOPLE AROUND CHRISTMAS!! In the last 2 weeks I have had my car broken into, my window broken and my sterio stolen. My friend had the same thing happen in the last couple days and today...my f-n site was hacked. I don't even know what to do about it except contact my hosting company..which I did.
I have been looking forward to going home tomorrow to spend christmas with my family but now I don't know how I am going to deal with this tech crap when I am going to be traveling most of the day...
Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent to someone.

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
yes people do suck. I was riding sat. and am going out tomorrow afternoon to ride urban in downtown chicago. Every dumbass from the suburbs and surrounding states all come to downtown chicago to go shopping and they all think that they can drive like cabbies and walk anywhere they please. Ive never almost gotten hit so many times and had so many people who dont know where theyre going getting in my way. I hate people


Jun 10, 2002
i made the mistake of coming back to Austin today. oh my god. i thought dip****s were bad before....good god.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
When people get stressed (which is virtually always in our f-ed up society) they for some reason think it's cool to do whatever they want in order to either accomplish a goal or just because they justify that they needed to do it. There is no accountability these days it seems...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I don't know about evil people & the holidays, but I just wanted to state that the 2005 Love Fest calender is awesome :thumb:


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Once you begin to recognize that everyone is a faulty screwed up mess in some situations and some moreso than others, you begin to actually like people. :)

Just like my dear departed grammy used to say, "When it rains it pours". Sometimes you just gotta say "**** it" and not let all the b.s. get ya down. :dancing:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I got an e-mail at work yesterday saying cars parked in our garage last week were broken into and Xmas presents were stolen. WTF is the matter with people?

Not all people suck, just thieving ones.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Not to sidebar a good rant, but please allow me a counterpoint. Here are a few of the nice things people have done for me and my immediate family over the last few weeks(our 6 mo. old is quite sick).

*A neighbor we don't even know gave a beautiful, handmade wooden playhouse to our 2 1/2 year old so she'd have somewhere besides her room to play and call her own
*Members of our church have organized delivery of cooked meals to our home while my wife is away at the hospital(my culinary skills are not yet widely recognized)
*Other members of our church have donated gift cards for the purchase of our baby's special(and very expensive) formula
*My wife's friends have dropped everything and come at a moment's notice to watch our older daughter at all hours of the day and night so that I can go to the hospital, too
*Other friends have helped out with extra baby clothes and learning toys for our daughters
*Our church up and paid a very expensive medical bill our insurance wouldn't cover
*Neighbors we barely know have offered to help out whenever and however needed just because they've heard of our daughter's troubles and want to help

I won't even talk about all the kind, selfless things our respective families have done for us at great personal inconvenience. Certainly there are lots of a-holes out there, and with everyone milling about on the roads and in the malls, you're bound to run into them...stealing your property...stealing you parking space...driving like lunatics...cutting in line...pushing and shoving w/o so much as an "excuse me" or "I apologize". I urge you to look a little more closely, as there is a lot of good going on around you that may otherwise go unnoticed in the bustle of the season.

That being said, I hope that either the thief who stole your stuff shocks the living sheet out of himself when trying to install it or is busted by the man trying to trade them for a rock downtown. :D


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
yup, people suck. my hours are nowcut back because everything from my office was stolen....
get to talk to the insurance guy on wed....what great xmas week.

and those who know me know that this is the awsome aniversery of the crap that happened last year to me.

people suck, everyone can lick my ballz


That's cool to hear LL. I hope all goes better very soon. I have to say that my 2 instances with humanity are the Secret Santa deal, where people went above and beyond for people they had never seen, and a waiter we had Saturday. We went to one place and sat for 10 minutes to not be acknowledged. I got up, went to the hostess and informed her why we were leaving. Turns out, we went to another place and received the best service we have ever had. Kid was a student at Baylor, from Dallas, giving him 2 strikes to start with, and he was awesome. If I were a wealthy person he would have had a huge tip.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
bigginsis said:
thank you. perhaps enough negativity about her will defuse her reign of terror. :mumble: :mumble: :mumble:
I love your boss.

Maybe enough love will have the same result.

You know, the kind of love that a three hundred and fifty pound prison inmate can give someone.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
If y'all must hate someone, I heartily recommend this worthless piece of excrement-

:mad: Pregnant-Slay Probe Followed Cyber Trail

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - In the end, it wasn't a fingerprint or a blood spatter that led authorities to the woman suspected of strangling a mother-to-be and cutting the baby from her womb.

It was an 11-digit computer code.

Police zeroed in on Lisa Montgomery in the most 21st century of ways, by trolling computer records, examining online message boards and - most important - tracing an IP address,, to a computer at her Melvern, Kan., home.

``That in and of itself led us to the home,'' Jeff Lanza, an FBI spokesman here said of the IP, or Internet protocol, address, the unique number given to every Internet-connected computer.

Investigators say that just before the slaying, Montgomery had corresponded over the Internet with the victim, Bobbie Jo Stinnett, about buying a dog from Stinnett. The same technology that makes instantaneous communication possible enabled authorities to crack the case in a matter of hours and rescue the premature baby.

Montgomery, 36, made a first appearance Monday before a packed courtroom in Kansas City, Kan., where her attorney refused to waive her right to preliminary and identity hearings. Both hearings have been scheduled for Thursday morning.

Montgomery is charged with kidnapping resulting in death. Her attorney, Charles Dedmon, would not comment after the hearing.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Terra Morehead also declined to comment, but authorities have said Montgomery confessed to the crime. The 4-day-old girl left a hospital in Topeka, Kan., Monday with her father and another family member.

``When we received her, she was in pretty good shape,'' said hospital spokeswoman Carol Wheeler. ``She is just a beautiful, beautiful baby girl.''

The suspect's husband, Kevin Montgomery, told reporters outside the courthouse he knew nothing about his wife's alleged actions. He has not been charged with any wrongdoing.

``My family has suffered a tragedy, but I am not the only family,'' he said. ``This has to be as hard or harder on them as it is on me. I sure hope they get as much support from their church and community as I have because we are all going to need it.''

Within hours of Stinnett's killing Thursday at her Skidmore, Mo., home, investigators realized the potential information her computer could hold in finding her killer.

Stinnett, 23, raised rat terrier dogs at home and had been expecting a potential customer the afternoon she was killed. In fact, she had to get off the phone with her mother because the customer was at the door, according to investigators.

When Stinnett's body was discovered, detectives collected not just physical evidence; they also took her computer.

Besides trying to find the killer, investigators were racing against time to find the baby, who was one month premature when she was cut from her mother's belly and, it was feared, may have suffered oxygen loss or other trauma when her mother was strangled.

At the lab, clues seemed to pour out of the computer within minutes - who Stinnett had been e-mailing, what sites she had been visiting. Important tips from the public came in, too. Among them: a North Carolina dog breeder pointed to communications on a rat terrier message board.

``My adrenaline just started rushing,'' said the breeder, Dyanne Siktar. ``I knew they could track the IP.''

It turned out that at 4:22 p.m. on Wednesday, the day before Stinnett's slaying, someone identifying herself as Darlene Fischer posted a message to the victim on a rat terrier message board. ``Please get in touch with me soon as we are considering the purchase of one of your puppies,'' it said.

About an hour later, Stinnett communicated with Fischer for about 20 minutes, investigators said. Then, at 7:44 p.m., Stinnett posted a message to Fischer: ``I've e-mailed you with the directions so we can meet. I do so hope that the e-mail reaches you. Great chatting with you on messenger. And do look forward to chatting with you tomorrow a.m.''

Investigators traced Fischer's IP address back to a dial-up connection from Montgomery's home in Melvern, about 120 miles southwest of Skidmore. On Friday, less than 24 hours after the slaying, investigators found the baby at the home and arrested Montgomery.

As for how the killer knew Stinnett was about to become a mother, Stinnett had a Web site about her dogs that investigators said may have included a picture of Stinnett pregnant. The FBI would not comment on whether the pair had ever met before last week, or how the killer knew Stinnett was still pregnant.

Experts say IP addresses are not foolproof; they can be made up, like nearly anything else in the Internet age. But they often are part of a package of evidence that can lead to a conviction.

``Quite often, in the past, detectives would walk past the computers at the crime scene and look at the hairs and fibers and fingerprints,'' said FBI agent Tom Maiorana, director of the bureau's Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory here. ``Now we're seizing the computers and finding out a tremendous amount of information about the lives of the people involved.''
12/20/04 21:50 © Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved


binary visions said:
I love your boss.

Maybe enough love will have the same result.

You know, the kind of love that a three hundred and fifty pound prison inmate can give someone.
I had no idea you were an inmate. :think: They let you use a computer?


Dec 6, 2004
man is anybody else disturbed by the fact that it is apparently okay to use IP address to locate someone who is alleged suspect of a crime?


clancy98 said:
man is anybody else disturbed by the fact that it is apparently okay to use IP address to locate someone who is alleged suspect of a crime?
I'm not. It's not like you get to hide on the Interweb.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
clancy98 said:
man is anybody else disturbed by the fact that it is apparently okay to use IP address to locate someone who is alleged suspect of a crime?
Why should this disturb you? How is it any different than locating you by phone number? Or license plate?

Are you under some kind of bizarre delusion that the internet is really "anonymous"?


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Thismorning some assbandit passed me going at least 100mph t(i was doing about 65 in a 50) to only cut in front of me and exit a few hundred yards down the road (my same exit). Glad he made it through the yellow light. He was gonna get the stink eye something fierce.

I notice the roads have gotten crazy. I commute past the Tacoma mall and its full of bad drivers... worse than me......cant wait for the drunks to come out new years eve. I think ill be staying home.......


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
llkoolkeg said:
If y'all must hate someone, I heartily recommend this worthless piece of excrement-

Besides trying to find the killer, investigators were racing against time to find the baby, who was one month premature when she was cut from her mother's belly and, it was feared, may have suffered oxygen loss or other trauma when her mother was strangled.
I still cant believe that horrible story. Kidnapping is one thing, but to commit such a crazy crime like that? She deserves the worst, but she will probably just become another # in the prison system, and a burden on the taxpayers. Maybe she can will released from jail when a dope smoker gets busted for growing......


Jun 10, 2002
i had 2 people cut in front of me only to turn about 50' further down the road, while no one was behind me. immediately after the first car turned, the second cut me off.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
oly said:
<snip>I notice the roads have gotten crazy.
You aren't kidding. We had a fatal this morning on the highway that closed it, so the surface streets were a clusterf*#%. Some biotch in a Passat passes me in a *30mph* zone doing about 60...... I wanted to throw a potato masher through her side window. :mumble:


dh girlie

SuzyCreamcheese said:
I hate people, too! And I hate them all year long, not just during the holidays.

The Cheese
AMEN, Sister!

I think you just notice it MORE during the holidays cuz of holiday stress and more idiots are out and about...why, just Sunday on my umpteenth visit to the f'n mall (a place I usually love) I had to honk at lazy mother f'ers in the parking garage to move their fat asses twice in less than 60 seconds...it's like if you just go to the TOP of the parking garage...or take that open spot 6 spaces down from the car that is pulling out of the space here that you are waiting for and holding up the goddamned nation while doing so...you'll get into the mall sooner to aimlessly wander about and annoy the hell out of me in there...I swear this one f'er was waiting for this spot...cars are lined up forever...and she could take an open spot literally 5 spaces down...but god forbid she have to waddle her fat ass an additional 20 steps...so instead she just waits for someone to try and maneuver their car out of a tight spot...f'ers! F'ERS! I'm PISSED off now from just THINKING about that...

dh girlie

SkaredShtles said:
You aren't kidding. We had a fatal this morning on the highway that closed it, so the surface streets were a clusterf*#%. Some biotch in a Passat passes me in a *30mph* zone doing about 60...... I wanted to throw a potato masher through her side window. :mumble:


A tater masher, eh? You carry those around? I suppose its a more inconspicuous weapon than a gun...

Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
SkaredShtles said:
You aren't kidding. We had a fatal this morning on the highway that closed it, so the surface streets were a clusterf*#%. Some biotch in a Passat passes me in a *30mph* zone doing about 60...... I wanted to throw a potato masher through her side window. :mumble:

oh, was that you? i passed someone going 30mph at 60mph m'self this morning.

earlier i spilled cap'n crunch cereal on my comforter, i HATE cap'n crunch cereal! just kidding, i don't, this thread just makes me mad and want to hate everything....