
I have said this for years


May 5, 2004
Woodland Park Colorado
AirAddict said:
...... Guys are reckless sometimes, but i'd rather drive with some of my friends who drive really fast sometimes, than girls driving under the speed limit. I just trust their skills more. Girls and guys are at equal risk......

As the father of a teenage female driver I can attest that the insurance companies find teen-age male drivers to be a far greater insurance risk then female teen-age drivers...


Oct 3, 2005
SkaredShtles said:
Teenage boys are legends in their own minds, what with their mad skillz and all. :rolleyes:
I think that applies to most drivers, even people who have been driving for years and years.

Most people think they're above average drivers despite the fact that most people's driving experience is limited to just their experience tootling around on public streets.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
the funny thing is, im 16 and i agree that we should not be allowed to get our licenses. or at least it should be much more difficult and you should have your permit for a year or even 2. with me it took me crashing my pathfinder to realize how dangerous cars can be. its something alot of kids dont understand. cars will kill you. theyre not toys, you shouldnt see how much air you can get over streets and such. when i was in an accident, it made me think. "wow those two other people in here could have easily been killed" luckily they walked away unharmed and i only had a fat lip.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
How about this? Every kid should be issued a BigWheel at age, say I don't know, three and a bike by age 5. No video games. Not only will kids have a better working knowledge of the laws of physics and be able to drive when they turn 16, we'll solve the obesity epidemic as well.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
SkaredShtles said:
Teenage boys are legends in their own minds, what with their mad skillz and all. :rolleyes:
that statement is definitely a generalization. my friends and i are good drivers and are actually careful on the roads. i would like to see some statistics about how many teenage boys actually get into serious accidents within 2 years of getting their license. i think that there are just so many stupid kids out on the road that everyone likes to make assumptions about every teenager.
edit: oh yeah, and ive got some good proof about how adults are just as bad if not worse than teenagers sometimes. i was driving through downtown andover and i see this cop pull out into the road, but he did not make sure that the 2nd lane of traffic that he had to cross was clear. so he almost causes an accident there and he is stopped in the road so i proceed to go seeing as how i was just about right next to this whole ordeal. the cop, without even looking, pulls out into my lane, almost hits me, and cuts me off. i was so tempted to just blare on the horn at him but since its a cop and it was right next to the station i thought better of it.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
gnurider1080 said:
that statement is definitely a generalization. my friends and i are good drivers and are actually careful on the roads. i would like to see some statistics about how many teenage boys actually get into serious accidents within 2 years of getting their license.
You don't want to see the stats. It doesn't help your arguement.

I got my permit at 16, and I've been driving for 12 years with no accidents. I've never been pulled over.

You know what that makes me? An exception, not the rule.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
Silver said:
You don't want to see the stats. It doesn't help your arguement.
im just curious. but i would also like to see stats from area to area. so instead of one large thing that covers the entire US, i would like to see some detailed statistics from each state.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Im not reading all the way through this thread, so if someone made this point already, then sorry, but here goes:

Why is it that age discrimination is acceptable in this case? Are not geriatric drivers even more dangerous than teenagers? They have MORE experience, but deteriorating reflexes. How is it that you suppose these young drivers get the experience? When you're 18 are you suddenly capable of driving better?
If the stats showed that mexicans cause more crashes than whites, would you all be for disallowing mexican drivers?
Im just wondering how far you all are willing to take this.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
beestiboy said:
Where Clark or Elliott? Did both many times when at PHS.

Bwhahahahaha.....Elliott bump for life.

I think I must of been going 70 when I hit it....

I can't say I have ever gotten air off clark though.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
lovebunny said:
theyre not toys, you shouldnt see how much air you can get over streets and such. .

Quit being such a girl.

SkaredShtles said:
Teenage boys are legends in their own minds, what with their mad skillz and all. :rolleyes:

I am a legend in everyone's mind, thankyouverymuch.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 18, 2002
Orange County
gnurider1080 said:
that statement is definitely a generalization. my friends and i are good drivers and are actually careful on the roads. i would like to see some statistics about how many teenage boys actually get into serious accidents within 2 years of getting their license. i think that there are just so many stupid kids out on the road that everyone likes to make assumptions about every teenager.
edit: oh yeah, and ive got some good proof about how adults are just as bad if not worse than teenagers sometimes. i was driving through downtown andover and i see this cop pull out into the road, but he did not make sure that the 2nd lane of traffic that he had to cross was clear. so he almost causes an accident there and he is stopped in the road so i proceed to go seeing as how i was just about right next to this whole ordeal. the cop, without even looking, pulls out into my lane, almost hits me, and cuts me off. i was so tempted to just blare on the horn at him but since its a cop and it was right next to the station i thought better of it.
You know, there was some traffic school (Oh my GOD, I've gone to traffic school, someone take my license) stat where around 80% of the population think they are above average drivers. I can assure you, if you think you are, you probably aren't.

As for getting air on the street, it's just irresponsible. If you want to jump (which I recommend against) go to the dirt where there's no one else around.


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
It's tough. I think it is a mixture of maturity and experience. They should give a permit license at 16 and require much more strict driving tests, including how to handle the vehicle on wet roads/ice, etc... then give the FINAL license at 18. That's two years of limited driving and tons of hands-on experience.

Seniors should be tested every year, both written and physical driving. Yank their license if they're dangerous. But we don't because they'd throw a huge stink if it happened. Teens don't have teh kind of political power like the Seniors do.

Myself.... never been in an accident and I'm 32 now. I was driving a 65 Mustang with a 225hp V-8 from the day I got my license at 16. I was the most cautious driver of all my buds, mainly because I wanted to take care of the car. Sure, I chirped the tires off red lights dozens of times, but I was always uber-aware.

My wife wrecked her car a month after getting her license. Her dad wouldn't let her drive until she was 18 after that, and now she appreciates why. Of course, she's had 4 accidents since then, too.

So it's a toss up in my opinion


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
2 months after i got my license (at 16) i had blown a tire from running up on a curb, backed into a tree and had wreck (my fault). it wasn't really until i started paying my own bills that i settled down.

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
amateur said:
You know, there was some traffic school (Oh my GOD, I've gone to traffic school, someone take my license) stat where around 80% of the population think they are above average drivers. I can assure you, if you think you are, you probably aren't.
i never said that we are above-average drivers. i said we are good drivers and hopefully the average american is a good driver. who knows, i may be above-average but i won't really know how good of a driver i really am until ive been driving for a while.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
chicodude said:
I can't say I have ever gotten air off clark though.

This one takes some skill you have to start accelerating on Skyway by that bar (it use to be called the optimo or rocky's but has since changed) and take the corner doing at least 40.....wait your a 16 year old driver

Please dont attempt this one...besides i only ever got the front wheels off the road.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
beestiboy said:
This one takes some skill you have to start accelerating on Skyway by that bar (it use to be called the optimo or rocky's but has since changed) and take the corner doing at least 40.....wait your a 16 year old driver

Please dont attempt this one...besides i only ever got the front wheels off the road.

You know where stifer (sp?) road is?
