
I have a new Hero!

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth


Man peed way out of avalanche

A Slovak man trapped in his car under an avalanche freed himself by drinking 60 bottles of beer and urinating on the snow to melt it.

Rescue teams found Richard Kral drunk and staggering along a mountain path four days after his Audi car was buried in the Slovak Tatra mountains.

He told them that after the avalanche, he had opened his car window and tried to dig his way out.

But as he dug with his hands, he realised the snow would fill his car before he managed to break through.

He had 60 half-litre bottles of beer in his car as he was going on holiday, and after cracking one open to think about the problem he realised he could urinate on the snow to melt it, local media reported.

He said: "I was scooping the snow from above me and packing it down below the window, and then I peed on it to melt it. It was hard and now my kidneys and liver hurt. But I'm glad the beer I took on holiday turned out to be useful and I managed to get out of there."

Parts of Europe have this week been hit by the heaviest snowfalls since 1941, with some places registering more than ten feet of snow in 24 hours.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
llkoolkeg said:
Before this, I never considered adding alcohol to my car's emergency kit. Jumper cables...flares...bottle jack...adjustable wrench...3 CASES OF BEER...Hmmmmmm. Maybe he's on to something.
I'm thinking smoking your way out of an avalanche would take significantly longer :D


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
One of these days I am going to pee my way out of work, or at least pee on my way out of the office.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Echo said:
I'm thinking smoking your way out of an avalanche would take significantly longer :D
True enough, but with smoking, you can drink the beer quicker, thereby freeing yourself more rapidly. Ever burned up some KB in a snowbong? The resulting cottonmouth would have you GUZZLING those brewskis just to wet your parched whistle. :)


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
llkoolkeg said:
True enough, but with smoking, you can drink the beer quicker, thereby freeing yourself more rapidly. Ever burned up some KB in a snowbong? The resulting cottonmouth would have you GUZZLING those brewskis just to wet your parched whistle. :)
I can't say I've partaken in that particular activity. But in an emergency, I suppose one does what one needs to do :p


Carbon Porn Star
Sep 11, 2001
Danbury, CT
Westy said:
One of these days I am going to pee my way out of work, or at least pee on my way out of the office.
I nominate this for the funniest post ever.
or "eV4r!!!111111
