
I have said this for years


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Changleen said:
In Switzerland the driving test includes controlling a skid on sheet ice and CPR. That's a real driving test! :thumbs:

Sweet. Sounds like that would make for a fun driver's ed class. When I was a kid my Dad and I would get up early and go do donuts in at the local mall if there was snow. It's a skill that comes in handy.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Changleen said:
In Switzerland the driving test includes controlling a skid on sheet ice and CPR. That's a real driving test! :thumbs:
Yeah but they also figured out how to make badass ninja chocolate and not become a nation of fatasses too...........and have you seen those watches? You can see right through'em and stuff!!!!


Feb 5, 2005
manhattanprjkt83 said:
I agree (generally) ...Although i think i was a pretty damn good driver for 16...I think riding bikes so much prior and driving a stick helps you learn to anticipate things much more as well as understand speed...

16 year old girls with no understanding of either are a scary proposition.

I agree. Having ridden motocross for so long prior to getting my license at 16, I feel like I understood the physics of driving more than someone at 16 who hasnt had the experience to know how fast is safe.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
chicodude said:
But I am in complete control when it happens. I did it at 6 o clock in the morning on a deserted road.

I like it when adults look down their noses at kids and tell us it's all our faults, and all that jazz. I see lots of adults get in accidents too.

I am not defending anyone else my age, I just like to argue. :D
Don't sweat it... my dad still looks down his nose at me. When I go somewhere with my dad he insists on driving. Something about me being a punk kid or something like that. :p


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
Transcend said:
You don't count. You had a 1 car person wreck and knocked yourself silly.
That doesn't matter here. The point was that 16 is to young. I started learning to drive around 12 when my aunt moved into town. She would let me drive from my house to her house which was about a 5 minute drive going slow. I don't disagree that the age should be older, but the driving tests are so damn easy it wasn't even funny. I had more fun in Driver Ed than you should. I met alot of my good friends, and my current girlfriend. They don't even give us a real test at the DPS either the day you get your lisence.


Turbo Monkey
May 26, 2004
It would help if drivers ed wasn't so god damn easy that a well trianed monkey could get a liscense, not to mention the actual driving test. I probably could have passed the driving test at 13. I, at 21, have probably the worst driving record of anyone here in terms of speeding tickets. I was in one very minor accident that wasnt my fault. I drove like a freaking maniac in high school, luckily I know how cars work and Im pretty used to handling speed so I came out alive. I think for me I would have had that phase even if I had started at 18. I think at least part of a good solution would be providing better outlets for aggression and adrenaline seeking, ie. buy your kid a dh bike or a shifter kart.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
I don’t necessarily think that changing the legal driving age from 16 to 18 will make too much of a difference. There needs to be stricter restrictions put on new drivers and the driving test needs to be A LOT tougher. Here in California, the driving test is pretty easy, and there are very few restrictions put on new drivers.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
sugarbushrider1 said:
I agree. Having ridden motocross for so long prior to getting my license at 16, I feel like I understood the physics of driving more than someone at 16 who hasnt had the experience to know how fast is safe.
Yeah i think alot of us that ride take that for granted, we do have a much better understanding of the whole situation. That said i think i just solved the gas price problems. Make all kids ride MTB EVERYWHERE for a year prior to getting their drivers license...


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
This is quite the interesting topic and thread here. As a 17 year old driver who's had his license for about a year and a half and been driving for almost 3 years, I'd probably have to agree with just about everything in this thread. There are a LOT of reasons why boys and girls around my age shouldn't drive, let's face it, we're oftentimes trying to showoff around eachother and what not. I'll admit I've sped my way through some streets with friends once or twice but in general I'd say I'm a fairly defensive timid driver. Much more so than half my friends at least... :p

As for the whole boy/girl thing I'd have to say it's definitely circumstantial. There are just as many guys that I know as girls that I'm scared to death to drive with. Most of the guys just from wreckless habits of outrageously testing speeds and corners in their cars and girls because they don't seem to comprehend the risks involved in having to PAY ATTENTION constantly to their driving. They seem to be frequently talking on phones and messing with all their girly accessories, lol.

As far as the driving age I'd say that it could go either way, I think that overall there needs to be a much more demanding license test as is seen over in Europe. Possibly even have it so that driving school is mandatory as I've heard it is over there, and from what I've heard it's quite costly as well. I know that my license test was just about the easiest thing I've ever done, it was basically driving through some suburban and light urban areas and just making sure that you stop at all the stop signs properly and stay within the speed limits. I think people involved in physical activities like cycling of some sort or other motorized vehicles that require similar skills as far as attentiveness and thinking ahead definitely improve what limited experience there is when obtaining the legal ability to drive. Other things (as I'm in Colorado and have seen the results of this) include making laws prohibiting passengers for a certain amount of time. I got my license before this went into affect but basically did it anyhow, and with all the griping from people at school it seems that they're following it as well. Seems that's a better way to encourage people to pay attention and gain experience.

Just my .02 from as much of an unbiased opinion as is possible (haha) from a teenage driver. :p ;) :)


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
You know, Now that I think about it, I have had to take driver ed 3 times, so that coud explain a lot.

1) To get permit
2) High school grad requirment (Health is in the same class as drivers ed.)
3) Online class to lower my insurance by 20%


Jun 10, 2002
i didn't read anything beyond the first few responses...so this might've been covered...

what about senior citizens?
how many accidents involved cell phones?

driving tests should be manditory every 10yrs.

i think it's odd that (in TX), 16yr olds can drive, taking repsonsibility for their lives and their passengers, but they can't legally have sex.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Teenage girls are the reason teenage boys get into accidents. :)

Not sure about the age thing, but I think the driving test should be harder. And there definitely should be more laws about distractions (phones, DVDs, etc.) and more enforcement. Except against me. :cool:


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
DRB said:
I can make your statement even more accurate by replacing 16 year-olds with 16 year-old BOYS.

I suspect that if you were to break those stats down by gender there would be huge disparity from male to female.

A teenage boy is an accident waiting to happen in all aspects of life.
C'mon. I would trust a 16 year old girl behind the wheel if you removed her cell phone, makeup case, blackberry, and her friends from the car.


Jun 10, 2005
Asheville, NC
Bumping the driving age limit from 16 to 18 will not improve the accident rate. because they are still inexperienced. Most of the teenage accidents are because of drivers being inexperienced, not because they're being reckless.

Yes, i'm a 16 year old driver, but i drive safe. Truthfully i'm scared to get in a wreck. I'm much rather risk my life on my bike than in a car. And i can say with full confidence that i'm a much better driver than my mom. I about got in 3 wrecks riding home with my mom today. she just does not know how to handle/control a car...

Most of my friends have not gotten in a wreck yet, and they've had their license for a few years now.

All of those people that say the age limit should be pused back to 18 should think about how they and their parents felt when you were 16 and about to drive. Some people just NEED to drive. Parents can't really drive them everywhere they need to be.

And i think that teenage guys, AND girls are just as much risk. I realized that when i started riding with some of my friends that were girls when they drove my around.... scary. Guys are reckless sometimes, but i'd rather drive with some of my friends who drive really fast sometimes, than girls driving under the speed limit. I just trust their skills more. Girls and guys are at equal risk.

That's my imput, but it's still coming from a 16 year old driver... so everyone probably doesn't care.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
NJ has moved to the "restricted license" or "cinderella license" in the past few years.
You can get a learner's permit at 16, a cinderella license at 17 and full at 18.
The permit is pretty straight forward:

• Student Permit Driving Restrictions are: No driving between 11:01 p.m. and 5 a.m., Passengers must be from the driver’s
household, plus one additional person, All occupants must wear safety belts, and the driver must not use a cell phone or
other wireless device while on the road.

Adult Supervising Driver must have a valid NJ driver license, be at least 21 years old and be licensed to drive for at
least 3 years.

The cinderella is loaded with restrictions, though:

Adult Supervising Driver must have a valid NJ driver license, be at least 21 years old and be licensed to drive for at
least 3 years.

• Examination Permit Driving Restrictions are: No driving between 12:01 a.m. and 5 a.m., Passengers must be from the
driver’s household, plus one additional person (If one of the passengers is at least 21, there are no passenger
restrictions), All occupants must wear safety belts, and the driver must not use a cell phone or other wireless device.

And of course, as a fully licensed driver:

• Adult GDL Driving Restrictions are: All occupants must wear safety belts, and the driver may not use a cell phone or
wireless device.

Great idea if you ask me.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
As a Highschool teacher, I find this thread pretty GD funny... I and a few of my fellow teachers are always having these type of arguements in the faculty cafe.
on one side of the argument kids have to learn responsibility:mumble:
on the other, a lot of the kids I see are not ready at 16 to drive!!! :mumble:
most of the kids still think that they are invincible, and drive like the streets are a video game or a movie like TOOO FAST TO STUPID!:mad:
The state of PA has upped the age from 16 to I believe 16 & a 1/2.

I think the issue is that maturity and driving privledges should be judged by the parents etc. cause there surely are some 18yr olds in my classes whos driving privledges I would love to suspend :mumble:


Jun 10, 2002
do other states have hardship licenses? i think in TX, you can get one at the age of 14. if i remember correctly, it is to only drive from home to school and back.

a family friend was out on his motorcycle one night, and got rear-ended at a stoplight by a kid with a hardship. the guy is now paralyzed from the waist down, and his face is nicely rearranged.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
this thread is funny, because im getting my license next wednesday. :D but i am a good driver. i stay around the legal limits without going too much over. not to mention i know where to stay close to the limit and where i can go a little bit faster because i know what the areas are like. i think the laws in mass about teen driving are fair. once you get your permit you have to take drivers ed and do the driving hours and then 6 months after you get your permit you can get your license. then for 6 months after you get your license you are not allowed to drive anyone under 18 unless they are your brother or sister. now these rules only apply to teens under 18 because once you turn 18 you can get your permit one day and take the license test the next day if you are so inclined. and i think the statement that 16 year olds are not mature enough to drive is completely asinine. i know plenty of adults who are way more irresponsible on the roads than many teens. plus, **** like that happens no matter what the minimum age to get your license is. you can chalk many of the accidents up to a lack of experience. and now i finally know why drb hates mmike.


Dec 4, 2004
oh god another driver from massachusetts just promiss me u will use ur mirrors. My neighbor is from mass and when he tried to park next to our house he somehow ran over a 5 foot tall tree we have. and there was a lttle solar powered light next to it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 18, 2004
im 18 and can drive good and can probably drive better than most "mature" men

reason being is that i took this crazy driving classs where we learned all these techniques and **** like how to countersteer when you are basicaly on ice and how to get out of a skid and how to properly swerve and all sorts of ****.

i have used these in real life so i can actualy do them daily driving

anyways, maybe they should have better driving classes that are required other than just teh basics on how to drive

my .0235 cents


Turbo Monkey
Nov 18, 2004
oh yea, those damn kids need to learn not to drive so damn fast

and ive seen my share of ****ty middle aged men driving

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
captainpolution said:
im 18 and can drive good and can probably drive better than most "mature" men

reason being is that i took this crazy driving classs where we learned all these techniques and **** like how to countersteer when you are basicaly on ice and how to get out of a skid and how to properly swerve and all sorts of ****.

i have used these in real life so i can actualy do them daily driving

anyways, maybe they should have better driving classes that are required other than just teh basics on how to drive

my .0235 cents
my parents are making me take that course. it sounds like fun. i just can't wait until it snows an inch or two so i can go practice in one of the huge parking lots near my house.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
What shocks me is that you can't get your learners permit in CA until you are 15 and a half. So you have six months of supervised driving before you get turned loose. That's scary.

I had driven for two years with my parents before I got my license. That experience helped a lot...and I still did stupid stuff when I was 16 and 17. Move the age to 18, and require that people have learner's permits for a year before they get the real one. But, like drunk driving and running over cyclists, nothing will change unless our culture does. I'm not hopeful.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
captainpolution said:
im 18 and can drive good and can probably drive better than most "mature" men

reason being is that i took this crazy driving classs where we learned all these techniques and **** like how to countersteer when you are basicaly on ice and how to get out of a skid and how to properly swerve and all sorts of ****.

i have used these in real life so i can actualy do them daily driving

anyways, maybe they should have better driving classes that are required other than just teh basics on how to drive

my .0235 cents
I had to do something similar as well, and am glad I did. Knowing how to counter steer without oversteering is great when doing donuts in the snow. :p ;)

I think that there's definitely a difference between learning practical things like that in a set up environment and being able to know how to do them in the real world. That is to say having things like that as second hand nature when they're needed and you don't have time to think. That probably just comes with experience and not just being taught it.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
captainpolution said:
im 18 and can drive good and can probably drive better than most "mature" men

reason being is that i took this crazy driving classs where we learned all these techniques and **** like how to countersteer when you are basicaly on ice and how to get out of a skid and how to properly swerve and all sorts of ****.

i have used these in real life so i can actualy do them daily driving

anyways, maybe they should have better driving classes that are required other than just teh basics on how to drive

my .0235 cents

I taught myself that whilst driving on gravel roads and driving in the snow. It's not that hard, you just have to know your limits
it shouldnt necessarily be 16 or 18 (even though i agree 18 would be better) but i think it should just be a hell of a lot harder to get a license in the first place. look at europe. now i dont know actual numbers but you are required to go to driving school before you can even get your licencse. plus it is very expensive to get your license. in the realm of hundreds of dollars. and that is for the test. not the instruction. you faill the test....time for more hundreds. this way it makes it a serious proposition to get a license and you want to make sure as all hell you knwo what you are doing. none of this 25 questions and 15 minutes around the block. make it like a CDL. 150 questions, and 2 hours behind the wheel in all sorts of circumstances.


Apr 24, 2005
I think there are too many contributing factors to the individual. But i do agree that the age to drive should be higher, although i have had my license for just about 3 years with no incidents along with all my friends.
I think the worst drivers are those over confident kids who have had their license for a few months.
When you first get your license you have the rules of the road drilled into your head and are more cautious IMO because there isnt an adult there telling you its okay to go.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Another thing we need to stop doing is putting powerful cars in kids' hands.

In my hometown just last month a pair of girls were killed when their BMW 5 series slid and spun into the other lane, was broadsided by a van, and went off the road into a tree. Driver killed instantly, passenger removed from life support the day after christmas. They were going WAY over the speed limit in icy conditions with a car that had way too much power for them to handle.

Kids will be stupid, there's no two ways about it.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
wingman24 said:
I cant believe you just admited that you where a boy scout even after you got your drivers license:blah:

Piss off. I'm a lot better off for it. It has afforded me many opportunites in my life, given me strength of character, confidence, leadership abilities, etc., etc., etc.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
wingman24 said:
I cant believe you just admited that you where a boy scout even after you got your drivers license:blah:
Of all the people I know the ones that I trust the most who I feel are nicer, more honorable people are all boy scouts. Two are eagle scouts. The most wonderful women I have ever met were girl scouts when they were young, including Mrs. Ciaran. Scouting is a great thing. Kids driving is not.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
AirAddict said:
Most of the teenage accidents are because of drivers being inexperienced, not because they're being reckless.
teenage girls, probably. teenage boys, no.

AirAddict said:
Yes, i'm a 16 year old driver
AirAddict said:
Most of my friends have not gotten in a wreck yet, and they've had their license for a few years now.
so your friends are out of high school, or just were held back for a year or two?

AirAddict said:
Some people just NEED to drive. Parents can't really drive them everywhere they need to be.
do buses actually still exist? or does every junior or senior drive themselves to school w/ their own car now?

AirAddict said:
Guys are reckless sometimes, but i'd rather drive with some of my friends who drive really fast sometimes, than girls driving under the speed limit. I just trust their skills more. Girls and guys are at equal risk.
when these guys are driving fast, are they and the passengers wearing seatbelts?